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Mary McCallum Webster (31/12/1906 - 7/11/1985)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Mary McCallum Webster
Results 1 to 40 of 292
infoCarex ovalisGB, VC96 East Inverness-shire, DrumnadrochitAlfred James Wilmott
Mary McCallum Webster
infoCarex remotaGB, VC96 East Inverness-shire, DrumnadrochitAlfred James Wilmott
Mary McCallum Webster
infoTorilis arvensisGB, VC12 North HampshireMary McCallum WebsterK
infoPotamogeton polygonifoliusGB, VC96 East Inverness-shire, DalwhinnieMary McCallum Webster20/7/1923E
infoCarex canescensGB, VC108 West Sutherland, Sandwood LochMary McCallum Webster1948BM
infoCarex echinataGB, VC108 West Sutherland, KinlochbervieMary McCallum Webster1948BM
infoCarex paniculataGB, VC108 West Sutherland, Sandwood LochMary McCallum Webster1948BM
infoHabenaria albidaGB, VC108 West Sutherland, KinlochbervieMary McCallum Webster10/6/1948K
infoHabenaria virideGB, VC108 West Sutherland, KinlochbervieMary McCallum Webster26/6/1948K
infoCarex canescensGB, VC108 West Sutherland, Sandwood LochMary McCallum Webster1/7/1948BM
infoCarex paniculataGB, VC108 West Sutherland, Sandwood LochMary McCallum Webster1/7/1948BM
infoCarex arenariaGB, VC95 Moray, ForresMary McCallum Webster8/6/1950BM
infoMentha arvensis x aquatica = M. x verticillataGB, VC94 Banffshire, DufftownMary McCallum Webster26/8/1952K
infoMentha arvensis x aquatica = M. x verticillataGB, VC96 East Inverness-shire, Loch LoyMary McCallum Webster26/8/1952K
infoCarex elongataGB, VC17 Surrey, RipleyMary McCallum Webster6/5/1953E
infoCarex pseudocyperusGB, VC95 Moray, ForresMary McCallum Webster18/6/1953E
infoCarex distichaGB, VC95 Moray, Grantown on SpeyMary McCallum Webster26/7/1953E
infoCarex distichaGB, VC15 East Kent, DungenessMary McCallum Webster7/6/1954E
infoCarex laevigataGB, VC95 Moray, Greshop WoodMary McCallum Webster17/6/1954E
infoCarex divisaGB, VC15 East Kent, SheppeyMary McCallum Webster21/6/1954E
infoCarex spicataGB, VC15 East Kent, DungenessMary McCallum Webster25/6/1954E
infoCarex leporinaGB, VC9 Dorset, ArneMary McCallum Webster20/8/1954E
infoLamium maculatumGB, VC95 Moray, DalveyMary McCallum Webster31/5/1956K
infoLamium maculatumGB, VC95 Moray, ForresMary McCallum Webster31/5/1956K
infoPotamogeton natansGB, VC95 Moray, Darnaway CastleMary McCallum Webster17/6/1956E
infoPotamogeton natansGB, VC95 Moray, LossiemouthMary McCallum Webster21/6/1956E
infoCarex spicataGB, VC41 Glamorganshire, KenfigMary McCallum Webster24/6/1956E
infoPotamogeton gramineusGB, VC109 Caithness, Loch WattenMary McCallum Webster1/7/1956E
infoCarex muricataGB, VC45 Pembrokeshire, NewportMary McCallum Webster20/7/1956E
infoPotamogeton lucensGB, VC27 East Norfolk, Potter HeighamMary McCallum Webster26/7/1956E
infoCarex divulsaGB, VC11 South Hampshire, SombourneMary McCallum Webster25/5/1957E
infoCarex binervisGB, VC104 North Ebudes, Island of RaasayMary McCallum Webster27/6/1957E
infoCarex laevigataGB, VC104 North Ebudes, Island of RaasayMary McCallum Webster27/6/1957E
infoMentha spicataGB, VC95 Moray, MoyMary McCallum Webster5/8/1957K
infoMentha suaveolensIE, VCH12 Co. Wexford, Wilton CastleMary McCallum Webster5/8/1957K
infoMentha arvensisGB, VC62 North-east YorkshireMary McCallum Webster19/8/1957K
infoMentha spicata x suaveolens = M. x villosaGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Jersey, Mourier ValleyMary McCallum Webster21/8/1957K
infoMentha spicataGB, VC113 Channel Islands, JerseyMary McCallum Webster26/8/1957K
infoMentha spicataGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Jersey, Saint PetersMary McCallum Webster26/8/1957K
infoMentha suaveolensGB, VC113 Channel Islands, JerseyMary McCallum Webster26/8/1957K

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Searched in 2.951s