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Mary Ann Brooks M A B (1822 - 1848)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Mary Ann Brooks M A B
Results 1 to 40 of 334
infoAcer campestreGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoAcer pseudoplatanusGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksGeorge Stephen WestBIRM
infoAchillea millefoliumMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoAchillea ptarmicaGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoAcorus calamusGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoAdoxa moschatellinaGB, VC20 HertfordshireMary Ann BrooksGeorge Stephen WestBIRM
infoAegopodium podagrariaGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoAjuga reptansMary Ann BrooksMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoAlliaria petiolataGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoAllium ursinumGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoAnagallis arvensisGB, VC20 Hertfordshire, WoodsideMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoAnagallis arvensisGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoAnchusa arvensisGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoAnemone nemorosaGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann Brooks1848BIRM
infoAngelica archangelicaGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoAntennaria dioicaGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, Barton HillsMary Ann BrooksMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoAnthriscus caucalisGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoAnthriscus sylvestrisGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoArabidopsis thalianaMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoArabis glabraMary Ann BrooksMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoArabis hirsutaGB, VC57 Derbyshire, MatlockMary Ann BrooksMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoArctium minusGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoArctostaphylos uva-ursiGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, Flitwick CultivatedMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoAristolochia clematitis CultivatedMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoArmeria maritimaGB, VC58 Cheshire, Bidston MossJohn AnsellMary Ann Brooks1843BIRM
infoArtemisia vulgarisGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, AmpthillMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoAsperula cynanchicaGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, Dunstable DownsMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoAsperula odorataGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoAsplenium trichomanesGB, VC20 Hertfordshire, WoodsideMary Ann BrooksMary Ann Brooks2/1842BIRM
infoBarbarea vulgarisGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoBellis perennisGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoBetula albaGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoBidens cernuaMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoBidens tripartitaGB, VC17,VC21, WhittonMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoBlackstonia perfoliataMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoBorago officinalisGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoBrassica rapaGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoBrassica rapa subsp. campestrisMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoBryonia dioicaGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoBupleurum rotundifoliumGB, VC20 HertfordshireMary Ann BrooksBIRM

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