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Herbarium specimen: Salix myrsinites

Taxon:Salicaceae: Salix myrsinites L. ("Whortle-leaved Willow")
Filed in taxon folder:Salicaceae: Salix myrsinites L. ("Whortle-leaved Willow")
Collected by:Mr Edward Charles Wallace
Mr Robert MacKechnie
Collection date:9/7/1938
Locality:Great Britain, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Glen Lyon, NN74, rocks on the eat side of Carn Gorm, (altitude 2700ft)
ex herb:Mr Job Edward Lousley
Institution:South London Botanical Institute (SLBI)
Image:Salix myrsinites herbarium specimen from Glen Lyon, VC88 Mid Perthshire in 1938 by Mr Edward Charles Wallace.

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+Salix myrsinitesGB, VC96 East Inverness-shire, DalwhinnieRobert MacKechnie12/7/1946SLBI

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Documented by chrisu on 11th February 2015.

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