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Search results, herbarium specimens from Bishport
Results 1 to 31 of 31
infoAconitum napellusGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportSophie GrindonWood5/1841MANCH
infoAegopodium podagrariaGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter7/1881ABS
infoAllium vinealeGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportGeorge Stephen West4/7/1881BIRM
infoAlopecurus myosuroidesGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt Painter7/1887ABS
infoAlopecurus myosuroidesGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportJames Walter WhiteWilliam Hunt Painter6/6/1884SHYB
infoCarex divulsa subsp. divulsaGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt PainterBM
infoCarex divulsa subsp. leersiiGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt Painter6/1881ABS
infoCarex hirtaGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt Painter5/1882ABS
infoCarex hirtaGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt Painter5/1882BM
infoColchicum autumnaleGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt Painter9/1881ABS
infoElymus repensGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt Painter7/1881ABS
infoEupatorium cannabinumGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt Painter9/1881ABS
infoHypericum hirsutumGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter9/1881ABS
infoLolium multiflorumGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt Painter7/1881ABS
infoMalus sylvestrisGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt Painter6/1881ABS
infoMoehringia trinerviaGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt Painter6/1881ABS
infoOnonis spinosa subsp. spinosaGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter7/1881ABS
infoOrchis masculaGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt Painter5/1881ABS
infoPyrus pyrasterGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt Painter5/1881ABS
infoRosa caesiaGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter7/1881 to 9/1881ABS
infoRosa caninaGB, VC6 North Somerset, Bishport9/1881ABS
infoRosa obtusifoliaGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt Painter29/6/1881ABS
infoRosa stylosaGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt Painter9/1881ABS
infoRosa stylosaGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportJohn Gilbert BakerWilliam Hunt Painter9/1882ABS
infoScandix pecten-venerisGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt Painter7/1881ABS
infoSilene vulgarisGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter4/1881
infoStellaria neglectaGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt Painter6/1881ABS
infoTrifolium mediumGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter7/1881ABS
infoTrifolium pratenseGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter6/1881ABS
infoViola arvensisGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter9/1881ABS
infoSanicula europaeaGB, VC6 North Somerset, Bishport WoodWilliam Hunt Painter8/1881ABS

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