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Search results, herbarium specimens from Great Britain and Ireland
Results 201 to 240 of 1794
infoSeriphidium maritimumGB, VC16 West Kent, Greenhithe20/5/1882DBC
infoSinapis albaGB, VC16 West Kent, Greenhithe16/6/1877DBC
infoSinapis albaGB, VC16 West Kent, Greenhithe16/6/1877DBC
infoSmyrnium olusatrumGB, VC16 West Kent, Greenhithe16/6/1877DBC
infoVeronica chamaedrysGB, VC16 West Kent, Greenwich3/5/1875DBC
infoArabidopsis thalianaGB, VC16 West Kent, Keston Common1/5/1889DBC
infoLathraea squamariaGB, VC16 West Kent, Keston Common1/5/1889DBC
infoCentaurea calcitrapaGB, VC16 West Kent, Northfleet18/9/1896DBC
infoFestuca pratensisGB, VC16 West Kent, Northfleet18/9/1886DBC
infoGentianella amarellaGB, VC16 West Kent, Northfleet18/9/1886DBC
infoLepidium drabaGB, VC16 West Kent, Northfleet1/7/1882DBC
infoCardamine bulbiferaGB, VC16 West Kent, Tunbridge Wells, High Rocks13/5/1905DBC
infoAster tripoliumGB, VC16 West Kent, Woolwich6/1873DBC
infoBrassica nigraGB, VC16 West Kent, Woolwich7/8/1876DBC
infoCarex ripariaGB, VC16 West Kent, Woolwich6/1873DBC
infoCrepis taraxacifoliaGB, VC16 West Kent, Woolwich7/8/1876DBC
infoDaucus carotaGB, VC16 West Kent, Woolwich7/8/1876DBC
infoLactuca salignaGB, VC16 West Kent, Woolwich7/8/1876DBC
infoParapholis strigosaGB, VC16 West Kent, Woolwich7/8/1876DBC
infoPastinaca sativaGB, VC16 West Kent, Woolwich8/1876DBC
infoSamolus valerandiGB, VC16 West Kent, Woolwich7/8/1876DBC
infoSolanum nigrumGB, VC16 West Kent, Woolwich7/8/1876DBC
infoSpergularia marinaGB, VC16 West Kent, Woolwich7/8/1876DBC
infoTriglochin maritimaGB, VC16 West Kent, Woolwich7/8/1876DBC
infoTriglochin palustrisGB, VC16 West Kent, Woolwich7/8/1876DBC
infoTypha latifoliaGB, VC16 West Kent, Woolwich7/8/1876DBC
infoPlantago coronopusGB, VC16 West Kent, Woolwich Arsenal6/1873DBC
infoCytisus scopariusGB, Kent, Shooter's Hill8/6/1875DBC
infoPapaver rhoeasGB, Kent, Shooter's Hill8/6/1875DBC
infoPotentilla erectaGB, Kent, Shooter's Hill8/6/1875DBC
infoRanunculus flammulaGB, Kent, Shooter's Hill8/6/1875DBC
infoTamus communisGB, Kent, Shooter's Hill8/6/1875DBC
infoTorilis nodosaGB, Kent, Shooter's Hill8/6/1875DBC
infoAcorus calamusGB, VC17 Surrey, Barnes22/6/1878DBC
infoCentaurea calcitrapaGB, VC17 Surrey, Barnes22/6/1878DBC
infoMoenchia erectaGB, VC17 Surrey, Barnes26/5/1877DBC
infoOenanthe fistulosaGB, VC17 Surrey, Barnes16/8/1879DBC
infoGenista anglicaGB, VC17 Surrey, Barnes CommonRobert Kidston24/5/1884DBC
infoHieracium umbellatumGB, VC17 Surrey, Barnes Common16/8/1879DBC
infoJasione montanaGB, VC17 Surrey, Barnes Common16/8/1879DBC

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Herbaria specimen data is the property of its contributing organisation. Please contact that organisation directly for information concerning conditions of use, copyright or any other enquiry.

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Searched in 1.069s