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Richard Barker Ullman (24/9/1894 - 1953)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Richard Barker Ullman from Great Britain and Ireland
Results 201 to 240 of 1306
infoMisopates orontiumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, TrevearRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman17/8/1912SLBI
infoRanunculus omiophyllus x tripartitus = R. x novae-forestaeGB, VC1 West Cornwall, TrevearRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman17/8/1913SLBI
infoFumaria muralis subsp. boraeiGB, VC1 West Cornwall, TrevelloeRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman8/8/1912SLBI
infoIllecebrum verticillatumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, TrevelloeRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman8/1913SLBI
infoCicendia filiformisGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Trevelloe CarnRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman22/8/1913SLBI
infoJuncus bulbosusGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Trevelloe CarnRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman8/1913SLBI
infoTrifolium micranthumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, TrevescanRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman7/6/1928SLBI
infoTrifolium subterraneumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, TrevescanRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman7/6/1928SLBI
infoTrigonella ornithopodioidesGB, VC1 West Cornwall, TrevescanRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman7/6/1928SLBI
infoViola tricolor subsp. curtisiiGB, VC1 West Cornwall, TrevescanRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman7/1925SLBI
infoCentaurium erythraeaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, TrewoofeRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman9/8/1912SLBI
infoMentha aquaticaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, TrewoofeRichard Barker Ullman30/8/1929SLBI
infoMentha arvensisGB, VC1 West Cornwall, TrewoofeRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman30/8/1929SLBI
infoMentha arvensis x aquatica = M. x verticillataGB, VC1 West Cornwall, TrewoofeRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman30/8/1929SLBI
infoMentha suaveolens x longifolia = M. x rotundifoliaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, TrewoofeRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman30/8/1929SLBI
infoOxalis corniculataGB, VC1 West Cornwall, TrewoofeRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman8/1912SLBI
infoOxalis corniculataGB, VC1 West Cornwall, TrewoofeRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman8/1912SLBI
infoViola rivinianaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, TrewoofeRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman21/4/1913SLBI
infoViola tricolor x arvensis = V. x contemptaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, TrewoofeRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman30/8/1929SLBI
infoUlmus minorGB, VC2 East Cornwall, LandulphCecil Prescott HurstRichard Barker Ullman7/7/1933SLBI
infoGlechoma hederaceaGB, VC2 East Cornwall, PolperroFrancis RilstoneBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Richard Barker Ullman
Patrick Martin Hall
infoRubus lindleianusGB, VC2 East Cornwall, PolperroFrancis RilstoneRichard Barker Ullman9/7/1928
infoSenecio squalidusGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Saint BlazeyFrancis RilstonePatrick Martin Hall
Richard Barker Ullman
infoViola GB, VC2 East Cornwall, TrevescanRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman25/8/1913SLBI
infoSibthorpia europaeaGB, VC2 East Cornwall, WithielWilliam Webb SpicerRichard Barker Ullman
W W Spicer
infoCardamine flexuosaGB, VC3 South Devon, Budleigh SaltertonPatrick Martin HallPatrick Martin Hall
Richard Barker Ullman
infoCarex dioicaGB, VC3 South Devon, Budleigh SaltertonPatrick Martin HallPatrick Martin Hall
Richard Barker Ullman
infoMyosurus minimusGB, VC3 South Devon, Budleigh SaltertonPatrick Martin HallPatrick Martin Hall
Richard Barker Ullman
infoSchoenus nigricansGB, VC3 South Devon, Budleigh SaltertonPatrick Martin HallPatrick Martin Hall
Richard Barker Ullman
infoViola rivinianaGB, VC3 South Devon, Budleigh SaltertonPatrick Martin HallRichard Barker Ullman13/5/1929SLBI
infoViola rivinianaGB, VC3 South Devon, Budleigh SaltertonPatrick Martin HallRichard Barker Ullman13/5/1929SLBI
infoViola riviniana x canina = V. x intersitaGB, VC3 South Devon, Budleigh SaltertonPatrick Martin HallRichard Barker Ullman13/5/1929SLBI
infoLepidium drabaGB, VC3 South Devon, DawlishRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman26/4/1930SLBI
infoLepidium drabaGB, VC3 South Devon, DawlishRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman26/4/1930SLBI
infoArabidopsis thalianaGB, VC3 South Devon, Dawlish WarrenRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman26/4/1930SLBI
infoCerastium fontanum subsp. vulgareGB, VC3 South Devon, Dawlish WarrenRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman26/4/1930SLBI
infoCerastium semidecandrumGB, VC3 South Devon, Dawlish WarrenRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman26/4/1930SLBI
infoMoenchia erectaGB, VC3 South Devon, Dawlish WarrenRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman26/4/1930SLBI
infoTeesdalia nudicaulisGB, VC3 South Devon, Dawlish WarrenRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman26/4/1930SLBI
infoTeesdalia nudicaulisGB, VC3 South Devon, Dawlish WarrenRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman26/10/1930SLBI

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Searched in 1.122s