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Dr Ezekiel George Varenne (6/5/1811 - 22/4/1887)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Dr Ezekiel George Varenne
Results 1 to 48 of 48
infoAnthriscus cerefoliumGB, VC19 North Essex, KelvedonEzekiel George VarenneBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Allan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoArnoseris minimaGB, VC19 North Essex, AlresfordEzekiel George VarenneWilliam Hadden Beeby8/1874SLBI
infoArnoseris minimaGB, VC19 North Essex, AlresfordEzekiel George VarenneAugustin Ley8/1874BIRM
infoBrassica rapa var. briggsiiGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Saint IvesEzekiel George VarenneBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
infoBrassica rapa var. briggsiiGB, VC3 South Devon, ExeterEzekiel George VarenneBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles8/1882SLBI
infoBrassica rapa subsp. campestrisGB, VC1 West Cornwall, ZennorEzekiel George VarenneBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
William Hunt Painter
infoBupleurum tenuissimumGB, VC19 North Essex, TollesburyEzekiel George VarenneHarold Stuart Thompson1850BIRM
infoCarex otrubae x remota = C. x pseudoaxillarisGB, VC19 North Essex, InworthEzekiel George VarenneWilliam Williamson Newbould7/1847BM
infoCarex otrubae x remota = C. x pseudoaxillarisGB, VC19 North Essex, KelvedonEzekiel George VarenneCharles Bailey1848MANCH
infoCarex otrubae x remota = C. x pseudoaxillarisGB, VC19 North Essex, KelvedonEzekiel George VarenneArthur Bennett
Charles Edgar Salmon
Ezekiel George Varenne
infoChenopodium hybridumGB, VC19 North Essex, FeeringEzekiel George VarenneAllan Octavian Hume1850SLBI
infoCrepis capillarisGB, VC19 North Essex, InworthEzekiel George VarenneBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
infoCuscuta epithymumGB, VC19 North Essex, Little Coggeshall [Coggeshall Hamlet]Ezekiel George Varenne1847K
infoCuscuta epithymumGB, VC19 North Essex, WithamEzekiel George VarenneHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
+Cynodon dactylonGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Saint Michael's BayEzekiel George VarenneBotanical Society & Exchange Club of The British Isles
Charles Bailey
+Filago gallicaGB, VC19 North Essex, AlresfordEzekiel George VarenneCharles Bailey
Elizabeth Anne Lomax
+Filago gallicaGB, VC19 North Essex, AlresfordEzekiel George VarenneCharles Bailey9/1875MANCH
+Filago gallicaGB, VC19 North Essex, AlresfordEzekiel George VarenneCharles Bailey9/1875MANCH
infoFilago gallicaGB, VC19 North Essex, AlresfordEzekiel George VarenneWilliam Hadden Beeby9/1875SLBI
infoFilago gallicaGB, VC19 North Essex, AlresfordEzekiel George VarenneAugustin Ley25/7/1874BIRM
+Filago gallicaGB, VC19 North Essex, BerechurchEzekiel George VarenneCharles Bailey9/1847MANCH
+Filago gallicaGB, VC19 North Essex, BerechurchEzekiel George Varenne10/1849MANCH
+Filago lutescensGB, VC19 North Essex, AlresfordEzekiel George VarenneCharles Bailey16/8/1879MANCH
infoFilago lutescensGB, VC19 North Essex, Great BraxtedEzekiel George VarenneHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
+Galeopsis segetumGB, VC19 North Essex, AlresfordEzekiel George VarenneCharles Bailey16/8/1879MANCH
+Galeopsis segetumGB, VC19 North Essex, AlresfordEzekiel George VarenneCharles Bailey16/8/1879MANCH
infoGaleopsis segetumGB, VC19 North Essex, AlresfordEzekiel George VarenneBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
William Hadden Beeby
infoGaleopsis segetumGB, VC19 North Essex, AlresfordEzekiel George VarenneAugustin Ley25/7/1874BIRM
infoGaleopsis segetumGB, VC19 North Essex, BerechurchEzekiel George VarenneGeorge Lloyd1851K
infoGaleopsis segetumGB, VC19 North Essex, BerechurchEzekiel George VarenneHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
+Melampyrum cristatumGB, VC19 North Essex, Saffron WaldenGibsonCharles Bailey
Ezekiel George Varenne
infoMelampyrum cristatumGB, VC19 North Essex, Saffron WaldenGeorge Stacey GibsonBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Ezekiel George Varenne
John Ralfs
infoMentha aquatica x spicata = M. x piperitaGB, VC18 South Essex, MaldonEzekiel George Varenne1847LIV
infoMentha spicata x suaveolens = M. x villosaGB, VC19 North Essex, Great BraxtedEzekiel George VarenneGeorge Cheetham Churchill1847K
infoMyosotis arvensisGB, VC19 North Essex, Great BraxtedEzekiel George VarenneAugustin Ley6/1876BIRM
infoOenanthe fluviatilisGB, VC18 South Essex, River BlackwaterEzekiel George VarenneAugustin Ley7/1870BIRM
infoOenanthe fluviatilisGB, VC19 North Essex, KelvedonEzekiel George VarenneAugustin Ley7/1870BIRM
infoOenanthe fluviatilisGB, VC19 North Essex, KelvedonEzekiel George VarenneAugustin Ley7/1870BIRM
infoOnonis repens subsp. maritimaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Saint Michael's BayEzekiel George VarenneBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
infoPersicaria maculosaGB, VC19 North Essex, KelvedonEzekiel George Varenne30/8/1877SLBI
+Potamogeton praelongusGB, VC19 North Essex, KelvedonEzekiel George VarenneCharles Bailey1867MANCH
infoPotamogeton praelongusGB, VC19 North Essex, KelvedonEzekiel George VarenneBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
+Primula elatiorGB, VC19 North Essex, Essex, Near Cobham Mill, Wethersfield MeadowEzekiel George VarenneCharles Bailey15/5/1879MANCH
infoRumex hydrolapathumGB, VC19 North Essex, KelvedonEzekiel George VarenneAugustin Ley1876BIRM
infoRumex hydrolapathum x obtusifolius = R. x weberiGB, VC19 North Essex, KelvedonEzekiel George VarenneWilliam Hadden Beeby1/7/1878
infoScleranthus perennisGB, VC26 West Suffolk, IcklinghamEzekiel George VarenneHarold Stuart Thompson
Thomas Clark
infoSpartina maritimaGB, VC19 North Essex, Walton on the NazeEzekiel George VarenneAugustin Ley1868BIRM
infoUtricularia australisGB, VC19 North Essex, KelvedonEzekiel George VarenneAugustin Ley9/1876BIRM

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Herbaria specimen data is the property of its contributing organisation. Please contact that organisation directly for information concerning conditions of use, copyright or any other enquiry.

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