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Prof Daniel Oliver (6/2/1830 - 21/12/1916)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Prof Daniel Oliver
Results 1 to 35 of 35
infoCarex canescensDaniel OliverBM
infoCarex dioicaGB, VC68 North Northumberland, AlnwickDaniel Oliver
George Ralph Tate
William Charles Barton5/1850BM
infoCarex maritimaGB, VC68 North Northumberland, Holy IslandDaniel OliverCharles Augustus Wright
Edmund Gilbert Baker
I Wright
infoCarex maritimaGB, VC68 North Northumberland, Holy IslandDaniel OliverArthur Bennett8/1894E
infoCarex maritimaGB, VC68 North Northumberland, Holy IslandDaniel Oliver8/1894BM
infoCephalanthera longifoliaGB, VC66 County Durham, Horden DeneDaniel OliverWilliam Arnold Bromfield
William Jackson Hooker
infoCerastium fontanum subsp. holosteoidesGB, VC66 County Durham, Durham, KepierDaniel OliverAugustin Ley1856BIRM
infoClinopodium ascendensGB, CornwallDaniel Oliver1869K
infoCrepis mollisGB, VC67 South Northumberland, ChesterholmDaniel OliverDaniel Oliver
Harold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoCrepis mollisGB, VC67 South Northumberland, WalwickDaniel Oliver1880K
infoDactylis glomerataGB, VC58 Cheshire, Abney HallRobert McKellarDaniel Oliver
Frederick William Burbridge
infoDigitalis purpureaGB, VC73 Kirkcudbrightshire, New AbbeyDaniel Oliver1881K
infoHabenaria albidaGB, VC66 County Durham, Cronkley BridgeDaniel OliverHerbarium Hookerianum
William Arnold Bromfield
infoHonckenya peploidesGB, VC67 South Northumberland, TynemouthAugustin Ley
Daniel Oliver
infoHordeum marinumGB, VC19 North Essex, Walton on the NazeDaniel Oliver8/1868K
infoKobresia simpliciusculaGB, VC66 County Durham, Cauldron SnoutDaniel OliverDaniel Oliver
Harold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoLamium purpureum var. incisumGB, VC69 Westmorland, DuftonDaniel Oliver9/1896K
infoLinaria repensIE, VCH38 Co. Down, RostrevorDaniel Oliver1871K
infoMentha pulegiumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, MawganDaniel Oliver1869K
infoNajas flexilisIE, VCH16 West Galway, RoundstoneDaniel OliverAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
William Booth Waterfall
infoPlantago coronopusGB, Cornwall, North CornwallDaniel Oliver8/1849K
infoPotentilla fruticosaGB, VC65 North-west Yorkshire, River Tees at Wynch BridgeDaniel Oliver1849BIRM
infoPrimula scoticaGB, VC108 West Sutherland, FarrDaniel OliverWilliam Hillhouse
Charles Cardale Babington
infoRubus plicatusGB, VC39 Staffordshire, GatehamDaniel Oliver7/1881SLBI
infoSaxifraga hirculusGB, VC65 North-west Yorkshire, CotherstoneDaniel OliverDaniel Oliver
Harold Stuart Thompson
infoSaxifraga hirculusGB, VC65 North-west Yorkshire, River BalderDaniel OliverDaniel Oliver
Harold Stuart Thompson
infoScrophularia scorodoniaGB, Cornwall, North CornwallDaniel Oliver7/1869
infoStachys sylvatica x palustris = S. x ambiguaGB, VC69 Westmorland, ApplebyDaniel Oliver9/1886K
infoStachys sylvatica x palustris = S. x ambiguaGB, VC69 Westmorland, DuftonDaniel Oliver8/1887K
infoStachys sylvatica x palustris = S. x ambiguaGB, VC73 Kirkcudbrightshire, GatehouseDaniel Oliver8/1887K
infoThlaspi caerulescensGB, VC67 South Northumberland, River AllenDaniel Oliver
John Storey
Augustin Ley1844
infoThymus praecox subsp. arcticusGB, VC70 Cumberland, Hutton RoofDaniel Oliver9/1891K
infoTofieldia pusillaGB, VC66 County Durham, Cauldron SnoutDaniel OliverDaniel Oliver
Harold Stuart Thompson
infoVeronica chamaedrysGB, VC70 Cumberland, WetheralDaniel Oliver7/1879K
infoVicia orobusGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, Capel CurigDaniel Oliver1870K

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