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Daniel Angell Jones (14/7/1861 - 6/10/1936)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Daniel Angell Jones
Results 1 to 38 of 38
infoAlchemilla alpinaGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Ben LawersDaniel Angell JonesWilliam Robert Sherrin8/1909SLBI
infoBlysmus rufusGB, VC59 South Lancashire, SouthportDaniel Angell Jones
William Robert Sherrin
infoCerastium alpinumGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Ben LawersDaniel Angell JonesWilliam Robert Sherrin8/1902SLBI
infoChrysosplenium oppositifoliumGB, VC48 Merionethshire, HarlechDaniel Angell Jones
William Robert Sherrin
William Robert Sherrin4/1903SLBI
infoCuscuta epithymumGB, VC48 Merionethshire, Dyffryn ArdudwyDaniel Angell JonesWilliam Robert Sherrin9/1903SLBI
infoDryas octopetalaGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Creag na CaillichDaniel Angell Jones8/1902SLBI
infoDryopteris aemulaGB, VC48 Merionethshire, GanllwydDaniel Angell Jones
Harold Stuart Thompson
Harold Stuart Thompson28/6/1902BIRM
infoDryopteris aemulaGB, VC48 Merionethshire, GanllwydDaniel Angell Jones
Harold Stuart Thompson
Harold Stuart Thompson28/6/1902BIRM
infoGalium borealeGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Ben LawersDaniel Angell JonesWilliam Robert Sherrin8/1902SLBI
infoGentiana nivalisGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Meall nan TarmachanDaniel Angell Jones8/1902SLBI
infoGentianella amarellaGB, VC59 South Lancashire, SouthportDaniel Angell Jones8/1912SLBI
infoGnaphalium supinumGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Ben LawersDaniel Angell JonesWilliam Hadden Beeby
William Robert Sherrin
infoJuncus acutusGB, VC48 Merionethshire, PensarnDaniel Angell Jones
Dulwich College8/1900SLBI
infoJuncus maritimusGB, VC48 Merionethshire, PensarnDaniel Angell Jones
Dulwich College8/1900SLBI
infoJuncus tenuisGB, VC48 Merionethshire, HarlechDaniel Angell JonesWilliam Robert Sherrin9/1902SLBI
+Lobaria pulmonariaGB, VC48 Merionethshire, CrafnantDaniel Angell Jones10/1922NMW
+Lobaria pulmonariaGB, VC48 Merionethshire, HarlechDaniel Angell Jones23/4/1924NMW
+Lobaria pulmonariaGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, Cwm BychanDaniel Angell Jones18/3/1899NMW
infoMeum athamanticumGB, VC48 Merionethshire, BalaDaniel Angell JonesWilliam Robert SherrinSLBI
infoMinuartia rubellaGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Ben LawersDaniel Angell JonesWilliam Robert Sherrin8/1902SLBI
infoMonotropa hypopitysGB, VC59 South Lancashire, SouthportDaniel Angell Jones
William Robert Sherrin
infoMontia fontanaGB, VC48 Merionethshire, HarlechDaniel Angell Jones
William Robert Sherrin
William Robert Sherrin4/1903SLBI
infoMyosotis alpestrisGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Ben LawersDaniel Angell JonesWilliam Robert Sherrin8/1902SLBI
infoPyrola rotundifoliaGB, VC59 South Lancashire, SouthportDaniel Angell JonesWilliam Robert Sherrin8/1902SLBI
infoRadiola linoidesGB, VC48 Merionethshire, Mochras PointDaniel Angell JonesWilliam Robert Sherrin9/1902SLBI
infoRuppia spiralisGB, VC48 Merionethshire, PensarnDaniel Angell Jones
Dulwich College8/1900SLBI
infoSaxifraga hypnoidesGB, VC48 Merionethshire, Cader IdrisDaniel Angell Jones
L C Horner
William Robert Sherrin4/1903SLBI
infoSaxifraga oppositifoliaGB, VC48 Merionethshire, Cadair IdrisDaniel Angell Jones
William Robert Sherrin
William Robert Sherrin4/1903SLBI
infoSedum albumGB, VC48 Merionethshire, AberdoveyDaniel Angell JonesWilliam Robert Sherrin6/1905SLBI
infoSedum forsterianumGB, VC48 Merionethshire, Cader IdrisDaniel Angell Jones
William Robert Sherrin
infoSedum villosumGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Ben LawersDaniel Angell JonesWilliam Robert Sherrin8/1902SLBI
infoSolidago virgaurea var. cambricaGB, VC48 Merionethshire, Tyn y GroesDaniel Angell Jones
William Robert Sherrin
infoSpiranthes spiralisGB, VC48 Merionethshire, HarlechDaniel Angell JonesWilliam Robert Sherrin9/1902SLBI
infoVaccinium oxycoccosGB, VC48 Merionethshire, HarlechDaniel Angell Jones
William Robert Sherrin
William Robert Sherrin24/7/1923SLBI
infoVaccinium uliginosumGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Ben LawersDaniel Angell JonesWilliam Robert Sherrin8/1902SLBI
infoVeronica fruticansGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Meall nan TarmachanDaniel Angell JonesWilliam Robert Sherrin8/1902SLBI
infoViola carpaticaGB, VC60 West Lancashire, PillingDaniel Angell Jones
James Alfred Wheldon
William Hunt Painter8/1902ABS
infoViola tricolor subsp. tricolorGB, VC60 West Lancashire, PillingDaniel Angell Jones
James Alfred Wheldon
Augustin Ley
James Alfred Wheldon

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