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Peter Francis Hunt (1936 - 2013)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Peter Francis Hunt
Results 1 to 39 of 39
infoAjuga reptansGB, VC17 Surrey, ChiddingfoldPeter Francis Hunt3/4/1961K
infoCallitriche stagnalisGB, VC6 North Somerset, King's Wood WarrenPeter Francis Hunt16/6/1961K
infoCarex maritimaGB, VC108 West Sutherland, InvernaverPeter Francis Hunt13/7/1962BM
infoCarex ovalisGB, VC110 Outer Hebrides, GrimsayPeter Francis Hunt12/7/1961BM
infoClinopodium ascendensGB, VC6 North Somerset, FromePeter Francis HuntPeter Francis Hunt28/8/1956K
infoCuscuta epithymumGB, VC9 Dorset, SlepePeter Francis HuntPeter Francis Hunt27/6/1957K
infoCymbalaria muralisGB, VC6 North Somerset, Shepton MalletPeter Francis Hunt15/6/1961K
infoCymbalaria muralisGB, VC6 North Somerset, Shepton MalletPeter Francis Hunt15/6/1961K
infoCymbalaria muralisGB, VC6 North Somerset, Shepton MalletPeter Francis Hunt15/6/1961K
infoDianthus deltoidesGB, VC96,VC106, North KessockPeter Francis Hunt
Victor Samuel Summerhayes
infoGaleopsis bifidaGB, VC107 East Sutherland, HelmsdalePeter Francis Hunt
Victor Samuel Summerhayes
infoGaleopsis tetrahitGB, VC6 North Somerset, FromePeter Francis HuntPeter Francis Hunt12/8/1956K
infoGaleopsis tetrahitGB, VC106 East Ross & Cromarty, KilmuirPeter Francis Hunt
Victor Samuel Summerhayes
infoGaleopsis tetrahitGB, VC110 Outer Hebrides, BalesharePeter Francis Hunt19/7/1961K
infoGaleopsis tetrahitGB, VC110 Outer Hebrides, LochmaddyPeter Francis Hunt14/7/1961K
infoGlebionis segetumGB, VC106 East Ross & Cromarty, North KessockPeter Francis Hunt
Victor Samuel Summerhayes
infoGlebionis segetumGB, VC110 Outer Hebrides, North UistPeter Francis Hunt13/7/1961K
infoHabenaria virideGB, VC107 East Sutherland, Ben Griam BegAlan McGregor Stirling
Peter Francis Hunt
infoHabenaria virideGB, VC108 West Sutherland, FarrPeter Francis Hunt
Victor Samuel Summerhayes
infoHabenaria virideGB, VC110 Outer Hebrides, North UistPeter Francis Hunt13/7/1961K
infoHabenaria virideGB, VC110 Outer Hebrides, North UistPeter Francis Hunt17/7/1961K
infoLinaria purpureaGB, VC11 South Hampshire, SouthamptonPeter Francis HuntPeter Francis Hunt19/9/1956K
infoLinaria repensGB, VC6 North Somerset, Mells CollieryPeter Francis HuntPeter Francis Hunt1955K
infoLycopus europaeusIE, VCH16 West Galway, RoundstonePeter Francis Hunt31/8/1964K
infoMentha aquaticaIE, VCH27 West Mayo, Old HeadPeter Francis Hunt1/9/1964K
infoMentha aquatica x spicata = M. x piperita var. citrataGB, VC6 North Somerset, Frome CultivatedPeter Francis Hunt28/8/1959K
infoMentha arvensis x aquatica = M. x verticillataGB, VC6 North Somerset, Asham WoodPeter Francis HuntPeter Francis Hunt30/8/1956K
infoMentha arvensis x aquatica = M. x verticillataIE, VCH16 West Galway, Lough CraigduffPeter Francis Hunt4/9/1964K
infoMentha arvensis x aquatica = M. x verticillataIE, VCH16 West Galway, Lough CraigduffPeter Francis Hunt4/9/1964K
infoPhalaris arundinaceaGB, VC106 East Ross & Cromarty, Loch AchiltyPeter Francis Hunt
Victor Samuel Summerhayes
infoPolystichum lonchitisGB, VC107 East Sutherland, Ben Griam BegPeter Francis Hunt10/7/1962K
infoScutellaria galericulataGB, VC9 Dorset, Fifehead NevillePeter Francis Hunt19/6/1962K
infoStachys palustrisIE, VCH16 West Galway, RoundstonePeter Francis Hunt31/8/1964K
infoStachys sylvatica x palustris = S. x ambiguaGB, VC110 Outer Hebrides, Lochmaddy CultivatedPeter Francis Hunt14/7/1961K
infoTephroseris integrifoliaGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, MerePeter Francis Hunt20/6/1962K
infoVeronica arvensisGB, VC110 Outer Hebrides, LochmaddyPeter Francis Hunt13/7/1961K
infoVeronica officinalisGB, Somerset, FromePeter Francis HuntPeter Francis Hunt2/8/1956K
infoVeronica scutellataGB, VC106 East Ross & Cromarty, Strath CononPeter Francis Hunt
Victor Samuel Summerhayes
infoVeronica scutellataGB, VC107,VC109, Ord of CaithnessPeter Francis Hunt
Victor Samuel Summerhayes

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Searched in 2.438s