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Dulwich College

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Dulwich College from Great Britain and Ireland
Results 361 to 400 of 831
infoEuphorbia helioscopiaGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichM DDulwich College7/1893SLBI
infoEuphorbia peplusGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichJ H TDulwich College9/1892SLBI
infoFrangula alnusGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichM DDulwich College5/1893SLBI
infoGeranium robertianumGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichDulwich College5/1893SLBI
infoJuncus effususGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichJ H TDulwich College6/1892SLBI
infoJuncus effususGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichJethro Justinian Harris TeallDulwich College6/1892SLBI
infoJuncus subnodulosusGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichJethro Justinian Harris TeallDulwich College6/1893SLBI
infoLemna trisulcaGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichJ H PDulwich College7/1892SLBI
infoLeontodon GB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichJethro Justinian Harris TeallDulwich College6/1892SLBI
infoLepidium drabaGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichJ H TDulwich College6/1892SLBI
infoNasturtium sylvestreGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichC H TDulwich College6/1892SLBI
infoPersicaria lapathifoliaGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichJ H TDulwich College7/1897SLBI
infoPlantago majorGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichJ H PDulwich College7/1892SLBI
infoPotentilla reptansGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichJ W DDulwich College7/1892SLBI
infoSambucus nigraGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichJethro Justinian Harris TeallDulwich College6/1892SLBI
infoScrophularia nodosaGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichJ H PDulwich College6/1893SLBI
infoSenecio viscosusGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichM DDulwich College8/1893SLBI
infoSonchus oleraceusGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichM DDulwich College10/1892SLBI
infoStachys sylvaticaGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichJ H TDulwich College6/1893SLBI
infoStellaria palustrisGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichJethro Justinian Harris TeallDulwich College7/1893SLBI
infoTrifolium resupinatumGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichE C PDulwich College9/1894SLBI
infoUlmus glabra subsp. montanaGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichJ W DDulwich College4/1892SLBI
infoViburnum opulusGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichDulwich College6/1894SLBI
infoVicia sativaGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichSamuel William CaruthersDulwich College28/6/1880SLBI
infoPrunella vulgarisGB, VC17 Surrey, Dulwich ManorSamuel William CaruthersDulwich College28/6/1880SLBI
infoRosa caninaGB, VC17 Surrey, Dulwich ManorSamuel William CaruthersDulwich College28/6/1880SLBI
infoLuzula pilosaGB, VC17 Surrey, Dulwich WoodsJ H PDulwich College5/1897SLBI
infoAnthriscus sylvestrisGB, VC17 Surrey, EffinghamJ H TDulwich College4/1893SLBI
infoBarbarea vulgarisGB, VC17 Surrey, EffinghamDulwich College4/1893SLBI
infoChelidonium majusGB, VC17 Surrey, EffinghamDulwich College4/1893SLBI
infoEuphorbia amygdaloidesGB, VC17 Surrey, EffinghamM DDulwich College5/1893SLBI
infoHieracium sect. HieraciumGB, VC17 Surrey, Effingham? J H PDulwich College5/1893SLBI
infoHieracium sect. HieraciumGB, VC17 Surrey, EffinghamM DDulwich College9/1895SLBI
infoHyacinthoides non-scriptaGB, VC17 Surrey, EffinghamM PDulwich College5/1893SLBI
infoLathyrus aphacaGB, VC17 Surrey, EffinghamE C TeesdaleDulwich College7/1906SLBI
infoLepidium campestreGB, VC17 Surrey, EffinghamDulwich College5/1893SLBI
infoOrchis masculaGB, VC17 Surrey, EffinghamJ TDulwich College4/1893SLBI
infoPhyteuma orbiculareGB, VC17 Surrey, EffinghamM DDulwich College8/1888SLBI
infoPolygala calcareaGB, VC17 Surrey, Abinger
GB, VC17 Surrey, Effingham
N DDulwich College4/1893SLBI
infoPrimula verisGB, VC17 Surrey, EffinghamM DDulwich College4/1893SLBI

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