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Edgar John Allard (?1877 - 23/10/1918)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Edgar John Allard
Results 1 to 22 of 22
infoBaldellia ranunculoidesGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Dernford FenEdgar John AllardJohn Innes Horticultural Institute26/6/1906K
infoCallitriche GB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, CombertonEdgar John AllardJohn Innes Horticultural Institute27/5/1906K
infoCallitriche obtusangulaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Lingey FenEdgar John AllardJohn Innes Horticultural Institute19/5/1904K
infoClinopodium ascendensGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, BabrahamEdgar John AllardJohn Innes Horticultural Institute9/1908K
infoDactylis glomerataGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, CambridgeEdgar John Allard3/7/1903K
infoDactylis glomerataGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, CambridgeEdgar John Allard3/7/1903K
infoDactylis glomerataGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Coe FenEdgar John Allard6/1900K
infoDigitalis purpureaGB, Kent, MaidstoneEdgar John AllardJohn Innes Horticultural Institute12/8/1902K
infoMentha aquaticaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, FoxtonEdgar John Allard17/8/1907K
+Muscari neglectumGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Cambridge,Cherry HintonEdgar John AllardWatson Botanical Exchange Club
Charles Bailey
infoOenanthe fistulosaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Coe FenEdgar John Allard2/7/1902K
infoPhalaris arundinaceaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Coe FenEdgar John Allard30/8/1903K
infoRanunculus arvensisGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, DullinghamEdgar John Allard24/6/1905K
infoStellaria palustrisGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Lingey FenEdgar John Allard19/4/1904K
infoTeucrium scorodoniaGB, Kent, MaidstoneEdgar John Allard9/8/1902K
infoVeronica arvensisGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Dernford FenEdgar John Allard23/6/1906K
infoVeronica beccabungaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Cambridge, Coe FenEdgar John Allard6/1902K
infoVeronica chamaedrysGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, StaplefordEdgar John Allard5/1902K
infoVeronica hederifoliaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, CambridgeEdgar John Allard2/6/1904K
infoVeronica officinalisGB, VC15 East Kent, MaidstoneEdgar John Allard10/8/1902K
infoVeronica persicaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, CambridgeEdgar John Allard2/6/1904K
infoVeronica serpyllifoliaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, CambridgeEdgar John Allard20/6/1902K

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