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Rumex hydrolapathum x obtusifolius = R. x weberi Fisch.-Benz.

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Results 1 to 16 of 16
infoRumex hydrolapathum x obtusifolius = R. x weberiGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Scilly CultivatedArthur BennettWilliam Hadden Beeby1880SLBI
infoRumex hydrolapathum x obtusifolius = R. x weberiGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Scilly Isles,Saint MarysWilliam CurnowWilliam Hadden Beeby
John Ralfs
infoRumex hydrolapathum x obtusifolius = R. x weberiGB, VC10 Isle of Wight, AlverstoneAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoRumex hydrolapathum x obtusifolius = R. x weberiGB, VC10 Isle of Wight, AlverstoneFrederick TownsendAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoRumex hydrolapathum x obtusifolius = R. x weberiGB, VC10 Isle of Wight, AlverstoneFrederick TownsendAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoRumex hydrolapathum x obtusifolius = R. x weberiGB, VC11 South Hampshire, WinchesterFrederick TownsendAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoRumex hydrolapathum x obtusifolius = R. x weberiGB, VC12 North Hampshire, AlresfordAugustin LeyAugustin Ley11/8/1882BIRM
infoRumex hydrolapathum x obtusifolius = R. x weberiGB, VC14 East Sussex, AlfristonJob Edward LousleyJob Edward Lousley30/8/1931SLBI
infoRumex hydrolapathum x obtusifolius = R. x weberiGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesJob Edward LousleyJob Edward Lousley21/8/1932SLBI
infoRumex hydrolapathum x obtusifolius = R. x weberiGB, VC14 East Sussex, Lewes,SoutherhamJoseph WoodsAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoRumex hydrolapathum x obtusifolius = R. x weberiGB, VC17 Surrey, Croydon CultivatedArthur BennettWilliam Hadden Beeby1889SLBI
infoRumex hydrolapathum x obtusifolius = R. x weberiGB, VC19 North Essex, KelvedonEzekiel George VarenneWilliam Hadden Beeby1/7/1878
infoRumex hydrolapathum x obtusifolius = R. x weberiGB, VC21 Middlesex, Walton BridgeWilliam Hadden BeebyWilliam Hadden Beeby1/8/1887SLBI
infoRumex hydrolapathum x obtusifolius = R. x weberiGB, VC11 South Hampshire, Winchester, Winnal
GB, VC38 Warwickshire, Honington Cultivated
Frederick TownsendFrederick TownsendSLBI
infoRumex hydrolapathum x obtusifolius = R. x weberiGB, VC53 South Lincolnshire, CrowlandWilliam Hadden BeebyWilliam Hadden Beeby28/8/1883SLBI
infoRumex maximusGB, VC10 Isle of Wight, AlverstoneDouglas Montague Heath29/6/1918BIRM

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