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Miss Martha Maria Atwood (1810 - 1880)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Miss Martha Maria Atwood from Great Britain and Ireland
Results 41 to 80 of 153
infoSalsola kaliGB, VC6 North Somerset, Weston-super-MareMartha Maria AtwoodDonor Unknown
Martha Maria Atwood
infoSchoenoplectus tabernaemontaniGB, VC9 Dorset, PooleHenry RobertsGeorge Stephen West
Martha Maria Atwood
infoCynodon dactylonGB, VC9 Dorset, StudlandHenry RobertsGeorge Stephen West
Martha Maria Atwood
infoClinopodium menthifoliumGB, VC10 Isle of Wight, NewportHenry RobertsGeorge Stephen West
Martha Maria Atwood
infoSpartina alternifloraGB, VC11 South Hampshire, ItchenHenry RobertsGeorge Stephen West
Martha Maria Atwood
infoRhynchospora fuscaGB, VC11 South Hampshire, New ForestHenry RobertsGeorge Stephen West
Martha Maria Atwood
infoPolypogon monspeliensisGB, VC11 South Hampshire, PorchesterHenry RobertsGeorge Stephen West
Martha Maria Atwood
infoCladium mariscusGB, VC11 South Hampshire, PortsmouthHenry RobertsGeorge Stephen West
Martha Maria Atwood
infoChenopodium vulvariaGB, VC16 West Kent, WoolwichE EdwardsDonor Unknown
Martha Maria Atwood
John Gilbert Baker
infoMyrica galeGB, VC17 Surrey, FarnhamJoseph Hesselgrave ThompsonDonor Unknown
Martha Maria Atwood
infoSalix repens var. fuscaGB, VC17 Surrey, FarnhamJoseph Hesselgrave ThompsonDonor Unknown
Martha Maria Atwood
infoPolygala calcareaGB, VC17 Surrey, ReigateJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeGeorge Stephen West
Martha Maria Atwood
infoHumulus lupulusGB, VC21 Middlesex, HackneySargantDonor Unknown
Martha Maria Atwood
infoRumex sanguineusGB, VC21 Middlesex, HackneySargantDonor Unknown
Martha Maria Atwood
infoRumex hydrolapathumGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, WhittleseaDonor Unknown
Martha Maria Atwood
infoVerbascum blattariaGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, BlockleyHenry RobertsGeorge Stephen West
Martha Maria Atwood
infoDaphne laureolaGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, DowdeswellH BeachDonor Unknown
Martha Maria Atwood
infoSuaeda maritimaGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, AustMartha Maria Atwood9/1850BIRM
infoAnisantha madritensisGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, BristolMartha Maria AtwoodGeorge Stephen West17/5/1852BIRM
infoAtriplex laciniataGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, BristolMartha Maria AtwoodDonor Unknown9/1853BIRM
infoRumex acetosellaGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Bristol, Brandon HillMartha Maria AtwoodDonor Unknown
Martha Maria Atwood
infoCallitriche palustrisGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Bristol, Cooks FollyMartha Maria AtwoodDonor Unknown
Martha Maria Atwood
+Arabis scabraGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Bristol, Durdham DownMartha Maria AtwoodCharles Bailey
John Harbord Lewis
infoAllium oleraceumGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, CliftonMartha Maria AtwoodGeorge Stephen West8/1857BIRM
infoAtriplex patulaGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, CliftonMartha Maria AtwoodDonor Unknown8/1846BIRM
infoChenopodium albumGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, CliftonMartha Maria Atwood1846BIRM
infoChenopodium albumGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, CliftonMartha Maria Atwood9/1853BIRM
infoChenopodium rubrumGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, CliftonMartha Maria Atwood9/1846BIRM
infoClematis vitalbaGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, CliftonMartha Maria AtwoodGeorge Stephen West11/1857BIRM
infoCochlearia anglicaGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, CliftonMartha Maria AtwoodGeorge Stephen West4/1852BIRM
infoCorylus avellanaGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, CliftonMartha Maria AtwoodGeorge Stephen West1841BIRM
infoEuphorbia peplusGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, CliftonMartha Maria Atwood7/1848BIRM
infoGeranium rotundifoliumGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, CliftonMartha Maria AtwoodGeorge Stephen West5/1854BIRM
infoMercurialis perennisGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, CliftonMartha Maria AtwoodDonor Unknown4/1851BIRM
infoParietaria judaicaGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, CliftonMartha Maria AtwoodMartha Maria Atwood1843BIRM
infoRubia peregrinaGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, CliftonMartha Maria AtwoodGeorge Stephen West4/1857BIRM
infoRumex acetosellaGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, CliftonMartha Maria AtwoodDonor Unknown
Martha Maria Atwood
infoRumex obtusifoliusGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, CliftonMartha Maria AtwoodDonor Unknown
Martha Maria Atwood
infoCarex caryophylleaGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Clifton DownMartha Maria AtwoodGeorge Stephen West4/1851BIRM
infoEuphrasia officinalisGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Clifton DownMartha Maria AtwoodGeorge Stephen West9/1853BIRM

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