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Rev. Harry Joseph Riddelsdell (25/7/1866 - 17/10/1941)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Rev. Harry Joseph Riddelsdell from Great Britain and Ireland
Results 241 to 280 of 923
infoMontia fontanaGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, BroadmoorHarry Joseph Riddelsdell22/6/1909GLR
infoChara vulgarisGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, Brockeridge CommonHarry Joseph Riddelsdell15/4/1937GLR
infoRanunculus aquatilisGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, Cerney WickHarry Joseph Riddelsdell2/7/1908GLR
infoRanunculus peltatusGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, Cerney WickHarry Joseph RiddelsdellWalter Butt2/7/1908GLR
infoVeronica anagallis-aquaticaGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, ChalfordHarry Joseph Riddelsdell29/6/1926K
infoViola hirtaGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, ChalfordHarry Joseph RiddelsdellGLR
infoGymnocarpium robertianumGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, CheltenhamHarry Joseph Riddelsdell5/7/1912GLR
infoChenopodium hybridumGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, Chipping CampdenHarry Joseph Riddelsdell16/7/1908GLR
infoViola rivinianaGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, Chipping CampdenJ TaylorHarry Joseph Riddelsdell4/5/1908GLR
+Vicia parvifloraGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, Cirencester (E of),FairfordHarry Joseph RiddelsdellCharles Bailey12/7/1907MANCH
infoOriganum vulgareGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, ColesborneHarry Joseph Riddelsdell4/8/1924K
infoMentha arvensis x aquatica x spicata = M. x smithianaGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, Compton AbdaleHarry Joseph RiddelsdellBotanical Society & Exchange Club of The British Isles
Charles Edgar Salmon
George Claridge Druce
Joseph Edward Little
infoMentha arvensis x aquatica x spicata = M. x smithianaGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, Compton AbdaleHarry Joseph Riddelsdell11/9/1919CGE
infoMentha arvensis x aquatica x spicata = M. x smithianaGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, Compton AbdaleHarry Joseph Riddelsdell11/9/1919LIV
infoMentha arvensis x spicata = M. x gracilisGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, Compton AbdaleHarry Joseph RiddelsdellBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Albert Bruce Jackson
+Agrostemma githagoGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, CranhamHarry Joseph Riddelsdell11/6/1912BM
infoAphanes arvensisGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, CranhamHarry Joseph RiddelsdellHarry Joseph Riddelsdell6/1912GLR
infoCardamine pratensisGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, CranhamHarry Joseph Riddelsdell21/6/1912GLR
infoCarex divulsa subsp. divulsaGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, CranhamHarry Joseph RiddelsdellWilliam Charles Barton20/6/1912BM
infoPhyllitis scolopendriumGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, CranhamHarry Joseph Riddelsdell2/7/1912GLR
infoRubus pallidisetusGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, CranhamHarry Joseph RiddelsdellBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles19/8/1919SLBI
infoPolygala calcareaGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, Crickley HillHarry Joseph Riddelsdell11/5/1907GLR
infoGeranium columbinumGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, DowdeswellHarry Joseph Riddelsdell29/6/1908GLR
infoNasturtium palustrisGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, ElmoreHarry Joseph Riddelsdell22/6/1933GLR
infoStellaria palustrisGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, ElmoreHarry Joseph Riddelsdell22/6/1937GLR
infoTrifolium pratenseGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, ElmoreHarry Joseph Riddelsdell22/6/1907GLR
infoVerbascum nigrumGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, EyfordHarry Joseph Riddelsdell1/8/1906K
infoVerbascum nigrumGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, EyfordHarry Joseph Riddelsdell1/8/1936K
infoVerbascum nigrumGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, EyfordHarry Joseph Riddelsdell1/8/1936K
infoErophila verna var. praecoxGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, FairfordHarry Joseph RiddelsdellWalter Butt27/4/1908GLR
infoGalium spuriumGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, FairfordHarry Joseph RiddelsdellBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
infoOdontites vernusGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, FairfordHarry Joseph RiddelsdellBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
infoSedum albumGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, FairfordHarry Joseph Riddelsdell11/7/1908GLR
infoSerratula tinctoriaGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, FairfordHarry Joseph RiddelsdellBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Manchester Museum
Charles Bailey
infoSerratula tinctoriaGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, FairfordHarry Joseph RiddelsdellBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
infoSisymbrium orientaleGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, FairfordHarry Joseph Riddelsdell
J Taylor
infoSymphytum asperumGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, FairfordHarry Joseph RiddelsdellBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
+Agrostemma githagoGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, Fields nr CranhamHarry Joseph Riddelsdell22/6/1912BM
infoAlchemilla vulgaris aggGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, FordHarry Joseph Riddelsdell25/7/1909GLR
infoCalamintha arvensisGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, FordHarry Joseph RiddelsdellBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley

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Searched in 1.111s