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Rev William Moyle Rogers (12/7/1835 - 26/5/1920)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Rev William Moyle Rogers from Great Britain and Ireland
Results 81 to 120 of 504
infoRanunculus tripartitusGB, VC4 North Devon, BridgeruleWilliam Moyle RogersBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
infoRanunculus omiophyllus x tripartitus = R. x novae-forestaeGB, VC4 North Devon, Dunsland CrossWilliam Moyle RogersBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
William Hadden Beeby
William Moyle Rogers
infoRubus cariensisGB, VC4 North Devon, Heanton PunchardonWilliam Philip HiernWilliam Moyle Rogers7/8/1892ABS
infoRubus diversusGB, VC4 North Devon, Heanton PunchardonWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter
William Moyle Rogers
infoCarex echinataGB, VC4 North Devon, Hillsford BridgeWilliam Moyle RogersBotanical Record Club29/7/1881BM
infoSpergularia rupicolaGB, VC4 North Devon, IlfracombeWilliam Moyle RogersAugustin Ley
William Moyle Rogers
infoScrophularia scorodoniaGB, VC4 North Devon, Lundy IslandWilliam Moyle RogersThe British Museum29/8/1877E
+Matthiola sinuataGB, VC4 North Devon, Saunton SandsWilliam Moyle RogersCharles Bailey23/8/1877MANCH
infoCarex muricataGB, VC4 North Devon, Zeal MonachorumWilliam Moyle RogersBotanical Locality Record Club30/7/1879BM
+Potentilla argenteaGB, Devon, DevonWilliam Moyle RogersElizabeth Anne Lomax7/1877MANCH
infoRubus rosaceus subsp. rosaceusGB, VC5 South Somerset, Chard CommonWilliam Moyle RogersWilliam Moyle Rogers17/7/1893SHYB
infoRubus nobilissimusGB, VC6 North Somerset, BurtleJames Walter WhiteBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Allan Octavian Hume
William Moyle Rogers
infoCarex acutiformisGB, VC6 North Somerset, MidfordWilliam Moyle RogersBM
infoCarex acutiformisGB, VC6 North Somerset, TickenhamRichard Vowell Sherring
William Moyle Rogers
Richard Vowell Sherring13/6/1911BM
infoLeontodon hispidusGB, VC7 North Wiltshire, CorshamWilliam Moyle RogersBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
William Moyle Rogers
+Centaurea cyanusGB, Wiltshire, WiltshireWilliam Moyle RogersElizabeth Anne Lomax9/1873MANCH
+Papaver argemoneGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, BishopstoneWilliam Moyle RogersElizabeth Anne Lomax1873MANCH
+Cyperus longusGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, BoytonWilliam Moyle Rogers10/1873MANCH
infoRubus bloxamiiGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, DowntonWilliam Moyle RogersWilliam Moyle Rogers30/8/1884SHYB
+Cirsium tuberosumGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, Great Ridge Wood CultivatedW Wheeler
William Moyle Rogers
Elizabeth Anne Lomax7/1875MANCH
infoRubus vestitusGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, Midford hillWilliam Moyle RogersAllan Octavian Hume5/9/1889SLBI
infoFumaria micranthaGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, SalisburyWilliam Moyle Rogers7/1876BIRM
+Cephalanthera damasoniumGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, Salisbury,Harnham WoodWilliam Moyle RogersCharles Bailey6/1874MANCH
+Anthemis cotulaGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, South NewtonWilliam Moyle RogersCharles Bailey7/1875MANCH
+Anthemis arvensisGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, StaplefordWilliam Moyle RogersCharles Bailey6/1874MANCH
+Anthemis arvensisGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, StaplefordWilliam Moyle RogersCharles Bailey6/1876MANCH
infoCarex acutiformisGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, StaplefordWilliam Moyle RogersAnthony Hurt Wolley Dod6/1876 to 7/1876BM
infoCarex distichaGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, StaplefordWilliam Moyle RogersJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme6/1876 to 9/1876BM
infoCarex vulpinaGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, StaplefordWilliam Moyle RogersAnthony Hurt Wolley Dod7/1874BM
infoCirsium tuberosumGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, Stapleford CultivatedWilliam Moyle RogersGeorge Stephen West
John Harbord Lewis
infoCirsium tuberosumGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, Stapleford CultivatedWilliam Moyle RogersAugustin Ley8/1876BIRM
+Cuscuta epithymumGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, StaplefordWilliam Moyle RogersCharles Bailey8/1876MANCH
infoGaleopsis angustifoliaGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, StaplefordWilliam Moyle RogersLester Vallis Lester-Garland8/1875K
infoGeum rivale x urbanum = G. x intermediumGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, StaplefordWilliam Moyle RogersElizabeth Anne Lomax6/1874
infoGeum rivale x urbanum = G. x intermediumGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, StaplefordWilliam Moyle RogersElizabeth Anne Lomax6/1874MANCH
+Lathyrus aphacaGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, StaplefordWilliam Moyle RogersCharles Bailey
John Wilson Rimington
infoOrobanche elatiorGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, StaplefordWilliam Moyle RogersAugustin Ley7/1875BIRM
infoOrobanche elatiorGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, StaplefordWilliam Moyle RogersGeorge Stephen West7/1874BIRM
infoOrobanche elatiorGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, StaplefordWilliam Moyle RogersRobert Large Baker7/1876BIRM
infoPotentilla rupestrisGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, Stapleford CultivatedWilliam Moyle RogersGeorge Stephen West6/1876BIRM

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Searched in 1.673s