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William Wise (1843? - 1935)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by William Wise from Great Britain and Ireland
Results 201 to 240 of 754
infoDrosera rotundifoliaGB, VC2 East Cornwall, EgloskerryWilliam WiseWilliam Wise29/7/1884LAUS
infoEriophorum angustifoliumGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Egloskerry
GB, VC2 East Cornwall, Red Down
William WiseWilliam Wise7/1892LAUS
infoLythrum portula subsp. longidentatumGB, VC2 East Cornwall, EgloskerryWilliam WiseWilliam Wise7/1908LAUS
infoPedicularis sylvaticaGB, VC2 East Cornwall, EgloskerryWilliam WiseWilliam Wise1/6/1888LAUS
infoPinguicula lusitanicaGB, VC2 East Cornwall, EgloskerryWilliam Wise6/1901LAUS
infoPotentilla palustrisGB, VC2 East Cornwall, EgloskerryWilliam WiseWilliam Wise6/1901LAUS
infoPotentilla palustrisGB, VC2 East Cornwall, EgloskerryWilliam WiseWilliam Wise6/1910LAUS
infoQuercus roburGB, VC2 East Cornwall, EgloskerryWilliam Wise12/7/1926LAUS
infoRhynchospora albaGB, VC2 East Cornwall, EgloskerryWilliam Wise4/6/1895LAUS
infoAsplenium obovatumGB, VC2 East Cornwall, ForraburyWilliam WiseWilliam Wise6/1887LAUS
infoTrifolium striatumGB, VC2 East Cornwall, ForraburyWilliam WiseWilliam Wise6/1887LAUS
infoVerbascum nigrumGB, VC2 East Cornwall, FoweyWilliam Wise24/8/1908LAUS
infoHydrocotyle vulgarisGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Great Western Railway Station, LauncestonWilliam Wise7/8/1888LAUS
infoMelilotus indicusGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Great Western Railway Station, LauncestonWilliam Wise10/9/1894LAUS
infoSparganium erectumGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Great Western Railway Station, LauncestonWilliam Wise1/7/1884LAUS
infoOrchis masculaGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Greystone BridgeWilliam WiseWilliam Wise5/1917LAUS
infoCeratocapnos claviculataGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Greystone Bridge, LezantWilliam WiseWilliam Wise22/6/1917LAUS
infoGalium odoratumGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Greystone Wood, LezantWilliam WiseWilliam Wise5/1917LAUS
infoPolygala serpyllifoliaGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Hawks' TorWilliam WiseWilliam Wise2/5/1882LAUS
infoViola palustrisGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Hawks' TorWilliam WiseWilliam Wise2/5/1882LAUS
infoScirpus caespitosusGB, VC2 East Cornwall, HawkstorWilliam Wise1883LAUS
infoIberis amaraGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Hay Common, LauncestonWilliam WiseWilliam Wise6/1903LAUS
infoBlechnum spicantGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Kennard's House, nearWilliam WiseWilliam Wise8/1888LAUS
infoChamaemelum nobileGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Kenner's HouseWilliam WiseWilliam Wise7/9/1888LAUS
infoCardamine pratensisGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Kensey Vale, LauncestonWilliam Wise14/5/1888LAUS
infoMentha aquaticaGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Kensey Vale, LauncestonWilliam Wise8/1884LAUS
infoSymphytum officinaleGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Kensey Vale, LauncestonWilliam Wise6/1884LAUS
infoJuncus acutiflorusGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Kensey Valley, St ThomasWilliam Wise9/1902LAUS
infoEuphorbia cyparissiasGB, VC2 East Cornwall, KilkhamptonWilliam Wise12/6/1925LAUS
infoIsolepis setaceaGB, VC2 East Cornwall, KingbeareWilliam Wise24/8/1893LAUS
infoAnemone nemorosaGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Landlake WoodWilliam Wise5/1890LAUS
infoVinca majorGB, VC2 East Cornwall, LandueWilliam Wise7/1917LAUS
infoChamerion angustifoliumGB, VC2 East Cornwall, LaneastWilliam Wise7/1915LAUS
infoCarex binervisGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Laneast DownWilliam WiseWilliam Wise6/1899LAUS
infoCarex caryophylleaGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Laneast DownWilliam WiseWilliam Wise16/6/1890LAUS
infoCarex piluliferaGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Laneast DownWilliam Wise16/6/1891LAUS
infoCarex pulicarisGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Laneast DownWilliam WiseWilliam Wise16/6/1891LAUS
infoGenista anglicaGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Laneast DownWilliam WiseWilliam Wise16/6/1890LAUS
infoGenista anglicaGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Laneast DownWilliam WiseWilliam Wise16/8/1900LAUS
infoLuzula multiflora subsp. congestaGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Laneast DownWilliam Wise16/6/1890LAUS

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