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Rev Henry Peter Reader né Henry Charles Lyon Reader (1850 - 1929)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Rev Henry Peter Reader né Henry Charles Lyon Reader
Results 1 to 40 of 56
infoAnaphalis margaritaceaGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, WoodchesterHenry Peter ReaderWilliam Hunt Painter8/1891ABS
infoAnaphalis margaritaceaGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, WoodchesterHenry Peter ReaderWatson Botanical Exchange Club
William Hunt Painter
infoBrassica rapa subsp. campestrisGB, VC39 Staffordshire, ArmitageHenry Peter ReaderWatson Botanical Exchange Club
Harold Stuart Thompson
infoCallitriche stagnalisGB, VC39 Staffordshire, RugeleyHenry Peter Reader10/1898K
infoCapsella bursa-pastorisGB, VC39 Staffordshire, HawkesyardHenry Peter ReaderAllan Octavian Hume
Edward Shearburn Marshall
infoCarex digitataGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, King's StanleyHenry Peter ReaderEdward Cleminshaw4/1903BIRM
infoCarex paniculata x remota = C. x boenninghausenianaGB, VC10 Isle of Wight, NewchurchJames Henry Augustus SteuartCharles Bailey
Frederick Thompson Mott
James Henry Augustus Steuart
Henry Peter Reader
Thomas Thorp
infoCarex pseudocyperusGB, VC55 Leicestershire, Burbage WoodHenry Peter Reader7/1894ABS
infoCarex rarifloraGB, VC90 Angus, ClovaArthur Humble EvansWatson Botanical Exchange Club
Henry Peter Reader
infoCephalanthera rubraGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, PitchcombeHenry Peter ReaderWatson Botanical Exchange Club
Allan Octavian Hume
Harold Stuart Thompson
infoCephalanthera rubraGB, VC34 West GloucestershireHenry Peter ReaderGeorge Stephen West7/1886BIRM
+Chenopodium glaucumGB, VC21 Middlesex, East FinchleyHenry Peter ReaderCharles Bailey28/8/1894MANCH
infoChenopodium hybridumGB, Gloucestershire, BeckfordHenry Peter Reader8/1895ABS
infoCrepis vesicaria subsp. taraxacifoliaGB, VC55 Leicestershire, Glen ParvaHenry Peter ReaderWatson Botanical Exchange Club
Arthur Reginald Horwood
Augustin Ley
infoCuscuta epithymumGB, VC10 Isle of Wight, VentnorHenry Peter ReaderAlbert Bruce Jackson7/1904K
infoEpilobium montanum x roseum = E. x mutabileGB, VC55 Leicestershire, HinckleyHenry Peter ReaderWilliam Hunt Painter7/1894ABS
infoEuphrasia nemorosaGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, WoodchesterHenry Peter ReaderWilliam Hunt Painter8/1894ABS
infoFraxinus excelsiorGB, VC39 Staffordshire, HawksyardArthur Reginald Horwood
Henry Peter Reader
infoFumaria muralisGB, VC39 Staffordshire, BreretonHenry Peter ReaderHarold Stuart Thompson
Watson Botanical Exchange Club
infoHelleborus foetidusGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, StroudHenry Peter Reader3/1882MANCH
infoHerminium monorchisGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Selsey HillHenry Peter ReaderWatson Botanical Exchange Club
Harold Stuart Thompson
infoHerminium monorchisGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Selsley HillHenry Peter ReaderWatson Botanical Exchange Club7/1903K
infoHordelymus europaeusGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Pen Wood, King's StanleyHenry Peter ReaderWatson Botanical Exchange Club
Harold Stuart Thompson
infoLegousia hybridaGB, VC55 Leicestershire, CottesbachHenry Peter ReaderCharles Bailey
Frederick Thompson Mott
Thomas Thorp
infoLeontodon GB, VC55 Leicestershire, Melton Mowbray
GB, VC55 Leicestershire, Waltham
Henry Peter ReaderDulwich College7/1913SLBI
infoLinaria repensGB, VC55 Leicestershire, ScalfordArthur Reginald Horwood
Henry Peter Reader
Botanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Arthur Reginald Horwood
Augustin Ley
infoLinaria repensGB, VC55 Leicestershire, ScalfordArthur Reginald Horwood
Henry Peter Reader
Arthur Reginald Horwood
Augustin Ley
infoLinaria repensGB, VC55 Leicestershire, ScalfordArthur Reginald Horwood
Henry Peter Reader
Botanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Arthur Reginald Horwood
+Lobaria pulmonariaGB, VC11 South Hampshire, New ForestHenry Peter Reader7/1885NMW
infoLolium multiflorumGB, VC55 Leicestershire, HinckleyHenry Peter ReaderWilliam Hunt Painter7/1894ABS
infoMentha aquaticaGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, WoodchesterHenry Peter ReaderCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society
Watson Botanical Exchange Club
infoMentha aquatica x spicata = M. x piperita var. crispaGB, VC39 Staffordshire, HawkesyardHenry Peter Reader9/1923K
infoMentha arvensisGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, StroudHenry Peter ReaderWilliam Hunt Painter8/1894ABS
infoMentha longifoliaGB, Gloucestershire, StroudS J ColeyHenry Peter Reader
William Hunt Painter
infoMentha suaveolensGB, VC57 Derbyshire, King's NewtonAlbert Bruce Jackson
Henry Peter Reader
T E Routh
J Fraser10/8/1901K
infoMentha x verticillata var. paludosaGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, WoodchesterHenry Peter ReaderWatson Botanical Exchange Club
Albert Bruce Jackson
infoOxytropis campestrisGB, VC90 Angus, ClovaArthur Humble EvansCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society
Henry Peter Reader
+Pilularia globuliferaGB, VC38 Warwickshire, Shrewley PoolHenry Peter Reader1911BIRM
infoPlantago maritimaGB, VC39 Staffordshire, IngestreP P ThorntonHenry Peter Reader8/1923K
infoPoa palustrisGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, SandhurstHenry Peter ReaderWatson Botanical Exchange Club
Arthur Reginald Horwood
Augustin Ley

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