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Winchester College

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Winchester College
Results 1 to 20 of 20
infoArenaria ciliataIE, VCH28 Co. Sligo, BenbulbenRichard Barker UllmanWinchester College
Richard Barker Ullman
infoCarex rostrataLinnean Society of London
Winchester College
infoGeum rivale x urbanum = G. x intermediumGB, VC11 South Hampshire, WinchesterC C ChildWinchester College
Richard Barker Ullman
infoListera cordataGB, East Yorkshire, YorkE StringerWinchester College
Richard Barker Ullman
infoListera ovataGB, VC62,VC64, YorkE StringerWinchester College1835SLBI
infoAstragalus danicusGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, ScarcroftE StringerWinchester College
Richard Barker Ullman
infoLinum usitatissimumGB, VC66 County Durham, DarlingtonE StringerWinchester College
Richard Barker Ullman
infoPrimula GB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Milner WoodE StringerWinchester College
Richard Barker Ullman
infoVaccinium vitis-idaeaGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Brimham RocksE StringerWinchester College
Richard Barker Ullman
infoJuncus bulbosusGB, VC17 Surrey, Woking HeathWilliam Webb SpicerWinchester College
Richard Barker Ullman
William Webb Spicer
infoCardamine amaraGB, VC17 Surrey, ByfleetWilliam Webb SpicerWinchester College
Richard Barker Ullman
William Webb Spicer
infoLinaria repensGB, VC11 South Hampshire, Chandlers FordWilliam Webb SpicerWinchester College
Richard Barker Ullman
infoAlchemilla alpinaGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Ben LawersW A ForbesWinchester College
Richard Barker Ullman
infoIsolepis setaceaGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Ben LawersW A ForbesWinchester College
Richard Barker Ullman
infoSaxifraga nivalisGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Ben LawersW A ForbesWinchester College8/1879SLBI
infoViola luteaGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Ben LawersW A ForbesWinchester College
Richard Barker Ullman
infoDipsacus pilosusGB, VC12 North Hampshire, HoddingtonWinchester College
Richard Barker Ullman
infoLimonium binervosumGB, VC41 Glamorganshire, SwanseaWinchester College
Richard Barker Ullman
infoCoeloglossum viride x Dactylorhiza fuchsii = x Dactyloglossum mixtumGB, VC11 South Hampshire, Cheesefoot HeadB W ThomasRepton School Herbarium
Winchester College
B W Thomas
infoCoeloglossum viride x Dactylorhiza fuchsii = x Dactyloglossum mixtumGB, VC11 South Hampshire, WinchesterB W ThomasRepton School Herbarium
Winchester College

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Herbaria specimen data is the property of its contributing organisation. Please contact that organisation directly for information concerning conditions of use, copyright or any other enquiry.

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Searched in 1.153s