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William A Mudd (1830 - 4/1879)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by William A Mudd from Great Britain and Ireland
Results 161 to 200 of 683
infoOrchis morioGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West5/1853BIRM
infoOrnithogalum umbellatumGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West1858BIRM
infoOxalis acetosellaGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West6/1852BIRM
infoParis quadrifoliaGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West5/1853BIRM
infoPedicularis sylvaticaGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West7/1853BIRM
infoPersicaria hydropiperGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West8/6/1852BIRM
infoPersicaria lapathifoliaGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West1853BIRM
infoPhalaris arundinaceaGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West7/1852BIRM
infoPhleum pratense var. nodosumGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West6/1856 to 7/1856BIRM
infoPlantago lanceolataGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West1852BIRM
infoPlantago majorGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West6/1852BIRM
infoPlantago mediaGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West5/1853BIRM
infoPoa annuaGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West7/1851BIRM
infoPoa pratensisGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West9/11/1851BIRM
infoPoa pratensisGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West7/1852BIRM
infoPoa pratensisGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West7/1852BIRM
infoPoa pratensisGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West7/1856BIRM
infoPoa trivialisGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West7/1852BIRM
infoPolemonium caeruleumGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West7/1853BIRM
infoPotentilla anserinaGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West7/1852BIRM
infoPotentilla erectaGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West7/1852BIRM
infoPotentilla reptansGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West7/1852BIRM
infoPrimula vulgaris var. caulescensGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West1852BIRM
infoPrunella vulgarisGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West7/1853BIRM
infoPulmonaria officinalisGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West1853BIRM
infoQuercus rubraGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West7/1852BIRM
infoRanunculus bulbosusGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West5/1852BIRM
infoRanunculus ficariaGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West5/1852BIRM
infoRanunculus peltatusGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West1852BIRM
infoRanunculus repensGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West6/1852BIRM
infoRibes nigrumGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West6/1852BIRM
infoRibes rubrumGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West6/1852BIRM
infoRibes uva-crispaGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West5/1852BIRM
infoRosa GB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A Mudd8/1853BIRM
infoRumex crispusGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West8/1853BIRM
infoRumex obtusifoliusGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West8/1853BIRM
infoRuscus aculeatusGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, Ayton CultivatedWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West3/4/1851BIRM
infoSagina apetalaGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West6/1853BIRM
infoSagina procumbensGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West6/1852BIRM
infoSagina procumbensGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AytonWilliam A MuddGeorge Stephen West6/1853BIRM

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