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Joseph Woods (1776 - 1864)

Search results

Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Joseph Woods
Results 1 to 40 of 1345
infoAcanthus mollisGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Saint Agnes, ScillyJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoAcer pseudoplatanusGB, VC14 East Sussex, Barcombe MillsJoseph WoodsFrederick Townsend18/5/1845SLBI
infoAchillea distans subsp. tanacetifoliaGB, VC13 West Sussex, HenfieldJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoAchillea ptarmicaGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesJoseph WoodsFrederick Townsend1845SLBI
infoAdoxa moschatellinaGB, VC14 East Sussex, BarcombeJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoAethusa cynapiumGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoAgrimonia eupatoriaGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoAgrimonia proceraGB, VC14 East Sussex, BalcombeJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoAgrostemma githagoGB, VC12 North Hampshire, SteepJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
Joseph Woods
infoAgrostemma githagoGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
Joseph Woods
infoAgrostis stolonifera x Polypogon monspeliensis = x Agropogon littoralisGB, VC11 South Hampshire, Portsea IslandJoseph WoodsAugustin Ley
Frederick Townsend
infoAjuga reptansGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesJoseph WoodsFrederick Townsend16/6/1852SLBI
infoAlchemilla glabraGB, VC14 East Sussex, MaresfieldJoseph WoodsFrederick Townsend14/7/1837SLBI
infoAlisma lanceolatumGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoAlisma lanceolatumGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoAlisma plantago-aquaticaGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesJoseph WoodsFrederick Townsend16/7/1852SLBI
infoAlthaea hirsutaGB, VC16 West Kent, CobhamJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoAlthaea officinalisGB, VC15 East Kent, SandwichJoseph WoodsFrederick Townsend8/1820SLBI
infoAnacamptis pyramidalisGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesJoseph WoodsFrederick Townsend14/7/1845SLBI
infoAnagallis arvensisGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesJoseph WoodsFrederick Townsend19/7/1852SLBI
infoAnagallis arvensis subsp. foeminaGB, VC17 Surrey, Box HillJoseph WoodsFrederick Townsend4/9/1849SLBI
infoAndromeda polifoliaGB, VC6 North Somerset, GlastonburyJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoAnemone nemorosaGB, VC14 East Sussex, BarcombeJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoAnemone nemorosaGB, VC14 East Sussex, MaresfieldJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoAnemone nemorosaGB, VC16 West Kent, Tunbridge WellsJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoAnemone nemorosaGB, VC16 West Kent, Tunbridge WellsJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoAnthemis arvensisGB, VC16 West Kent, BrastedJoseph WoodsFrederick Townsend15/6/1837SLBI
infoAnthriscus caucalisGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoAnthriscus sylvestrisGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoAnthyllis vulnerariaGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesJoseph WoodsFrederick Townsend30/6/1845SLBI
infoAphanes arvensisGB, VC69 Westmorland, KendalJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoAphanes arvensisGB, VC69 Westmorland, KendalJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoApium graveolensGB, VC3 South Devon, ChudleighJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume16/9/1843SLBI
infoApium graveolensGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoApium graveolensGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesJoseph WoodsFrederick TownsendSLBI
infoApium inundatumFR, Morbihan, Bretagne, CarnacJoseph WoodsFrederick Townsend9/6/1836SLBI
infoApium nodiflorumGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoApium nodiflorumGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoApium repensGB, VC9 Dorset, SwanageJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoArabis hirsutaFR, Mont CenisJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend

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