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Mr Robert MacKechnie (1902 - 1978)

Search results

Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Mr Robert MacKechnie from Great Britain and Ireland
Results 401 to 440 of 887
infoSaxifraga aizoidesGB, VC89 East Perthshire, KilliecrankieRobert MacKechnieJob Edward Lousley7/7/1930SLBI
infoNuphar luteaGB, VC89 East Perthshire, Marlee LochEdward Charles Wallace
Robert MacKechnie
infoPotamogeton gramineusGB, VC89 East Perthshire, Marlee LochPatrick Martin HallPatrick Martin Hall
Robert MacKechnie
infoPolygala serpyllifoliaGB, VC89 East Perthshire, Meall OdharRobert MacKechnie2/7/1942SLBI
infoAntennaria dioicaGB, VC89 East Perthshire, MoulinRobert MacKechnieJob Edward Lousley7/1930SLBI
infoRibes alpinumGB, VC89 East Perthshire, MoulinRobert MacKechnieJob Edward Lousley9/7/1930SLBI
infoGalium borealeGB, VC89 East Perthshire, PitlochryRobert MacKechnieJob Edward Lousley30/6/1930SLBI
infoPolygala vulgarisGB, VC89 East Perthshire, PitlochryRobert MacKechnieJob Edward Lousley30/6/1930SLBI
infoEquisetum palustreGB, VC90 Angus, Barry LinksRobert MacKechnieEdward Charles Wallace
Harold Stuart Thompson
infoViola tricolor subsp. saxatilisGB, VC90 Angus, Barry LinksRobert MacKechnieEdward Charles Wallace
Job Edward Lousley
infoCarex nigraGB, VC90 Angus, CadergRobert MacKechnieJob Edward Lousley28/7/1936SLBI
infoDryas octopetalaGB, VC90 Angus, CaenlochanEdward Charles Wallace
Job Edward Lousley
Robert MacKechnie
infoSalix lanataGB, VC90 Angus, CaenlochanEdward Charles Wallace
Robert MacKechnie
infoSaxifraga hypnoidesGB, VC90 Angus, CaenlochanEdward Charles Wallace
Robert MacKechnie
infoCardamine flexuosaGB, VC90 Angus, Caenlochan GlenEdward Charles Wallace
Robert MacKechnie
Job Edward Lousley7/7/1935SLBI
infoPotentilla crantziiGB, VC90 Angus, Caenlochan GlenEdward Charles Wallace
Robert MacKechnie
Edward Charles Wallace
Job Edward Lousley
infoRhinanthus minor subsp. borealisGB, VC90 Angus, Caenlochan GlenEdward Charles Wallace
Robert MacKechnie
Job Edward Lousley7/7/1935SLBI
infoSalix lanataGB, VC90 Angus, Caenlochan GlenEdward Charles Wallace
Robert MacKechnie
infoSaxifraga hypnoidesGB, VC90 Angus, Caenlochan GlenEdward Charles Wallace
Robert MacKechnie
infoCarex aquatilisGB, VC90 Angus, Cairn-na-GlashaRobert MacKechnieJob Edward Lousley28/7/1936SLBI
infoCarex bigelowiiGB, VC90 Angus, Cairn-na-GlashaRobert MacKechnieJob Edward Lousley28/7/1936SLBI
infoCarex nigraGB, VC90 Angus, Canness BurnRobert MacKechnieJob Edward Lousley28/7/1936SLBI
infoMedicago lupulinaGB, VC90 Angus, CarnoustieRobert MacKechnie7/1929SLBI
infoPapaver argemoneGB, VC90 Angus, CarnoustieRobert MacKechnieJob Edward Lousley8/7/1929SLBI
infoPapaver dubiumGB, VC90 Angus, CarnoustieRobert MacKechnieJob Edward Lousley8/7/1929SLBI
infoCarex maritimaGB, VC90 Angus, Fishtown of UsanPatrick Martin HallRobert MacKechnie14/7/1937E
+Agrostemma githagoGB, VC90 Angus, Forfar, between Carnoustie & EasthavenRobert MacKechnie8/7/1929GLAM
infoSaxifraga hypnoidesGB, VC90 Angus, Glas MaolEdward Charles Wallace
Robert MacKechnie
infoCarex aquatilisGB, VC90 Angus, Glen CannessRobert MacKechnieJob Edward Lousley28/7/1936SLBI
+Linnaea borealisGB, VC90 Angus, Glen Doll, below Craig MaudRobert MacKechnie16/7/1935GLAM
infoCarex nigraGB, VC90 Angus, Glen IslaRobert MacKechnieJob Edward Lousley
Robert MacKechnie
infoArmeria maritimaGB, VC90 Angus, Meikle KilrannochEdward Charles Wallace
Robert MacKechnie
Job Edward Lousley16/7/1935SLBI
infoCerastium fontanum subsp. vulgareGB, VC90 Angus, Meikle KilrannochEdward Charles Wallace
Robert MacKechnie
Job Edward Lousley16/7/1935SLBI
infoCarex lasiocarpaGB, VC90 Angus, RescobieWilliam Arthur SledgeRobert MacKechnie
William Arthur Sledge
infoAnthyllis vulnerariaGB, VC90 Angus, Sands of BarryRobert MacKechnieJob Edward Lousley6/7/1929SLBI
infoAstragalus danicusGB, VC90 Angus, Sands of BarryRobert MacKechnie30/6/1929 to 6/7/1929SLBI
infoErodium lebeliiGB, VC90 Angus, Sands of BarryRobert MacKechnieJob Edward Lousley10/7/1929SLBI
infoThalictrum minusGB, VC90 Angus, Sands of BarryRobert MacKechnieJob Edward Lousley6/7/1929SLBI
infoVicia hirsutaGB, VC90 Angus, Sands of BarryRobert MacKechnieJob Edward Lousley
Robert MacKechnie
infoVicia lathyroidesGB, VC90 Angus, Sands of BarryRobert MacKechnieJob Edward Lousley30/6/1929SLBI

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