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Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum agg "Water-cress"

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Search results, herbarium specimens
Results 1 to 27 of 27
infoRorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggBirmingham Natural History and Philosophical SocietyBIRM
infoRorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Lizard HeadCharles BaileyCharles Bailey4/10/1886BIRM
infoRorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, VC6 North Somerset, Portbury CultivatedHarold Stuart ThompsonHarold Stuart Thompson5/1915BIRM
+Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, Norfolk, PedenhallCharles Cardale BabingtonJohn Hutton Balfour6/1846PTH
infoRorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, VC36 Herefordshire, Dorstone, Golden WellAugustin LeyAugustin Ley5/6/1889BIRM
+Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, VC83 Midlothian, EdinburghJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, VC83 Midlothian, EdinburghJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, VC83 Midlothian, EdinburghJohn Hutton Balfour22/6/1822PTH
+Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, VC83 Midlothian, EdinburghJohn Hutton Balfour8/6/1822PTH
+Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, VC87 West Perthshire, Watston LochFrancis Buchanan White1/7/1882PTH
+Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, AbercairnyFrancis Buchanan White14/6/1884PTH
+Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, DunbarneyRobert Hunt Meldrum6/6/1914PTH
+Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, KinclavenFrancis Buchanan White28/6/1881PTH
+Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, MoncreiffeFrancis Buchanan White6/1874PTH
+Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, PerthAlfred William Brown8/1888PTH
+Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, PerthWilliam HerdA J Simpson2/8/1892PTH
+Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, PerthRobert Hunt Meldrum14/7/1910PTH
+Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, StanleyFrederick Smith1/7/1881PTH
+Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, StrathordFrancis Buchanan White8/9/1883PTH
+Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, StrathordFrancis Buchanan White29/6/1889PTH
+Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, White Moss LochFrancis Buchanan White18/7/1881PTH
+Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, VC89 East Perthshire, Black HillFrancis Buchanan White30/6/1890PTH
+Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, VC89 East Perthshire, GouktonHenry Maurice Drummond-Hay28/6/1872PTH
+Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, VC89 East Perthshire, KinfaunsHenry Maurice Drummond-Hay26/6/1872PTH
+Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, VC89 East Perthshire, MeikleourFrancis Buchanan White11/7/1887PTH
+Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Belle VueJohn Hutton Balfour29/5/1843PTH
+Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum aggGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Les VauxJohn Hutton BalfourPTH

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