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James D Ray

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by James D Ray
Results 1 to 13 of 13
infoIpomoea cordatotrilobaUS, FL, Hernando CountyGeorge R Cooley
James D Ray
Richard J Eaton
infoIresine celosiaUS, FL, Hernando County, BrooksvilleJackie Patman
James D Ray
Olga Lakela
infoLechea sessilifloraUS, FL, Hernando County, BrooksvilleJames D Ray3/9/1959FSU
infoCuscuta glandulosaUS, FL, Citrus County, ChassahowitzkaGeorge R Cooley
James D Ray
Richard J Eaton
infoSuaeda maritimaUS, FL, Hillsborough County, Double Branch BayJames D Ray
Olga Lakela
infoChamaesyce mesembryanthemifoliaUS, FL, Volusia County, New SmyrnaJames D RayRobert K Godfrey27/4/1961FSU
infoEuphorbia polyphyllaUS, FL, Seminole County, OviedoC.E. Smith
Carroll E Wood
James D Ray
Richard J Eaton
infoConocarpus erectusUS, FL, Pasco County, Port RicheyJackie Patman
James D Ray
Olga Lakela
infoLaguncularia racemosaUS, FL, Pasco County, Port RicheyJames D RayFlorida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium8/12/1960FSU
infoAcalypha gracilensUS, FL, Hillsborough County, TampaJackie Patman
James D Ray
Olga Lakela
Illinois Natural History Survey (ILLS)24/8/1960FSU
infoHeliotropium curassavicumUS, FL, Hillsborough County, TampaJackie Patman
James D Ray
Olga Lakela
infoChamaesyce blodgettiiUS, FL, Volusia County, Turtle MoundC.E. Smith
Carroll E Wood
James D Ray
Richard J Eaton
infoPoinsettia cyathophoraUS, FL, Volusia County, Turtle MoundC.E. Smith
Carroll E Wood
James D Ray
Richard J Eaton

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Herbaria specimen data is the property of its contributing organisation. Please contact that organisation directly for information concerning conditions of use, copyright or any other enquiry.

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