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Search results, herbarium specimens
Results 1481 to 1520 of 15925
infoBlackstonia perfoliataGB, VC10 Isle of Wight, Brading DownA J Cooper12/7/1961ABS
infoBlackstonia perfoliataGB, VC17 Surrey, Betchworth HillsD A J Little3/8/1947ABS
infoBlackstonia perfoliataGB, VC17 Surrey, DenbiesM G Daker22/7/1959ABS
infoBlackstonia perfoliataGB, VC24 Buckinghamshire, High WycombeWilliam Hunt Painter7/1865ABS
infoBlackstonia perfoliataGB, VC24 Buckinghamshire, High WycombeWilliam Hunt Painter8/1865ABS
infoBlackstonia perfoliataGB, VC41 Glamorganshire, Kenfig BurrowsABS
infoBlackstonia perfoliataGB, VC41 Glamorganshire, Kenfig BurrowsYvonne Evans14/7/1961ABS
infoBlackstonia perfoliataGB, VC44 Carmarthenshire, KidwellyClive P Rees9/9/1959ABS
infoBlackstonia perfoliataGB, VC51 Flintshire, Connahs QuayWilliam John Robins3/8/1960ABS
infoBlackstonia perfoliataGB, VC51 Flintshire, Moel Hiraddug5/7/1960ABS
infoBlackstonia perfoliataGB, VC51 Flintshire, RockcliffeR H Lane25/9/1963ABS
infoBlackstonia perfoliataGB, VC57 Derbyshire, ClowneCharles WaterfallCharles Waterfall
William Hunt Painter
infoBlackstonia perfoliataGB, VC58 Cheshire, CaldyJennifer Brown17/9/1966ABS
infoBlackstonia perfoliataGB, VC61,VC64, Lumby1840ABS
infoBlechnum spicantRichard Henry YappABS
infoBlechnum spicantGB, VC11 South Hampshire, Ampfield WoodHenry Haselfoot Haines6/1886ABS
infoBlechnum spicantGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Symonds YatEleonora Armitage7/1905ABS
infoBlechnum spicantGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Symonds YatEleonora Armitage7/1905ABS
infoBlechnum spicantGB, VC35 Monmouthshire, Garn WenJohn Daryll Evans7/9/1959ABS
infoBlechnum spicantGB, VC44 CarmarthenshireEifion R Morgan8/1960ABS
infoBlechnum spicantGB, VC44 Carmarthenshire, PwllP G Samuel4/8/1961ABS
infoBlechnum spicantGB, VC46 Cardiganshire1945ABS
infoBlechnum spicantGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, Llyn IdwalWilliam Hunt Painter12/7/1889ABS
infoBlysmus compressusGB, VC11 South Hampshire, BishopstokeG Smith18/7/1850ABS
infoBlysmus compressusGB, VC57 Derbyshire, Miller's DaleThomas WhiteleggeWilliam West8/1876
infoBlysmus compressusGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, GordalePhilip Frank Wareing7/1952ABS
infoBlysmus compressusGB, VC65 North-west Yorkshire, Wynch BridgeWilliam Hunt Painter17/7/1893ABS
infoBlysmus compressusGB, VC66 County Durham, Teesdale,Langdon BeckArthur Oliver Chater
Edward Hubert Chater
infoBlysmus rufusGB, VC45 Pembrokeshire, NewportABS
infoBlysmus rufusGB, VC45 Pembrokeshire, NewportLeslie John Audus6/1940ABS
infoBlysmus rufusGB, VC46 Cardiganshire, Borth BogF M Slater8/1973ABS
infoBlysmus rufusGB, VC48 Merionethshire, HarlechG N Harrington2/7/1959ABS
infoBlysmus rufusGB, VC52 Anglesey, ValleyWilliam Hunt Painter20/8/1886ABS
infoBlysmus rufusGB, VC52 Anglesey, ValleyWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter20/8/1886ABS
infoBlysmus rufusGB, VC54 North Lincolnshire, CleethorpesThomas Whitelegge6/1878ABS
infoBlysmus rufusGB, VC54 North Lincolnshire, CleethorpesThomas WhiteleggeWilliam Hunt Painter6/1878ABS
infoBlysmus rufusGB, VC95 Moray, FindhornGeorge Claridge Druce6/1896ABS
infoBlysmus rufusGB, VC107 East Sutherland, River FleetM Hildred Bigwood16/7/1968ABS
infoBlysmus rufusGB, VC109 Caithness, Reiss LinksJames Grant17/6/1882ABS
infoBlysmus rufusGB, VC109 Caithness, Wick River6/8/1885ABS

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