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Mr Hewett Cottrell Watson (9/5/1804 - 27/7/1881)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Mr Hewett Cottrell Watson
Results 1 to 40 of 682
infoAchillea ptarmicaFR, C, DinanWakefieldHewett Cottrell WatsonMANCH
+Agrostemma githagoGB, VC17 Surrey, North SurreyHewett Cottrell Watson1865BM
infoAgrostis stoloniferaGB, VC17 Surrey, North SurreyHewett Cottrell Watson1865BON
infoAgrostis stolonifera x Polypogon monspeliensis = x Agropogon littoralisGB, VC113 Channel Islands, GuernseyAlexander Osmond BlackCharles Bailey
Hewett Cottrell Watson
John Ray Hardy
infoAjuga pyramidalisGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames Ditton CultivatedBotanical Society of London
Harold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
Hewett Cottrell Watson
infoAlchemilla conjunctaGeorge Stephen West
Hewett Cottrell Watson
John Gilbert Baker
infoAlchemilla conjuncta CultivatedHewett Cottrell WatsonBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
William Hunt Painter
infoAlisma plantago-aquaticaGB, VC17 SurreyHewett Cottrell Watson1865BON
infoAlopecurus aequalisGB, VC17 Surrey, East MoleseyHewett Cottrell WatsonAugustin Ley9/1868BIRM
infoAlopecurus aequalisGB, VC17 Surrey, Whitemoor PondHewett Cottrell WatsonMantua And Montferrat1843BON
infoAlopecurus alpinusGB, VC106 East Ross & Cromarty, Highlands of ScotlandHewett Cottrell WatsonGeorge Stephen WestBIRM
infoAlopecurus geniculatusGB, VC17 SurreyHewett Cottrell Watson1865BON
+Anagallis minimaGB, VC17 Surrey, EsherCharles Bailey
Hewett Cottrell Watson
+Anagallis minimaGB, VC17 Surrey, EsherHewett Cottrell WatsonCharles Bailey
William Lowndes Notcutt
+Anagallis minimaGB, VC17 Surrey, Esher CommonGeorge Henry Kendrick ThwaitesCharles Bailey
Hewett Cottrell Watson
William Lowndes Notcutt
+Anagallis minimaGB, VC17 Surrey, Woking,Brookwood StationHewett Cottrell WatsonAlfred Fryer
Charles Bailey
+Anthemis arvensisGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonCharles Bailey1864MANCH
+Anthemis cotulaGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonCharles Bailey1864MANCH
infoAnthoxanthum aristatum subsp. pueliiGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames Ditton,Weston GreenHewett Cottrell WatsonBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
London Botanical Exchange Club
Robert Large Baker
infoAnthriscus cerefoliumGB, VC17 Surrey, WeybridgeHewett Cottrell Watson
William Hadden Beeby
infoAnthyllis vulnerariaGB, VC17 SurreyHewett Cottrell Watson1866BON
infoApera spica-ventiGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonBotanical Society of London
George Stephen West
infoApera spica-ventiGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonBotanical Society of London
George Stephen West
+Apera spica-ventiGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonCharles Bailey7/1873MANCH
infoApera spica-ventiGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonAugustin Ley1866BIRM
infoApium inundatumGB, VC17 Surrey, EsherHewett Cottrell WatsonAugustin Ley1866BIRM
+Arabis petraeaGB, Scotland ambiguous location,Highlands of ScotlandHewett Cottrell WatsonCharles Bailey
William Lowndes Notcutt
infoAristolochia clematitisGB, VC21 Middlesex, Hampton CourtHewett Cottrell Watson1841BIRM
+Arnoseris minimaGB, VC17 Surrey, Aldershot,AshHewett Cottrell WatsonCharles Bailey1872MANCH
infoArnoseris minimaGB, VC17 Surrey, WeybridgeHewett Cottrell WatsonBotanical Society of London
William Hadden Beeby
Hewett Cottrell Watson
to 1843SLBI
+Arnoseris minimaGB, VC17 Surrey, WeybridgeHewett Cottrell WatsonCharles Bailey1843MANCH
+Arnoseris minimaGB, VC17 Surrey, WeybridgeHewett Cottrell WatsonMANCH
infoArum italicum subsp. neglectum CultivatedHewett Cottrell WatsonAugustin Ley1875BIRM
infoAsplenium trichomanesGB, VC17 Surrey, ChertHewett Cottrell Watson1866BON
+Astragalus alpinusGB, VC90 Angus, Clova MountainsHewett Cottrell Watson30/7/1831MANCH
infoAstragalus alpinusGB, ScotlandHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
Hewett Cottrell Watson
+Astragalus alpinusGB, Scotland ambiguous location,Highlands of ScotlandHewett Cottrell WatsonCharles Bailey1844MANCH
infoAstragalus danicusGB, VC83 Midlothian, Musselburgh LinksHewett Cottrell WatsonBotanical Society of Edinburgh
Botanical Society of London
Harold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
+Astragalus danicusGB, VC86 Stirlingshire, Stirling, Firth of ForthHewett Cottrell WatsonManchester MuseumMANCH
infoAthyrium filix-femina var. incisum CultivatedHewett Cottrell WatsonAugustin Ley1874BIRM

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