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Mr D R Jones

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Mr D R Jones
Results 1 to 31 of 31
infoButomus umbellatusGB, VC57 Derbyshire, BretbyD R JonesRepton School HerbariumMANCH
infoClematis vitalbaGB, VC57 Derbyshire, TideswellD R Jones5/8/1842MANCH
+Saxifraga hypnoidesD R JonesRepton School Herbarium22/6/1843MANCH
+Melampyrum sylvaticumGB, VC70 Cumberland, HonisterD R Jones28/6/1843MANCH
+Dianthus deltoidesGB, VC26 West Suffolk, TuddenhamD R JonesRepton School Herbarium16/7/1843MANCH
infoRanunculus bulbosusGB, VC57 Derbyshire, Parson's HillsD R Jones5/1941MANCH
infoAlisma plantago-aquaticaGB, VC57 Derbyshire, BretbyD R JonesRepton School Herbarium17/7/1942MANCH
infoAchillea millefoliumGB, VC57 Derbyshire, ReptonD R JonesRepton School Herbarium18/7/1942MANCH
infoCampanula tracheliumGB, VC17 Surrey, Reigate HeathD R JonesRepton School Herbarium15/8/1942MANCH
infoEpipactis purpurata x helleborine = E. x schulzeiGB, VC17 Surrey, Reigate HillD R JonesRepton School Herbarium16/8/1942MANCH
infoHelleborus viridisGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Kingston WoodD R Jones20/2/1943MANCH
+Arabis glabraGB, VC14 East Sussex, South DownsD R JonesRepton School Herbarium
T R Steele
+Hymenophyllum wilsoniiGB, VC46 Cardiganshire, Devil's BridgeD R JonesRepton School Herbarium10/4/1943MANCH
infoAnemone nemorosaGB, VC17 Surrey, EarlswoodD R Jones18/4/1943MANCH
infoAnemone nemorosaGB, VC17 Surrey, EarlswoodD R Jones18/4/1943MANCH
infoAnemone nemorosaGB, VC17 Surrey, EarlswoodD R Jones18/4/1943MANCH
infoOrchis masculaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Hayley WoodD R JonesRepton School Herbarium24/4/1943MANCH
infoOrchis masculaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Hayley WoodD R JonesRepton School Herbarium24/4/1943MANCH
+Primula elatiorGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, HayleyD R JonesRepton School Herbarium24/4/1943MANCH
+Primula elatiorGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, HayleyD R JonesRepton School Herbarium24/4/1943MANCH
+Scandix pecten-venerisGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, GrantchesterD R JonesRepton School Herbarium3/5/1943MANCH
+Astragalus danicusGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, BreeklandD R JonesRepton School Herbarium15/5/1943MANCH
infoOrchis masculaGB, VC69 Westmorland, High StreetD R JonesRepton School Herbarium22/6/1943MANCH
+Habenaria albidaGB, VC70 CumberlandD R JonesRepton School Herbarium25/6/1943MANCH
+Habenaria bifoliaGB, VC69 Westmorland, Duddon ValleyD R JonesRepton School Herbarium1/7/1943MANCH
+Euphorbia exsertaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Gog Magog HillsD R JonesRepton School Herbarium9/7/1943MANCH
+Nepeta catariaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Gog Magog HillsD R JonesRepton School Herbarium9/7/1943MANCH
+Onobrychis viciifoliaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Cambridge CultivatedD R JonesRepton School Herbarium9/7/1943MANCH
+Cuscuta epithymumGB, VC26 West Suffolk, Tuddenham heathD R JonesRepton School Herbarium16/7/1943MANCH
+Cuscuta epithymumGB, VC26 West Suffolk, Tuddenham heathD R JonesRepton School Herbarium16/7/1943MANCH
+Potentilla argenteaGB, VC26 West Suffolk, Tuddenham heathD R JonesRepton School Herbarium16/7/1943MANCH

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