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Herbarium specimen: Senecio squalidus x vulgaris = S. x baxteri

Taxon:Asteraceae: Senecio squalidus x vulgaris = S. x baxteri Druce
named by Groves
Collected by:Mr George Claridge Druce
Institution:Botanical Society of the British Isles (BSBI)
Image:Senecio squalidus x vulgaris = S. x baxteri herbarium specimen collected by Mr George Claridge Druce.Senecio squalidus x vulgaris = S. x baxteri herbarium specimen collected by Mr George Claridge Druce.
ocrnotes:Senecio squatidns v. vulgaris. This, Mr. Groves, of Florence, agreed with me in considering a hybrid. The rayis much shorter and more contiguous than in squalidus; the leaves are more crisped, and of thicker texture. It grew with both species on waste ground. On the walls sqnalidus is fairly constant; on waste ground, where vulgaris grows with it, great variation occurs. Dr. Boswell Syme named one of these intermediates vernalis, W. et K., but neither the Oxford nor the Cork specimens agree with the plant of Waldstein et Kit.-- G. C. Druce.
Filing note:BEC Report 1887

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