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London Natural History Society

Search results

Search results, herbarium specimens collected by London Natural History Society from Great Britain and Ireland
Results 281 to 320 of 1101
infoCarex ovalisGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society29/6/1948BM
infoCarpinus betulusGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonJoan Frances HallLondon Natural History Society10/4/1953SLBI
infoCarpinus betulusGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonJoan Frances HallLondon Natural History Society10/4/1953SLBI
infoCentunculus minimusGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society28/8/1949SLBI
infoCerastium fontanum subsp. vulgareGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society29/6/1948SLBI
infoCerastium fontanum subsp. vulgareGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonJoan Frances HallLondon Natural History Society14/6/1953SLBI
infoCirsium dissectumGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonJoan Frances HallLondon Natural History Society14/6/1953SLBI
infoCrataegus laevigataGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society8/5/1949SLBI
infoCrataegus monogynaGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society8/5/1949SLBI
infoDactylorhiza maculata subsp. ericetorumGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society6/7/1948SLBI
infoDactylorhiza maculata subsp. ericetorumGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society6/7/1948SLBI
infoEleocharis palustrisGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonJoan Frances HallLondon Natural History Society14/6/1953 to 13/9/1954SLBI
infoFilipendula ulmaria var. denudataGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonPhilip Henry CookeLondon Natural History SocietySLBI
infoFragaria vescaGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonJoan Frances HallLondon Natural History Society10/5/1953SLBI
infoGalium saxatileGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society11/7/1948SLBI
infoGalium uliginosumGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society28/8/1943SLBI
infoGenista anglicaGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society14/6/1953SLBI
infoGlechoma hederaceaGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonPeter Charles HallLondon Natural History Society12/4/1953SLBI
infoHypericum tetrapterumGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society9/9/1951SLBI
infoIsolepis setaceaGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society7/7/1950SLBI
infoJuncus bulbosusGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society11/7/1948SLBI
infoLamium albumGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonPeter Charles HallLondon Natural History Society12/4/1953SLBI
infoLamium purpureumGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonPeter Charles HallLondon Natural History Society12/4/1953SLBI
infoLapsana communisGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society10/7/1949SLBI
infoLathyrus linifoliusGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society6/7/1948
infoLathyrus pratensisGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society9/7/1950SLBI
infoLathyrus pratensisGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society18/8/1950SLBI
infoLemna trisulcaGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society22/4/1950SLBI
infoLeucanthemum vulgareGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonJoan Frances HallLondon Natural History Society14/6/1953SLBI
infoLotus corniculatusGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society18/8/1950SLBI
infoLotus pedunculatusGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society29/6/1948SLBI
infoLuzula pilosaGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonPeter Charles HallLondon Natural History Society12/4/1953SLBI
infoLysimachia nemorumGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonPeter Charles HallLondon Natural History Society10/5/1953SLBI
infoMentha aquaticaGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society11/9/1949SLBI
infoMercurialis perennisGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonLondon Natural History Society12/4/1953SLBI
infoMoehringia trinerviaGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonAlfred William JonesLondon Natural History Society10/5/1953SLBI
infoMontia fontanaGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society9/5/1948SLBI
infoMyosotis scorpioidesGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society7/7/1950SLBI
infoNasturtium officinale subsp. microphyllumGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society11/7/1954SLBI
infoOxalis acetosellaGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonPeter Charles HallLondon Natural History Society12/4/1953SLBI

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Searched in 1.147s