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Travis MacClendon

Search results

Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Travis MacClendon
Results 1 to 19 of 19
infoAlternanthera sessilisUS, FL, Calhoun County, Parish LakeKaren MacClendon
Loran C Anderson
Travis MacClendon
infoAmaranthus palmeriUS, FL, Calhoun County, Abe SpringsTravis MacClendonFlorida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium19/8/2008FSU
infoAmsonia tabernaemontanaUS, FL, Calhoun County, AlthaKaren MacClendon
Loran C Anderson
Travis MacClendon
infoChamaesyce prostrataUS, FL, Calhoun County, ClarksvilleGeorge Wilder
Karen MacClendon
Travis MacClendon
infoClethra tomentosaUS, FL, Calhoun County, ClarksvilleKaren MacClendon
Loran C Anderson
Travis MacClendon
infoClethra tomentosaUS, FL, Calhoun County, ClarksvilleKaren MacClendon
Loran C Anderson
Travis MacClendon
infoDitrysinia fruticosaUS, FL, Calhoun County, AlthaKaren MacClendon
Loran C Anderson
Travis MacClendon
infoEuphorbia discoidalisUS, FL, Calhoun County, Chipola RiverGeorge Wilder
Karen MacClendon
Loran C Anderson
Travis MacClendon
infoEuphorbia discoidalisUS, FL, Calhoun County, ClarksvilleKaren MacClendon
Loran C Anderson
Travis MacClendon
infoFroelichia floridanaUS, FL, Jackson County, MariannaGeorge Wilder
Loran C Anderson
Travis MacClendon
infoHelianthemum polifoliumUS, FL, Calhoun County, BlountstownBill Boothe
Karen MacClendon
Travis MacClendon
Calhoun County Herbarium4/7/2008FSU
infoIpomoea pandurataUS, FL, Calhoun County, Abe SpringsKaren MacClendon
Travis MacClendon
Calhoun County Herbarium12/6/2006FSU
infoIpomoea trilobaUS, FL, Calhoun County, Abe SpringsTravis MacClendon9/10/2009FSU
infoIpomoea trilobaUS, FL, Jackson County, MariannaBill Boothe
Loran C Anderson
Marcia Boothe
Travis MacClendon
infoIpomoea trilobaUS, FL, Calhoun County, Ocheessee LandingGeorge Wilder
Karen MacClendon
Loran C Anderson
Travis MacClendon
infoLithospermum carolinienseUS, FL, Calhoun County, AlthaKaren MacClendon
Loran C Anderson
Travis MacClendon
infoMyosotis macrospermaUS, FL, Calhoun County, Ocheesee LandingKaren MacClendon
Loran C Anderson
Travis MacClendon
infoTiedemannia filiformisUS, FL, Calhoun County, KinardKaren MacClendon
Loran C Anderson
Travis MacClendon
infoTiedemannia filiformis subsp. greenmanniiUS, FL, Calhoun County, KinardKaren MacClendon
Loran C Anderson
Travis MacClendon

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Herbaria specimen data is the property of its contributing organisation. Please contact that organisation directly for information concerning conditions of use, copyright or any other enquiry.

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