+ | Lythrum salicaria | GB, VC58 Cheshire, Bowdon | | Charles Bailey George Stephen West | | BIRM | 13/9/2009 |
+ | Herminium monorchis | GB, VC12 North Hampshire, Marnel Dell | Edward Hill | Mantua And Montferrat | | BON | 4/10/2009 |
+ | Himantoglossum hircinum | | H G Bull | Augustin Ley | | BIRM | 13/10/2009 |
+ | Muscari neglectum | GB, VC30 Bedfordshire, Flitwick Cultivated | Mary Ann Brooks | | | BIRM | 13/10/2009 |
+ | Teesdalia nudicaulis | GB, VC62,VC64, York | Henry Ibbotson | Harold Stuart Thompson | | BIRM | 13/10/2009 |
+ | Teesdalia nudicaulis | GB, VC37 Worcestershire, Malvern | A D Melvin | Harold Stuart Thompson | | BIRM | 13/10/2009 |
+ | Myosotis secunda | GB, Ambiguous locality (GB), Marston | Arthur Bennett | | | BIRM | 14/10/2009 |
+ | Myrrhis odorata | GB, VC50 Denbighshire, Valle Crucis Abbey | Robert Coane Roberts Jordan | Robert Coane Roberts Jordan | | BIRM | 15/10/2009 |
+ | Juncus subnodulosus | | | Robert Large Baker | | BIRM | 18/10/2009 |
+ | Medicago lupulina | GB, VC17 Surrey, Worplesdon | William Hadden Beeby | Botanical Exchange Club of The British Isles Augustin Ley William Hadden Beeby | | BIRM | 19/10/2009 |
+ | Bromus racemosus | GB, VC39 Staffordshire, Alstonfield | Augustin Ley | Augustin Ley | | BIRM | 21/10/2009 |
+ | Juncus articulatus | GB, VC5 South Somerset, Taunton | Harold Stuart Thompson | Harold Stuart Thompson | | BIRM | 26/10/2009 |
+ | Cicendia filiformis | GB, VC1 West Cornwall, Lizard | | George Stephen West William West | | BIRM | 27/10/2009 |
+ | Fumaria capreolata | GB, VC3 South Devon, Teignmouth | | Robert Coane Roberts Jordan | | BIRM | 27/10/2009 |
+ | Lamium maculatum | GB, VC22 Berkshire, Oxford | | Augustin Ley | | BIRM | 1/11/2009 |
+ | Polygala amara | GB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Grassington | John Cryer | George Stephen West | | BIRM | 1/11/2009 |
+ | Coronopus squamatus | | | Birmingham Natural History and Philosophical Society | | BIRM | 1/11/2009 |
+ | Veronica scutellata var. villosa | GB, VC35 Monmouthshire, Trellech | Burton Mounsher Watkins | Augustin Ley | | BIRM | 2/11/2009 |
+ | Erica vagans | | | Douglas Montague Heath | | BIRM | 7/11/2009 |
+ | Juncus maritimus | GB, VC15 East Kent, Sandwich | Langley Kitching | Langley Kitching | | BIRM | 9/11/2009 |
+ | Lycopus europaeus | GB, VC20 Hertfordshire | Mary Ann Brooks | Mary Ann Brooks | | BIRM | 9/11/2009 |
+ | Vaccinium myrtillus | GB, VC6 North Somerset, Black Down | Harold Stuart Thompson | Harold Stuart Thompson | | BIRM | 10/11/2009 |
+ | Platanthera chlorantha | | Harold Stuart Thompson | Harold Stuart Thompson | | BIRM | 11/11/2009 |
+ | Myosoton aquaticum | GB, VC24 Buckinghamshire, Denham | William Jones James | George Stephen West | | BIRM | 12/11/2009 |
+ | Tamus communis | Beuly | | George Stephen West | | BIRM | 12/11/2009 |
+ | Teesdalia nudicaulis | GB, VC72 Dumfriesshire, Moffat | | Langley Kitching | | BIRM | 12/11/2009 |
+ | Ribes alpinum | | | Charles Bailey George Stephen West John Hardy | | BIRM | 12/11/2009 |
+ | Lepidium latifolium | | George Edward Hunt | Charles Bailey George Edward Hunt | | BIRM | 14/11/2009 |
+ | Ranunculus ficaria | | | Birmingham Natural History and Philosophical Society | | BIRM | 19/11/2009 |
+ | Epilobium roseum | | Edward Shearburn Marshall | Augustin Ley | | BIRM | 24/11/2009 |
+ | Peucedanum officinale | GB, VC63 South-west Yorkshire, Halifax | George Stephen West | George Stephen West | | BIRM | 25/11/2009 |
+ | Pyrola minor | GB, VC90,VC91, Gannachy | G Lawson | Augustin Ley G Lawson Isaiah Waterloo Nicholson Keys | | BIRM | 25/11/2009 |
+ | Sedum telephium subsp. fabaria | GB, VC38 Warwickshire, Wolford | Malcolm Charles Clark | | | BIRM | 25/11/2009 |
+ | Agrimonia eupatoria | | | Birmingham Natural History and Philosophical Society | | BIRM | 26/11/2009 |
+ | Bupleurum rotundifolium | GB, VC18 South Essex, Writtle | Augustin Ley | Augustin Ley | | BIRM | 28/11/2009 |
+ | Lolium perenne | GB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, Ayton | | George Stephen West | | BIRM | 28/11/2009 |
+ | Smyrnium olusatrum | GB, VC1 West Cornwall, Rame | Augustin Ley | Augustin Ley | | BIRM | 28/11/2009 |
+ | Ajuga reptans | | Mary Ann Brooks | Mary Ann Brooks | | BIRM | 30/11/2009 |
+ | Myrrhis odorata | GB, VC63 South-west Yorkshire, Bingley | George Stephen West | George Stephen West | | BIRM | 1/12/2009 |
+ | Umbilicus rupestris | GB, VC3 South Devon, Teignmouth | Robert Coane Roberts Jordan | Robert Coane Roberts Jordan | | BIRM | 2/12/2009 |
+ | Koeleria cristata | GB, VC28 West Norfolk, Thetford, Croxton | | Botanical Exchange Club of The British Isles Augustin Ley Herbert Decimus Geldart | | BIRM | 2/12/2009 |
+ | Galeopsis versicolor | GB, VC50 Denbighshire, Llangollen | | Robert Coane Roberts Jordan | | BIRM | 3/12/2009 |
+ | Ligustrum vulgare | GB, Ambiguous locality (GB), Studley | George Stephen West | George Stephen West | | BIRM | 15/12/2009 |
+ | Viola reichenbachiana | | Augustin Ley | Augustin Ley | | BIRM | 17/12/2009 |
+ | Glyceria maxima | | Chawles | Chawles | | BIRM | 17/12/2009 |
+ | Carex riparia | GB, VC38 Warwickshire, Marston Green | | George Stephen West | | BIRM | 21/12/2009 |
+ | Origanum vulgare | GB, VC57 Derbyshire, Miller's Dale | William West | George Stephen West William West | | BIRM | 29/12/2009 |
+ | Valerianella olitoria | GB, VC20,VC30, Dunstable Downs | Mary Ann Brooks | | | BIRM | 8/1/2010 |
+ | Foeniculum vulgare | Cultivated | | Birmingham Natural History and Philosophical Society | | BIRM | 12/1/2010 |
+ | Epipactis helleborine | GB, VC39 Staffordshire, Warslow | William Henry Purchas | Augustin Ley | | BIRM | 18/1/2010 |
+ | Lemna trisulca | | Mary Ann Brooks | | | BIRM | 22/1/2010 |
+ | Phleum arenarium | GB, VC28 West Norfolk, Burnham Overy | Muriel Onslow | Muriel Onslow | | BIRM | 28/1/2010 |
+ | Malva sylvestris | | William West | George Stephen West William West | | BIRM | 28/1/2010 |
+ | Polypogon monspeliensis | GB, VC16 West Kent, Dartford | | Harold Stuart Thompson Henry Tuke Mennell | | BIRM | 29/1/2010 |
+ | Erica cinerea | GB, VC30 Bedfordshire, Flitwick | Mary Ann Brooks | | | BIRM | 2/2/2010 |
+ | Prunus padus | GB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Grassington | William Nuttall | George Stephen West William West | | BIRM | 2/2/2010 |
+ | Juncus articulatus | GB, VC28 West Norfolk, Burnham Overy | Muriel Onslow | Muriel Onslow | | BIRM | 16/2/2010 |
+ | Stachys recta | GB, VC41 Glamorganshire, Barry Docks | Arthur Edward Wade | National Museum of Wales Watson Botanical Exchange Club Harold Stuart Thompson | | BIRM | 17/2/2010 |
+ | Catabrosa aquatica | GB, VC66 County Durham, Newbottle | | Robert Large Baker | | BIRM | 5/3/2010 |
+ | Phalaris arundinacea | GB, VC28 West Norfolk, Burnham Market | | Muriel Onslow | | BIRM | 10/3/2010 |
+ | Ornithopus pinnatus | GB, VC113 Channel Islands, Jersey | Robert Maulkin Lingwood | Augustin Ley | | BIRM | 12/3/2010 |
+ | Bromus commutatus | GB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Lydbrook | | Augustin Ley | | BIRM | 30/3/2010 |
+ | Poa alpina | | | George Stephen West | | BIRM | 8/4/2010 |
+ | Lepidium latifolium | GB, VC37 Worcestershire, Droitwich | | Birmingham Natural History and Philosophical Society | | BIRM | 11/4/2010 |
+ | Torilis japonica | | | George Stephen West | | BIRM | 14/4/2010 |
+ | Torilis nodosa | | | Birmingham Natural History and Philosophical Society | | BIRM | 30/4/2010 |
+ | Callitriche hermaphroditica | | | Augustin Ley | | BIRM | 8/5/2010 |
+ | Hordeum secalinum | | William Allport Leighton | Mantua And Montferrat | | BON | 17/5/2010 |
+ | Hordeum secalinum | GB, VC59 South Lancashire, Liverpool | William Robert Crotch | Mantua And Montferrat | | BON | 17/5/2010 |
+ | Hordeum secalinum | GB, VC14 East Sussex, Lewes | Charles Ottley Groom | Mantua And Montferrat | | BON | 17/5/2010 |
+ | Centaurea scabiosa | GB, VC28 West Norfolk, Burnham Westgate | Muriel Onslow | Muriel Onslow | | BIRM | 21/5/2010 |
+ | Salix arbuscula | GB, VC98 Argyllshire, Ben Cruachan | J Hooker | John Stevens Henslow | | BIRM | 24/8/2010 |
+ | Dryopteris dilatata | GB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Old Bargains Wood | | Dorothy Ellis de Vesian | | GLR | 22/9/2010 |
+ | Helleborus viridis | GB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, Eyford | Edward Francis Witts | Edward Francis Witts | | GLR | 27/9/2010 |
+ | Anemone nemorosa | GB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, Cranham | | Dorothy Ellis de Vesian | | GLR | 1/10/2010 |
+ | Anemone nemorosa | GB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, Guiting Wood | | Edward Francis Witts | | GLR | 6/10/2010 |
+ | Diplotaxis muralis | GB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, Gloucester | | | | GLR | 9/10/2010 |
+ | Lepidium didymum | GB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Sharpness Point | William Borrer | Edward Francis Witts | | GLR | 19/10/2010 |
+ | Iberis amara | GB, VC23 Oxfordshire, North Stoke | William Godley | Walter Butt | | GLR | 20/10/2010 |
+ | Thlaspi perfoliatum | GB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, Slaughter | | Edward Francis Witts | | GLR | 21/10/2010 |
+ | Hornungia petraea | CH, Bern, Eiger Glacier | | Dorothy Ellis de Vesian | | GLR | 24/10/2010 |
+ | Hornungia petraea | CH, Obwalden, Joch Pass | | Dorothy Ellis de Vesian | | GLR | 24/10/2010 |
+ | Herminium monorchis | | John Wilton Haines | Harold Stuart Thompson | | BIRM | 26/10/2010 |
+ | Callitriche platycarpa | GB, VC70 Cumberland, Yeorton | George Chambers | Charles Bailey George Stephen West John Hardy | | BIRM | 28/10/2010 |
+ | Myosurus minimus | GB, VC38 Warwickshire, Milverton | William Henry Wilkinson | William Henry Wilkinson | | BIRM | 1/11/2010 |
+ | Cardamine hirsuta | GB | Dorothy Ellis de Vesian | Dorothy Ellis de Vesian | | GLR | 5/11/2010 |
+ | Lotus corniculatus | GB, VC39 Staffordshire, Dudley | | Dorothy Ellis de Vesian | | GLR | 13/12/2010 |
+ | Securigera varia | GB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Avonmouth | Dorothy Ellis de Vesian | Dorothy Ellis de Vesian | | GLR | 14/12/2010 |
+ | Vicia hirsuta | GB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Old Bishton | William Robert Price | William Robert Price | | GLR | 20/12/2010 |
+ | Viola hirta | GB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Stoke | Frederick Townsend | Allan Octavian Hume Frederick Townsend | | SLBI | 25/12/2010 |
+ | Lathyrus latifolius | GB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Stapleton | Gustavus A Ornano St Brody | Gustavus A Ornano St Brody | | GLR | 3/1/2011 |
+ | Erodium cicutarium var. chaerophyllum | GB, VC37 Worcestershire, Spennels | | Edward Francis Witts | | GLR | 3/1/2011 |
+ | Coronopus squamatus | GB, VC1 West Cornwall, Lizard | Stafford Edwin Chandler | Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society Stafford Edwin Chandler | | SLBI | 9/1/2011 |
+ | Capsella bursa-pastoris | GB, VC40 Shropshire, Tarbatch Dingle | | | | SLBI | 9/1/2011 |
+ | Poterium sanguisorba subsp. balearicum | GB, VC33,VC34 | Dorothy Ellis de Vesian | Dorothy Ellis de Vesian | | GLR | 9/1/2011 |
+ | Vicia cracca | GB, VC33,VC34 | | Dorothy Ellis de Vesian | | GLR | 12/1/2011 |
+ | Potentilla anserina | GB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, Gloucester | | John Wilton Haines | | GLR | 17/1/2011 |
+ | Cochlearia anglica | DE, Niedersachsen, Varel | | Allan Octavian Hume Frederick Townsend | | SLBI | 19/1/2011 |
+ | Tuberaria guttata | GB, VC113 Channel Islands, Jersey | | William Hadden Beeby | | SLBI | 19/1/2011 |
+ | Tuberaria guttata | | Kirby | William Hadden Beeby | | SLBI | 19/1/2011 |
+ | Thalictrum alpinum | GB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Ben Lawers | | Dulwich College | | SLBI | 24/1/2011 |
+ | Draba incana | GB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Ben Lawers | | Dulwich College | | SLBI | 25/1/2011 |
+ | Hesperis matronalis | GB, VC17 Surrey, Oxshott | S A Chambers | S A Chambers | | SLBI | 25/1/2011 |
+ | Noccaea caerulescens | GB, VC65, VC66, Wynch Bridge | Henry Tuke Mennell | Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society Henry Franklin Parsons Henry Tuke Mennell | | SLBI | 29/1/2011 |
+ | Thalictrum minus | DE, Baden-Wurttemberg, Bronnen | | | | SLBI | 31/1/2011 |
+ | Potentilla anglica | GB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, Eyford | Edward Francis Witts | Edward Francis Witts | | GLR | 31/1/2011 |
+ | Actaea spicata | GB, VC61,VC62,VC63,VC64,VC65 | | Dulwich College | | SLBI | 2/2/2011 |
+ | Ranunculus trichophyllus | GB, VC18 South Essex, Galleywood | Philip Henry Cooke | North London Natural History Society Local Herbarium | | SLBI | 2/2/2011 |
+ | Astragalus danicus | GB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, Barrington Bushes | Edward Francis Witts | Edward Francis Witts | | GLR | 3/2/2011 |
+ | Astragalus danicus | GB, VC25,VC26 | W D | Edward Francis Witts | | GLR | 3/2/2011 |
+ | Astragalus danicus | Beaumonts Hay | Edward Francis Witts | Edward Francis Witts | | GLR | 3/2/2011 |
+ | Sedum forsterianum | GB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, Chedworth | Dorothy Ellis de Vesian | Dorothy Ellis de Vesian | | GLR | 11/2/2011 |
+ | Sempervivum tectorum | | Dorothy Ellis de Vesian | Dorothy Ellis de Vesian | | GLR | 13/2/2011 |
+ | Camelina sativa | GB, VC17 Surrey, Walton on Thames | William Hadden Beeby | William Hadden Beeby | | SLBI | 14/3/2011 |
+ | Orchis maculata | | | | | DBC | 2/4/2011 |
+ | Geranium robertianum | GB, VC18 South Essex, High Beech | Philip Henry Cooke | North London Natural History Society Local Herbarium | | SLBI | 19/10/2011 |
+ | Vicia parviflora | GB, VC10 Isle of Wight | William Borrer | Allan Octavian Hume Frederick Townsend Joseph Woods | | SLBI | 22/11/2011 |
+ | Anthyllis vulneraria var. coccinea | GB, VC1 West Cornwall, Newquay | | William Robert Sherrin | | SLBI | 22/11/2011 |
+ | Spiraea salicifolia | GB, VC14 East Sussex, Lewes | H Curtis | London Natural History Society Charles Smith Nicholson | | SLBI | 18/12/2011 |
+ | Rubus polyanthemus | GB, VC17 Surrey, Sheen Common | George Nicholson | William Hadden Beeby | | SLBI | 27/2/2012 |
+ | Rubus hylocharis | GB, VC55 Leicestershire, Twycross | Andrew Bloxam | | | SLBI | 19/4/2012 |
+ | Rubus scaber | GB, VC55 Leicestershire, Twycross | Andrew Bloxam | | | SLBI | 26/4/2012 |
+ | Salix myrsinifolia | GB, VC38 Warwickshire, Shrewley Pools | | Robert Large Baker | | BIRM | 11/12/2012 |
+ | Drosera intermedia | GB, VC11 South Hampshire, Southampton | Thomas Clark | Harold Stuart Thompson | | BIRM | 18/10/2009 |
+ | Carex flacca | GB, VC17 Surrey, Cobham, Surrey | | The British Museum James Forbes Young | 1/7/1817 to 31/7/1817 | E | 26/1/2016 |
+ | Drosera intermedia | GB, VC6 North Somerset, Turf Moor | Thomas Clark | Harold Stuart Thompson Thomas Clark | 21/8/1819 | BIRM | 18/10/2009 |
+ | Drosera intermedia | GB, VC11 South Hampshire, Shirley | Thomas Clark | Harold Stuart Thompson | 18/6/1822 | BIRM | 18/10/2009 |
+ | Minuartia verna | GB, VC83 Midlothian, Edinburgh,Arthur's Seat | | Robert Large Baker | 1825 | BIRM | 2/2/2010 |
+ | Stellaria palustris | GB, VC83 Midlothian, Duddingston Loch | | George Lloyd | 6/1825 | K | 20/5/2012 |
+ | Adonis autumnalis | GB, VC16 West Kent, Darenth | John Joseph Bennett | Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society John Joseph Bennett Robert Russell Hutchinson | 1831 | SLBI | 23/1/2011 |
+ | Crocus flavus | GB, VC26 West Suffolk, Great Barton | Joseph Dalton Hooker William Christy | John Stevens Henslow | 3/1831 | BIRM | 16/11/2009 |
+ | Spartina maritima | GB, VC25 East Suffolk, Aldeburgh | | Robert Large Baker | 7/1831 | BIRM | 19/2/2010 |
+ | Filago vulgaris | GB, VC11 South Hampshire, Chilcomb | | Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society J Breach Robert Russell Hutchinson | 8/1833 | SLBI | 22/11/2012 |
+ | Alliaria petiolata | GB, VC11 South Hampshire, Hursley | J Breach | Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society J Breach | 3/5/1834 | SLBI | 17/1/2011 |
+ | Ranunculus sceleratus | GB, VC11 South Hampshire, Southampton | | Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society J Breach Robert Russell Hutchinson | 22/5/1834 | SLBI | 10/3/2011 |
+ | Ranunculus flammula subsp. flammula | GB, VC12 North Hampshire, Headbourne Worthy | J Breach | Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society J Breach Robert Russell Hutchinson | 7/6/1834 | SLBI | 30/3/2011 |
+ | Lathyrus pratensis | GB, VC21 Middlesex, Stoke Newington | Joseph Woods | Allan Octavian Hume Frederick Townsend Joseph Woods | 7/1834 | SLBI | 20/12/2011 |
+ | Erica cinerea | GB, VC11 South Hampshire, Otterbourne | | Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society J Breach Robert Russell Hutchinson | 17/7/1834 | SLBI | 31/12/2012 |
+ | Hydrocharis morsus-ranae | GB, VC17 Surrey, Battersea | Edward Palmer | Edward Palmer William Hadden Beeby | 1835 | SLBI | 5/12/2011 |
+ | Cochlearia danica | GB, VC65,VC66, Durham,Teesdale,Falcon Clints | Joseph Woods | Frederick Townsend Joseph Woods | 8/7/1835 | SLBI | 28/1/2011 |
+ | Thalictrum alpinum | GB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Ben Chruipen | Joseph Woods | Allan Octavian Hume Frederick Townsend | 15/8/1835 | SLBI | 30/1/2011 |
+ | Phegopteris connectilis | GB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, Cranham Wood | Edward Francis Witts | Edward Francis Witts | 1836 | GLR | 22/9/2010 |
+ | Clematis vitalba | GB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, Guiting Brakes | | Edward Francis Witts | 1836 | GLR | 30/9/2010 |
+ | Veronica montana | GB, VC6 North Somerset, Ham Wood | | Edward Palmer | 1/6/1836 | SLBI | 20/2/2013 |
+ | Genista tinctoria | GB, VC13,VC14 | | | 7/1836 | BON | 4/7/2010 |
+ | Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. maritimus | GB, VC74 Wigtownshire | W Scott | Frederick Townsend | 8/1836 | SLBI | 21/1/2011 |
+ | Ranunculus ficaria | GB, VC10 Isle of Wight, Steephill | A Hamburgh | Allan Octavian Hume Frederick Townsend | 5/1838 | SLBI | 4/2/2011 |
+ | Angelica sylvestris | GB, VC10 Isle of Wight, Shanklin | Albert John Hambrough | Allan Octavian Hume Frederick Townsend | 9/1838 | SLBI | 3/11/2012 |
+ | Geranium pyrenaicum | GB, VC23 Oxfordshire, Oxford | A Hamburgh | Frederick Townsend | 6/1839 | SLBI | 19/10/2011 |
+ | Lathyrus japonicus | GB, VC15 East Kent, Walmer Castle | | Botanical Society of Edinburgh Elizabeth Harvey | 7/1839 | BON | 4/7/2010 |
+ | Blysmus rufus | GB, VC90 Angus, Montrose Basin | Andrew Kerr | Andrew Kerr | 8/1839 | BON | 12/2/2010 |
+ | Geranium pratense | GB, VC30 Bedfordshire, Pavenham | Mary Ann Brooks | | 1841 | BIRM | 20/1/2010 |
+ | Arabis petraea | GB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, Snowdon | Robert Maulkin Lingwood | Augustin Ley | 6/1841 | BIRM | 8/4/2010 |
+ | Lepidium draba | GB, VC113 Channel Islands, Guernsey | James Backhouse | | 7/1841 | SLBI | 3/1/2011 |
+ | Geranium sanguineum | GB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Saint Vincent's Rocks | George Henry Kendrick Thwaites | Botanical Society of London George Henry Kendrick Thwaites William Hadden Beeby | 1842 | SLBI | 19/10/2011 |
+ | Artemisia vulgaris | GB, VC20 Hertfordshire, Watford | Edward Palmer | William Hadden Beeby | 8/1842 | SLBI | 3/12/2012 |
+ | Geranium pusillum | | | Birmingham Natural History and Philosophical Society | 1843 | BIRM | 25/10/2009 |
+ | Calystegia sepium | GB, VC19 North Essex, Colchester | | Robert Large Baker | 1843 | BIRM | 19/5/2010 |
+ | Viburnum opulus | GB, VC63 South-west Yorkshire, Doncaster | John Hardy | Charles Bailey John Hardy | 1843 | BIRM | 22/5/2010 |
+ | Actaea spicata | GB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, Kitscrew Wood | Henry Ibbotson | Allan Octavian Hume Frederick Townsend | 6/1843 | SLBI | 17/2/2011 |
+ | Cynoglossum officinale | GB, VC57 Derbyshire, Calke Abbey | Frederick Townsend | Frederick Townsend | 6/1843 | SLBI | 19/2/2013 |
+ | Holcus lanatus | GB, VC23,VC24, Thame | | J Benjamin Stone | 7/1843 | BIRM | 3/5/2010 |
+ | Lathyrus pratensis | GB, VC10 Isle of Wight, Ryde | A Hamburgh | Frederick Townsend | 8/1843 | SLBI | 14/12/2011 |
+ | Potentilla tabernaemontani | GB, VC90 Angus, Dundee | William Gardiner | Allan Octavian Hume Frederick Townsend William Gardiner | 5/1844 | SLBI | 3/5/2012 |
+ | Vicia sativa | GB, VC10 Isle of Wight, Steephill | | Frederick Townsend | 6/1844 | SLBI | 5/12/2011 |
+ | Thalictrum alpinum | GB, VC92 South Aberdeenshire, Glen Callater | William Gardiner | Allan Octavian Hume Frederick Townsend William Gardiner | 7/1844 | SLBI | 30/1/2011 |
+ | Triglochin maritima | GB, VC58 Cheshire, Bidston Moss | Mary Ann Brooks | | 1845 to 1847 | BIRM | 3/2/2010 |
+ | Sanguisorba minor | GB, VC14 East Sussex, Lewes | Joseph Woods | Allan Octavian Hume Frederick Townsend | 6/1845 | SLBI | 11/5/2012 |
+ | Isatis tinctoria | GB, VC17 Surrey, Guildford | Joseph Woods | Allan Octavian Hume Frederick Townsend | 25/7/1845 | SLBI | 29/12/2010 |
+ | Clematis vitalba | GB, VC14 East Sussex, Ringmer | Joseph Woods | Allan Octavian Hume Frederick Townsend | 1/9/1845 | SLBI | 3/3/2011 |
+ | Luzula forsteri | GB, VC20 Hertfordshire, Easneye | John Ansell | Mary Ann Brooks | 1846 | BIRM | 9/2/2010 |
+ | Raphanus raphanistrum | GB, VC14 East Sussex, Lewes | Joseph Woods | Frederick Townsend | 1846 | SLBI | 24/1/2011 |
+ | Rubus scaber | GB, VC36 Herefordshire, Rough Hill | Edwin Lees | | 1846 | SLBI | 26/4/2012 |
+ | Iberis amara | GB, VC57 Derbyshire, Breadsall | Joseph Whittaker | Walter Butt | 6/1846 | GLR | 20/10/2010 |
+ | Stachys palustris | GB, VC3 South Devon, Lympstone | Robert Coane Roberts Jordan | Robert Coane Roberts Jordan | 15/7/1846 | BIRM | 14/10/2009 |
+ | Epilobium hirsutum | GB, VC3 South Devon, Lympstone | Robert Coane Roberts Jordan | Robert Coane Roberts Jordan | 31/7/1846 | BIRM | 28/1/2010 |
+ | Setaria viridis | GB, VC25,VC27, Fritton | George Fitt | George Stephen West | 8/1846 | BIRM | 19/3/2010 |
+ | Ranunculus lingua | GB, VC14 East Sussex, Hamsey | Joseph Woods | Allan Octavian Hume Frederick Townsend | 18/8/1846 | SLBI | 13/2/2011 |
+ | Oenanthe lachenalii | GB, VC10 Isle of Wight, Yarmouth | Frederick Townsend | Frederick Townsend | 9/1846 | SLBI | 22/10/2012 |
+ | Agrostis stolonifera | GB, VC3 South Devon, Lympstone | | Robert Coane Roberts Jordan | 3/9/1846 | BIRM | 8/11/2009 |
+ | Bidens tripartita | GB, VC16 West Kent, Offham | Joseph Woods | Allan Octavian Hume Frederick Townsend | 30/9/1846 | SLBI | 29/11/2012 |
+ | Leersia oryzoides | GB, VC13 West Sussex, Henfield | | Charles Cardale Babington William Hillhouse | 1847 | BIRM | 12/1/2010 |
+ | Viola hirta | GB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Comberton | Frederick Townsend | Allan Octavian Hume Frederick Townsend | 1847 | SLBI | 17/1/2011 |
+ | Rubus sprengelii | GB, VC38 Warwickshire, Rugby | Andrew Bloxam | | 1847 | SLBI | 3/3/2012 |
+ | Rubus rufescens | GB, VC55 Leicestershire, Twycross | Andrew Bloxam | | 1847 | SLBI | 24/4/2012 |
+ | Nepeta cataria | GB, VC38 Warwickshire, Whitley | | George Stephen West Thomas Kirk | 7/1847 | BIRM | 6/10/2009 |
+ | Digitaria ischaemum | GB, VC17 Surrey, Weybridge | W McIvor | Charles Edgar Salmon Harold Stuart Thompson | 8/1847 | BIRM | 1/11/2009 |
+ | Setaria viridis | GB, VC17 Surrey, Weybridge | W McIvor | Charles Cardale Babington George Stephen West William West | 8/1847 | BIRM | 16/12/2009 |
+ | Thymus chamaedrys | GB, VC3 South Devon, Haldon | Charles James Rufus Jordan | Robert Coane Roberts Jordan | 8/1847 | BIRM | 15/3/2010 |
+ | Viola palustris | GB, VC17 Surrey, Reigate Heath | James Alexander Brewer | | 5/1848 | GLR | 9/11/2010 |
+ | Jasione montana | GB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, Terrington | | George Stephen West | 7/1848 | BIRM | 27/9/2009 |
+ | Elytrigia juncea subsp. boreoatlantica | GB, VC13 West Sussex, Shoreham | William Mitten | Charles Cardale Babington George Stephen West William West | 7/1848 | BIRM | 15/10/2009 |
+ | Eryngium campestre | GB, VC6 North Somerset, Weston-super-Mare | Thomas Clark | Harold Stuart Thompson Thomas Clark | 21/7/1848 | BIRM | 13/10/2009 |
+ | Antennaria dioica | GB, VC90 Angus, Sands of Barry | William Gardiner | William Gardiner | 8/1848 | SLBI | 22/11/2012 |
+ | Lathyrus sylvestris | GB, VC41 Glamorganshire, Caswell Bay | William Williamson Newbould | Allan Octavian Hume Frederick Townsend | 12/8/1848 | SLBI | 13/12/2011 |
+ | Carex flacca | GB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, Menai Bridge | | John Ball | 1/9/1848 | E | 26/1/2016 |
+ | Dipsacus fullonum | GB, VC14 East Sussex, Winterbourne | Joseph Woods | Frederick Townsend | 7/10/1848 | SLBI | 8/11/2012 |
+ | Arabis petraea | IE, VCH29 Co. Leitrim, Glenade | John Hyams | Augustin Ley | 1849 | BIRM | 8/4/2010 |
+ | Spiranthes aestivalis | GB, VC37 Worcestershire, Wyre Forest | George Jorden | Frederick Arnold Lees William Hadden Beeby | 1849 | SLBI | 4/12/2011 |
+ | Teesdalia nudicaulis | GB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Gamlingay | | Fenton John Anthony Hort Harold Stuart Thompson Thomas Clark | 5/1849 | BIRM | 13/10/2009 |