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Mr Hewett Cottrell Watson (9/5/1804 - 27/7/1881)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Mr Hewett Cottrell Watson from Great Britain and Ireland
Results 361 to 400 of 646
infoBarbarea vernaGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell Watson
John Gilbert Baker
George Stephen West8/1852BIRM
+Bromus secalinusGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonBotanical Society of London
Charles Bailey
Hewett Cottrell Watson
infoBromus secalinusGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonMantua And Montferrat1843BON
infoCarex divulsaGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonHewett Cottrell Watson1837E
infoCarex nigraGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoCarex nigraGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonMantua And Montferrat
Hewett Cottrell Watson
infoCarex otrubae x remota = C. x pseudoaxillarisGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell Watson1875MANCH
infoCarex otrubae x remota = C. x pseudoaxillarisGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonCharles Bailey1868MANCH
infoCarex otrubae x remota = C. x pseudoaxillarisGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonAugustin Ley1875BIRM
infoCarex otrubae x remota = C. x pseudoaxillarisGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme8/1868BM
infoChenopodium albumGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonAugustin Ley1868BIRM
+Chenopodium glaucumGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonCharles Bailey
William Lowndes Notcutt
infoChenopodium glaucumGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonAugustin LeyBIRM
infoChenopodium glaucumGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames Ditton CultivatedHewett Cottrell WatsonAugustin Ley
Hewett Cottrell Watson
infoChenopodium polyspermumGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonDonor Unknown
Hewett Cottrell Watson
infoChenopodium rubrumGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonDonor Unknown1851BIRM
infoCuscuta epithymumGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonFrederick Townsend8/1837SLBI
infoDamasonium alismaGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonJohn Ball1840E
infoDamasonium alismaGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames Ditton
GB, VC17 Surrey, West Molesey
Hewett Cottrell WatsonJohn Ball10/1851E
infoDamasonium alismaGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell Watson9/1840E
+Damasonium alismaGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell Watson1844MANCH
infoErica ciliaris x tetralix = E. x watsoniiGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames Ditton CultivatedHewett Cottrell WatsonFrederick Townsend1867SLBI
+Filago pyramidataGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonCharles Bailey1860MANCH
+Filago pyramidataGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonCharles Bailey7/1862MANCH
infoFumaria micranthaGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonCharles Bailey1847BIRM
infoGalium uliginosumGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonWilliam Hadden Beeby7/1843SLBI
infoLamium amplexicauleGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonBotanical Society of London
William Hadden Beeby
infoLimosella aquaticaGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell Watson
John Gilbert Baker
George Stephen West1872BIRM
infoLinum bienneGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonGeorge Stephen West
Hewett Cottrell Watson
infoLinum bienneGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoLolium multiflorumGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonMantua And Montferrat1844BON
+Lolium temulentumGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonCharles Bailey
Hewett Cottrell Watson
infoMentha pulegiumGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonBotanical Society of LondonK
+Mentha pulegiumGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonCharles Bailey9/1862MANCH
+Misopates orontiumGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonCharles Bailey7/1864MANCH
infoMisopates orontiumGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonGeorge Cheetham Churchill
Hewett Cottrell Watson
infoOenanthe aquaticaGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoPersicaria lapathifoliaGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonAugustin Ley1874BIRM
infoPersicaria lapathifoliaGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonAugustin Ley1876BIRM
infoPersicaria lapathifoliaGB, VC17 Surrey, Thames DittonHewett Cottrell WatsonWilliam Hadden Beeby1874SLBI

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