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William Henry Purchas
William Henry Purchas
name: | Rev. William Henry Purchas BA |
dates: | 12/12/1823-16/12/1903 |
type: | person |
wiki | View/edit additonal information about William Henry Purchas in the herb@home wiki. |
Inferred associations
collected with
Augustin Ley |
associated with
Augustin Ley |
Botanical Exchange Club of The British Isles |
Charles Bailey |
William Hunt Painter |
John Bland Wood |
VC13, VC17
VC6, VC33, VC34, VC35, VC36, VC37, VC41
VC43, VC46, VC48
VC49, VC52
VC38, VC39, VC40, VC55, VC57, VC58
VC61, VC62
VC69, VC70