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Specimen #318170
Taxon: | Liliaceae: Leucojum aestivum L. ("Summer Snowflake") |
Filed in taxon folder: | Liliaceae: Leucojum aestivum L. ("Summer Snowflake") |
Collection date: | 3/1874
Locality: | Great Britain, VC17 Surrey, Richmond, TQ17
communicated: | Mr Smith |
Institution: | University College Dublin (DBC) |
Image: |  |
fruits/flowers: | mature flowers |
Inferred details are marked.
Documented by nacs12 on 20th April 2011.
Checked by oldnick
Edit history
date | user | change |
08/11/2013 | oldnick | Added collection date: 3/1874 |
08/11/2013 | oldnick | Deleted collection date: 4/1874 |
N.B. reporting of the edit history is currently fairly unclear and misleading. Most edits made to specimens appear as a pair of 'add' and 'delete' entries, which may not be together in the list. There are also often 'minor' edits, which are made automatically (rather than due to user activity), for example to merge synonym names.
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User comments about this sheet
- oldnick wrote
- Of the multitude of Dublin sheets labelled in this distinctive style, this is the first I've noticed that isn't anonymous - is it at all possible the name 'Mr Smith' may shed any light on the collector of the others?