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Herbarium sheet #95620

Specimen #336179

Taxon:Rosaceae: Potentilla anglica Laichard. ("Trailing Tormentil")
Other name:Potentilla procumbens
Filed in taxon folder:Rosaceae: Potentilla anglica Laichard. ("Trailing Tormentil")
Collected by:Mr Edward Charles Wallace
Collection date:30/7/1938
Locality:Great Britain, VC17 Surrey, Dunsfold Common, TQ03
Institution:South London Botanical Institute (SLBI)
Image:Potentilla anglica herbarium specimen from Dunsfold Common, VC17 Surrey in 1938 by Mr Edward Charles Wallace.
fruits/flowers:mature flowers
Filing note:Potentilla procumbens

Inferred details are marked.

Documented by sir_caronte on 9th May 2012.

Checked by mossysal

Edit history

08/08/2012mossysalDeleted locality: GB VC17 Dunsfold
08/08/2012mossysalAdded locality: VC17 Dunsfold Common TQ0035 (place)
08/08/2012mossysalDeleted collection date: 30/9/1934
08/08/2012mossysalAdded collection date: 30/7/1938
08/08/2012mossysalDeleted locality: VC17 Dunsfold Common TQ0035 (place)
08/08/2012mossysalAdded locality: VC17 Dunsfold Common
08/08/2012mossysalDeleted locality: VC17 Dunsfold Common
08/08/2012mossysalAdded locality: GB VC17 Dunsfold Common

N.B. reporting of the edit history is currently fairly unclear and misleading. Most edits made to specimens appear as a pair of 'add' and 'delete' entries, which may not be together in the list. There are also often 'minor' edits, which are made automatically (rather than due to user activity), for example to merge synonym names.

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