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Mr Thomas Clark (16/12/1793 - 26/5/1864)

Search results

Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Mr Thomas Clark from Great Britain and Ireland
Results 41 to 80 of 863
infoWahlenbergia hederaceaGB, VC4 North Devon, LynmouthIsabella MetfordThomas Clark1852BIRM
infoLilium pyrenaicumGB, VC4 North Devon, South MoltonGeorge MawHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoCampanula tracheliumGB, VC4 North Devon, WatersmeetThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoDryopteris filix-mas aggGB, VC4 North Devon, WatersmeetThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoAthyrium filix-feminaGB, VC5 South Somerset, AlfoxtonThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoDryopteris affinis subsp. borreriGB, VC5 South Somerset, AlfoxtonThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson15/8/1860BIRM
infoDryopteris affinis subsp. borreriGB, VC5 South Somerset, AlfoxtonThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson15/8/1860BIRM
infoDryopteris affinis subsp. borreriGB, VC5 South Somerset, AlfoxtonThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson15/8/1860BIRM
infoDryopteris carthusianaGB, VC5 South Somerset, AlfoxtonThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoDryopteris dilatataGB, VC5 South Somerset, AlfoxtonThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoLuzula pilosaGB, VC5 South Somerset, AlfoxtonThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoPhyllitis scolopendriumGB, VC5 South Somerset, AlfoxtonThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson24/7/1849BIRM
infoPolypodium vulgareGB, VC5 South Somerset, AlfoxtonThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoQuercus petraeaGB, VC5 South Somerset, AlfoxtonThomas Clark30/10/1856BIRM
infoQuercus petraeaGB, VC5 South Somerset, AlfoxtonThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoDryopteris affinis subsp. borreriGB, VC5 South Somerset, Alfoxton GlenThomas ClarkThomas Clark
Harold Stuart Thompson
infoDryopteris dilatataGB, VC5 South Somerset, Alfoxton GlenThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoDryopteris dilatataGB, VC5 South Somerset, Alfoxton GlenThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoApium graveolensGB, VC5 South Somerset, BridgwaterThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoAtriplex patulaGB, VC5 South Somerset, BridgwaterThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson18/10/1855BIRM
infoAtriplex patulaGB, VC5 South Somerset, BridgwaterThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoBerula erectaGB, VC5 South Somerset, BridgwaterThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson25/7/1830BIRM
infoCarex hirtaGB, VC5 South Somerset, BridgwaterThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoCarex pulicarisGB, VC5 South Somerset, Bridgwater CultivatedThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoChenopodium polyspermumGB, VC5 South Somerset, BridgwaterThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoDipsacus fullonumGB, VC5 South Somerset, BridgwaterThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoEpilobium montanumGB, VC5 South Somerset, BridgwaterThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoErysimum cheiriGB, VC5 South Somerset, BridgwaterThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
17/4/1829 to 20/5/1829BIRM
infoEuonymus europaeusGB, VC5 South Somerset, BridgwaterThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoLamium amplexicauleGB, VC5 South Somerset, BridgwaterThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
+Lathyrus palustrisGB, VC5 South Somerset, BridgwaterThomas ClarkCharles Bailey7/1850MANCH
+Lathyrus palustrisGB, VC5 South Somerset, BridgwaterThomas ClarkCharles Bailey3/7/1850MANCH
infoLepidium campestreGB, VC5 South Somerset, BridgwaterThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoLimonium binervosumGB, VC5 South Somerset, Bridgwater CultivatedThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
Charles Edgar Salmon
infoMalus sylvestrisGB, VC5 South Somerset, BridgwaterThomas ClarkAugustin Ley
Harold Stuart Thompson
infoMelissa officinalisGB, VC5 South Somerset, BridgwaterThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoMyosotis secundaGB, VC5 South Somerset, BridgwaterThomas ClarkHarold Stuart ThompsonBIRM
infoOenanthe aquaticaGB, VC5 South Somerset, BridgwaterThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoOenanthe aquaticaGB, VC5 South Somerset, BridgwaterThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson20/6/1830BIRM
infoOenanthe pimpinelloidesGB, VC5 South Somerset, BridgwaterThomas ClarkHarold Stuart Thompson1/7/1854BIRM

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