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George Taylor (1904 - 1993)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by George Taylor
Results 1 to 40 of 209
infoCarex acutiformisGB, VC90 Angus, RescobieGeorge Taylor4/6/1943BM
infoCarex canescensGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Littlealms CliffGeorge Taylor16/6/1943BM
infoCarex canescensGB, VC83 Midlothian, BalernoGeorge Taylor20/6/1934BM
infoCarex chordorrhizaGB, VC80 Roxburghshire, Hoselaw LochGeorge Taylor11/7/1935BM
infoCarex distichaGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, BreartonGeorge Taylor23/7/1943BM
infoCarex echinataGB, VC108 West Sutherland, Ben LoyalGeorge Taylor21/8/1948BM
infoCarex hirtaGB, VC85 Fifeshire, Kinghorn LochGeorge Taylor18/8/1943BM
infoCarex leporinaGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Great Alms CliffGeorge Taylor15/6/1943BM
infoCarex spicataGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, KnaresboroughGeorge Taylor19/6/1943BM
infoEmpetrum nigrumGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Loch na LairigeGeorge TaylorJob Edward Lousley12/9/1932SLBI
infoPlantago lanceolataGB, VC17 Surrey, Hogs BackGeorge Taylor
J Fraser
J Fraser19/6/1932K
infoPlantago lanceolataGB, VC20 Hertfordshire, RickmansworthGeorge TaylorJ Fraser23/5/1932K
infoPlantago lanceolataGB, VC20 Hertfordshire, RickmansworthGeorge Taylor23/5/1932K
infoPotamogeton acutifoliusGB, VC17 Surrey, RipleyGeorge Taylor22/7/1949SLBI
infoPotamogeton alpinusGB, VC17 Surrey, Newark Priory, RipleyGeorge Taylor22/7/1949SLBI
infoPotamogeton alpinusGB, VC67 South Northumberland, Crag LoughGeorge TaylorThe British Museum29/9/1944MANCH
infoPotamogeton alpinusGB, VC87 West Perthshire, GartmornGeorge Taylor18/8/1948SLBI
+Potamogeton alpinus x crispus = P. x olivaceusGB, VC78 Peeblesshire, ManorGeorge TaylorBritish Museum (Natural History)29/7/1946MANCH
infoPotamogeton alpinus x crispus = P. x olivaceusGB, VC78 Peeblesshire, PeeblesGeorge Taylor29/7/1946SLBI
infoPotamogeton alpinus x crispus = P. x olivaceusGB, VC92 South Aberdeenshire, AlfordGeorge Taylor25/7/1946SLBI
infoPotamogeton berchtoldiiGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesGeorge TaylorThe British Museum14/9/1948SLBI
infoPotamogeton berchtoldiiGB, VC16 West Kent, Dunton GreenGeorge TaylorThe British Museum14/10/1946SLBI
infoPotamogeton berchtoldiiGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, Carlton MiniottGeorge Taylor23/9/1945SLBI
infoPotamogeton berchtoldiiGB, VC77 Lanarkshire, CadderGeorge Taylor
Robert MacKechnie
+Potamogeton berchtoldii x acutifolius = P. x sudermanicusGB, VC9 Dorset, ArneGeorge TaylorBritish Museum (Natural History)
Flora of Leicestershire (1886)
infoPotamogeton berchtoldii x acutifolius = P. x sudermanicusGB, VC9 Dorset, ArneGeorge TaylorThe British Museum17/8/1946BIRM
infoPotamogeton berchtoldii x acutifolius = P. x sudermanicusGB, VC9 Dorset, ArneGeorge TaylorThe British Museum17/8/1946SLBI
infoPotamogeton coloratusGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, Thornton-le-StreetGeorge TaylorThe British Museum1/8/1947MANCH
infoPotamogeton coloratusGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, Thornton-le-StreetGeorge Taylor1/8/1947E
infoPotamogeton coloratusGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, FarnhamGeorge Taylor2/7/1944MANCH
infoPotamogeton coloratusGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, FarnhamGeorge Taylor2/7/1944SLBI
infoPotamogeton coloratusGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, FarnhamGeorge Taylor2/12/1945E
infoPotamogeton coloratusGB, VC110 Outer Hebrides, Loch na Liana MòireGeorge Taylor22/8/1951E
infoPotamogeton coloratus x berchtoldii = P. x lanceolatusIE, VCH9 Co. Clare, Caher RiverGeorge TaylorThe British Museum31/8/1952E
infoPotamogeton coloratus x gramineus = P. x billupsiiGB, VC110 Outer Hebrides, BenbeculaGeorge Taylor22/8/1951E
infoPotamogeton coloratus x gramineus = P. x billupsiiGB, VC110 Outer Hebrides, Loch na Liana MòireGeorge TaylorThe British Museum22/8/1951BIRM
+Potamogeton compressusGB, VC58 Cheshire, ChesterGeorge TaylorBritish Museum (Natural History)5/9/1947MANCH
+Potamogeton compressusGB, VC59 South Lancashire, Ashton-under-Lyne,Daisy NookGeorge TaylorBritish Museum (Natural History)
Flora of Leicestershire (1886)
infoPotamogeton compressusGB, VC59 South Lancashire, Ashton-under-Lyne,Daisy NookGeorge Taylor26/8/1945SLBI
+Potamogeton compressusGB, VC59 South Lancashire, Manchester,DroylsdenGeorge TaylorBritish Museum (Natural History)26/8/1945MANCH

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