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Mr John Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme (1/12/1822 - 31/1/1888)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Mr John Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme
Results 1 to 40 of 1171
infoAcer campestreGB, VC17 Surrey, ClaygateJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme1852BON
infoAchillea maritimaGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Jersey, Saint Ouen's BayJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeAllan Octavian Hume
Edward Francis Linton
infoAcorus calamusGB, VC21 Middlesex, Walton BridgeJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeBotanical Society of London
Harold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
+Agrostemma githagoGB, VC15 East Kent, DealJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme8/1861BM
+Agrostemma githagoGB, VC17 Surrey, GodalmingJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme1852BM
+Agrostemma githagoGB, VC17 Surrey, Headly Lane, SurreyJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme6/1866BM
+Agrostemma githagoGB, VC83 Midlothian, Fushie Bridge, EdinburghJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme1848BM
+Agrostemma githagoGB, VC91 Kincardineshire, KingcausieJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme10/8/1847BM
infoAgrostis caninaGB, VC85 Fifeshire, Balmuto,Pirniss WoodJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeAugustin Ley1/7/1871BIRM
infoAgrostis capillarisGB, VC92 South Aberdeenshire, Glen CallaterJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeBotanical Society of London
Charles Ottley Groom
John Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme
infoAgrostis giganteaGB, VC85 Fifeshire, BalmutoJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeABS
infoAgrostis giganteaGB, VC91 Kincardineshire, MaryculterJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles9/1882ABS
infoAgrostis giganteaGB, VC91 Kincardineshire, MaryculterJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeAugustin Ley9/1882BIRM
infoAgrostis stoloniferaGB, VC85 Fifeshire, BalmutoJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
infoAgrostis stoloniferaGB, VC91 KincardineshireJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeLondon Botanical Exchange Club
Robert Large Baker
infoAgrostis stolonifera x Polypogon monspeliensis = x Agropogon littoralisGB, VC16 West Kent, PlumsteadJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeBotanical Society of London
George Stephen West
John Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme
infoAgrostis stolonifera x Polypogon monspeliensis = x Agropogon littoralisGB, VC16 West Kent, PlumsteadJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme7/1853BON
infoAira caryophylleaGB, VC85 Fifeshire, Kinghorn LochJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeAugustin Ley10/1871BIRM
infoAira caryophylleaGB, VC85 Fifeshire, PettycurJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeAugustin Ley10/1871BIRM
infoAira praecoxGB, VC85 Fifeshire, Orrock HillJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme6/1869BON
infoAjuga reptansGB, VC85 Fifeshire, BalmutoJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme6/1876K
infoAllium carinatumGB, VC89 East Perthshire, River TayJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeAugustin Ley7/1870BIRM
infoAllium scorodoprasumGB, VC89 East Perthshire, PerthJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeAugustin Ley7/1870BIRM
+Allium sphaerocephalonGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Jersey,Saint Aubin's BayJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeBotanical Society of London
Charles Bailey
John Ray Hardy
John Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme
infoAllium triquetrumGB, VC113 Channel Islands, GuernseyJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeBotanical Society of London
Harold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoAllium triquetrumGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Vazon Bay, GuernseyJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeBotanical Society of London
Mantua And Montferrat
infoAlopecurus aequalisGB, VC16 West Kent, PlumsteadJohn Gilbert Baker
John Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme
George Stephen West8/1852BIRM
infoAlopecurus myosuroidesGB, VC17 Surrey, ClaygateJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme1867BON
infoAlopecurus pratensisGB, VC14 East Sussex, Lewes
GB, VC15 East Kent, Isle of Sheppey
John Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeBotanical Society of London
Charles Ottley Groom
infoAlopecurus pratensisGB, VC21 Middlesex, HampsteadJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme6/1861BON
infoAlyssum alyssoidesGB, VC85 Fifeshire, BalmutoJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeWilliam Hadden Beeby8/1883SLBI
infoAmmophila arenariaGB, VC83 Midlothian, GrantonJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeGeorge Stephen West7/1868BIRM
infoAnthoxanthum odoratumGB, VC17 Surrey, GoldamingJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme6/1887BON
+Apera spica-ventiGB, VC21 Middlesex, TwickenhamJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeCharles Bailey1867MANCH
infoArabis glabraGB, VC17 Surrey, Moulsey HurstJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeBotanical Society of London
Augustin Ley
John Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme
infoArabis petraeaGB, VC92 South Aberdeenshire, Cairn ToulJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeHarold Stuart Thompson
John Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme
infoArmeria plantagineaGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Jersey, Saint Brelade's BayJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeBotanical Society of London
Harold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
John Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme
infoAsperugo procumbensGB, VC90 Angus, West HavenJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeBotanical Society of London
George Stephen West
John Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme
infoAsplenium ruta-murariaGB, VC85 Fifeshire, BurntislandJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme7/1879BON
infoAsplenium virideGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Breadalbane MountainsJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
John Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme

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Searched in 1.219s