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Mary McCallum Webster (31/12/1906 - 7/11/1985)

Search results

Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Mary McCallum Webster from Great Britain and Ireland
Results 81 to 120 of 292
infoTriglochin palustrisGB, VC95 Moray, Draken MyresAlan James Souter
Mary McCallum Webster
infoCarex dioicaGB, VC95 Moray, DrakenmyresAlan James Souter
Mary McCallum Webster
infoPotamogeton lucens x gramineus = P. x angustifoliusGB, VC95 Moray, DuthilMary McCallum Webster3/8/1973E
infoPotamogeton polygonifoliusGB, VC95 Moray, DuthilMary McCallum Webster3/8/1973E
infoAlisma plantago-aquaticaGB, VC95 Moray, DykeMary McCallum Webster24/8/1976E
infoCarex flaccaGB, VC12 North Hampshire, Blackmoor
GB, VC95 Moray, Dyke Cultivated
Mary McCallum Webster21/6/1966E
infoFestuca arundinaceaGB, VC95 Moray, DykeMary McCallum Webster24/8/1968K
infoButomus umbellatusGB, VC95 Moray, ElginMary McCallum Webster4/7/1966E
infoMentha arvensis x aquatica = M. x verticillataGB, VC95 Moray, ElginMary McCallum Webster13/8/1960K
infoMentha suaveolens x longifolia = M. x rotundifolia var. webberiGB, VC95 Moray, ElginMary McCallum Webster13/8/1960K
infoPotamogeton natansGB, VC95 Moray, ElginMary McCallum Webster13/9/1972E
infoPotamogeton natansGB, VC95 Moray, ElginMary McCallum Webster18/9/1972E
infoAtriplex littoralis x patulaGB, VC95 Moray, FindhornMary McCallum Webster
Pierre M Taschereau
+Atriplex littoralis x patulaGB, VC95 Moray, FindhornMary McCallum Webster
Pierre M Taschereau
Pierre M Taschereau10/9/1978MANCH
infoTaraxacum haworthianumGB, VC95 Moray, FindhornMary McCallum Webster14/5/1972E
infoTaraxacum haworthianumGB, VC95 Moray, FindhornMary McCallum Webster14/5/1972E
infoCallitriche stagnalisGB, VC95 Moray, ForresMary McCallum Webster3/7/1961K
infoCarex arenariaGB, VC95 Moray, ForresMary McCallum Webster8/6/1950BM
infoCarex paniculataGB, VC95 Moray, ForresMary McCallum Webster30/6/1961BM
infoCarex paniculataGB, VC95 Moray, ForresMary McCallum Webster30/6/1961E
infoCarex pseudocyperusGB, VC95 Moray, ForresMary McCallum Webster18/6/1953E
infoCarex pseudocyperusGB, VC95 Moray, ForresMary McCallum Webster30/6/1961E
infoChaenorhinum minusGB, VC95 Moray, ForresMary McCallum Webster6/7/1961K
infoHypochaeris glabraGB, VC95 Moray, ForresMary McCallum Webster17/8/1958K
infoLamium maculatumGB, VC95 Moray, ForresMary McCallum Webster31/5/1956K
infoMentha spicataGB, VC95 Moray, ForresMary McCallum Webster1/9/1963K
infoCarex paniculataGB, VC95 Moray, GarmouthMary McCallum Webster10/5/1973E
infoCarex vesicariaGB, VC95 Moray, GrantownMary McCallum Webster7/7/1971E
infoCarex distichaGB, VC95 Moray, Grantown on SpeyMary McCallum Webster26/7/1953E
infoCarex laevigataGB, VC95 Moray, Greshop WoodMary McCallum Webster17/6/1954E
infoCarex ripariaGB, VC95 Moray, KellasMary McCallum Webster10/7/1973E
infoMentha arvensis x aquatica = M. x verticillataGB, VC95 Moray, kingstonMary McCallum Webster18/8/1964CGE
infoMentha arvensis x spicata = M. x gracilisGB, VC95 Moray, kingstonMary McCallum Webster18/8/1964CGE
infoGaleopsis tetrahitGB, VC95 Moray, KintessackMary McCallum Webster30/7/1960K
infoElodea canadensisGB, VC95 Moray, LhanbrydeMary McCallum Webster13/9/1972E
infoPotamogeton gramineusGB, VC95 Moray, Loch an t'SidhienMary McCallum Webster25/8/1973E
infoPotamogeton natansGB, VC95 Moray, Loch an t'SidhienMary McCallum Webster20/8/1973E
infoPotamogeton gramineusGB, VC95 Moray, Loch na BoMary McCallum Webster13/9/1972E
infoPotamogeton gramineusGB, VC95 Moray, Loch na BoMary McCallum Webster13/9/1972E
infoCarex diandraGB, VC95 Moray, Loch SpymieMary McCallum Webster10/6/1977E

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Searched in 1.046s