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Specimen #259716
Taxon: | Frankeniaceae: Frankenia laevis L. ("Sea-heath") |
Filed in taxon folder: | Frankeniaceae: Frankenia laevis L. ("Sea-heath") |
Collection date: | 16/7/1890 OR 11/7/1890
Locality: | Great Britain, VC13 West Sussex, Shoreham, TQ20, Other side of Shoreham harbour
ex herb: | Henry Haselfoot Haines |
Institution: | Aberystwyth University Herbarium (ABS) |
Image: |  |
Inferred details are marked.
Documented by dskall on 21st May 2008.
Checked by oldnick
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User comments about this sheet
- oldnick wrote
- 'Handwriting' indicates ex herb H H Haines. Another sheet from this month and 'Other side of Shoreham harbour' also does not specify the county and there are no other collections of his on H@H from that month