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Mr George Nicholson (7/12/1847 - 20/9/1908)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Mr George Nicholson from Great Britain and Ireland
Results 41 to 80 of 418
infoGalium verum x mollugo = G. x pomeranicumGB, VC17 Surrey, Box HillGeorge NicholsonWilliam Hillhouse25/7/1880BIRM
infoGalium verum x mollugo = G. x pomeranicumGB, VC17 Surrey, Box HillGeorge NicholsonWilliam Hillhouse25/7/1880BIRM
infoGalium verum x mollugo = G. x pomeranicumGB, VC17 Surrey, Box HillGeorge NicholsonWilliam Hillhouse25/7/1880BIRM
infoGalium x pomeranicumGB, VC17 Surrey, Box HillGeorge NicholsonBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Allan Octavian Hume
infoListera ovataGB, VC17 Surrey, Box HillGeorge NicholsonCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society1883SLBI
infoViola hirtaGB, VC17 Surrey, Box HillGeorge NicholsonWilliam Hadden Beeby7/5/1879SLBI
infoViola hirtaGB, VC17 Surrey, Box HillGeorge NicholsonWilliam Hadden Beeby7/5/1879SLBI
infoViola rivinianaGB, VC17 Surrey, Box HillGeorge NicholsonWilliam Hadden Beeby7/5/1879SLBI
infoCallitriche hamulataGB, VC17 Surrey, Burford BridgeGeorge NicholsonWilliam Hillhouse25/7/1886BIRM
infoValerianella eriocarpaGB, VC17 Surrey, CroydonGeorge NicholsonCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society16/9/1879SLBI
infoAsperula cynanchicaGB, VC17 Surrey, EpsomGeorge NicholsonCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society1883SLBI
infoPhyteuma orbiculareGB, VC17 Surrey, EpsomGeorge NicholsonCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society7/1880SLBI
infoAnagallis tenellaGB, VC17 Surrey, GodalmingGeorge NicholsonCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society8/7/1883SLBI
infoDrosera intermediaGB, VC17 Surrey, GodalmingGeorge NicholsonCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society6/1883SLBI
infoElatine hexandraGB, VC17 Surrey, GodalmingGeorge NicholsonWilliam Hadden Beeby9/1882SLBI
infoEleocharis acicularisGB, VC17 Surrey, GodalmingGeorge NicholsonWilliam Hadden Beeby17/8/1884SLBI
infoErica cinereaGB, VC17 Surrey, GodalmingGeorge NicholsonCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society7/1883SLBI
infoErica tetralixGB, VC17 Surrey, GodalmingGeorge NicholsonCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society7/1883SLBI
infoFallopia dumetorumGB, VC17 Surrey, GodalmingGeorge NicholsonJ Fraser7/1882K
infoUlex minorGB, VC17 Surrey, Godalming
GB, VC17 Surrey, Wimbledon
George NicholsonCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society9/1882SLBI
infoGeranium columbinumGB, VC17 Surrey, GuildfordGeorge Nicholson7/1883SLBI
infoHypericum elodesGB, VC17 Surrey, GuildfordGeorge NicholsonCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society9/1882SLBI
infoScirpus sylvaticusGB, VC17 Surrey, GuildfordGeorge Nicholson7/1883SLBI
infoCeratochloa catharticaGB, VC17 Surrey, HamGeorge NicholsonWilliam Hillhouse21/7/1877BIRM
infoCeratochloa catharticaGB, VC17 Surrey, HamGeorge NicholsonGeorge Stephen West7/1877BIRM
infoFumaria officinalisGB, VC17 Surrey, HamGeorge NicholsonWilliam Hadden Beeby7/1881SLBI
infoPapaver dubiumGB, VC17 Surrey, HamGeorge NicholsonWilliam Hadden Beeby7/1881SLBI
infoLemna gibbaGB, VC17 Surrey, Ham CommonGeorge NicholsonWilliam Hillhouse13/7/1880BIRM
infoOrnithopus perpusillusGB, VC17 Surrey, Ham CommonGeorge NicholsonWilliam Hadden Beeby7/1880SLBI
infoStellaria holosteaGB, VC17 Surrey, Ham CommonGeorge NicholsonCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society28/6/1879SLBI
infoViola hirtaGB, VC17 Surrey, HeadleyGeorge NicholsonWilliam Hadden Beeby7/5/1879SLBI
infoSorbus torminalisGB, VC17 Surrey, HorleyGeorge NicholsonWilliam Hadden Beeby28/5/1881SLBI
infoAegilops ventricosaGB, VC17 Surrey, KewGeorge NicholsonAugustin Ley7/1878BIRM
infoAmaranthus retroflexusGB, VC17 Surrey, KewGeorge NicholsonAugustin Ley9/1878BIRM
infoAnacyclus radiatusGB, VC17 Surrey, KewGeorge NicholsonWilliam Hillhouse8/1878BIRM
infoAnagallis arvensis subsp. foeminaGB, VC17 Surrey, KewGeorge NicholsonWilliam Hadden Beeby7/1881SLBI
infoAnisantha diandraGB, VC17 Surrey, KewGeorge NicholsonWilliam Hillhouse7/1878BIRM
infoAnisantha madritensisGB, VC17 Surrey, Kew CultivatedGeorge NicholsonGeorge Stephen West
William West
infoArctium lappaGB, VC17 Surrey, KewGeorge NicholsonWilliam Hillhouse5/8/1878BIRM
infoArctium lappaGB, VC17 Surrey, KewGeorge NicholsonWilliam Hillhouse5/8/1878BIRM

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