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Search results, herbarium specimens from Great Britain and Ireland
Results 81 to 99 of 99
infoSpiranthes spiralisGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Guernsey,L'Ancresse CommonFrederick Archibald Sowter8/1932BR
infoAnacamptis pyramidalisGBCarl Friedrich Philipp von Martius19/6/1862BR
infoCorallorhiza trifidaGBCarl Friedrich Philipp von Martius
David Don
infoListera ovataGBBackerMartinis1865BR
infoCorallorhiza trifidaGB, EnglandCarl Friedrich Philipp von Martius
David Don
infoCorallorhiza trifidaGB, EnglandDavid DonCarl Friedrich Philipp von MartiusBR
infoListera cordataGB, ScotlandCarl Friedrich Philipp von MartiusBR
infoSaxifraga spathularisIE, VCH1 South Kerry, Ballaghbeama GapP Bamps17/5/2002BR
infoSaxifraga spathularisIE, VCH1 South Kerry, KillarneyJean-Jacques SymoensJean-Jacques Symoens1/8/1984BR
infoEuphrasia frigidaIE, Kerry, Moll's GapJean-Jacques Symoens5/8/1984BR
infoEuphrasia nemorosaIE, VCH16 West Galway, BallinaboyJ E De LangheJ E De Langhe11/8/1972BR
infoSaxifraga spathularisIE, VCH16 West Galway, DerryclareEddy Jaques15/6/1984BR
infoEuphrasia tetraquetraIE, VCH16 West Galway, Dogs Bay1984BR
infoEuphrasia frigidaIE, VCH16 West Galway, ErrisbegEddy Jaques17/6/1984BR
infoEuphrasia arcticaIE, VCH25 Co. Roscommon, Port RunnyE.F. De VogelLugduno Batavo
J E De Langhe
infoEuphrasia tetraquetraIE, VCH27 West Mayo, DoogartConstant Vanden Berghen15/6/1970BR
infoSaxifraga spathularisIE, VCH27 West Mayo, DoogortConstant Vanden Berghen11/6/1970BR
infoSaxifraga spathularisIE, VCH27 West Mayo, KeelConstant Vanden Berghen4/6/1970BR
infoSaxifraga spathularisIEH.G. RabynsBR

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Herbaria specimen data is the property of its contributing organisation. Please contact that organisation directly for information concerning conditions of use, copyright or any other enquiry.

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