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David Guthrie Catcheside (31/5/1907 - 1/6/1994)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by David Guthrie Catcheside
Results 1 to 40 of 85
infoAlchemilla glabraGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, Cwm-y-gloDavid Guthrie Catcheside30/8/1924SLBI
infoAlnus glutinosaGB, VC20 Hertfordshire, HitchinDavid Guthrie CatchesideJob Edward Lousley7/3/1927SLBI
infoAlthaea officinalisGB, VC27 East Norfolk, HaddiscoeDavid Guthrie CatchesideDavid Guthrie Catcheside
Job Edward Lousley
infoAster tripoliumGB, VC18 South Essex, Canvey IslandDavid Guthrie CatchesideDavid Guthrie Catcheside
Job Edward Lousley
infoCallitriche obtusangulaGB, VC16 West Kent, HighamDavid Guthrie CatchesideJob Edward Lousley16/6/1923SLBI
infoCarduus tenuiflorusGB, VC16 West Kent, HighamDavid Guthrie CatchesideDavid Guthrie Catcheside
Job Edward Lousley
infoCarex arenariaGB, VC25 East Suffolk, CottonDavid Guthrie CatchesideDavid Guthrie Catcheside
Job Edward Lousley
infoCerastium vulgatumGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, BeddgelertDavid Guthrie CatchesideWatson Botanical Exchange Club
Harold Stuart Thompson
infoChamaemelum nobileGB, VC17 Surrey, Mitcham CommonDavid Guthrie CatchesideJob Edward Lousley7/8/1923SLBI
infoCochlearia pyrenaica subsp. alpinaGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, Clogwyn Du'r ArdduDavid Guthrie CatchesideDavid Guthrie Catcheside
Job Edward Lousley
infoConsolida ajacisGB, VC25 East Suffolk, CortonDavid Guthrie Catcheside31/8/1923SLBI
infoDactylorhiza fuchsiiGB, VC17 Surrey, Box HillDavid Guthrie CatchesideWatson Botanical Exchange Club
David Guthrie Catcheside
infoDactylorhiza maculata subsp. ericetorumGB, VC17 Surrey, BroadmoorDavid Guthrie CatchesideDavid Guthrie Catcheside
Job Edward Lousley
+Damasonium alismaGB, VC17 Surrey, Mitcham CommonDavid Guthrie Catcheside
John L O'Loughlin
infoDamasonium alismaGB, VC17 Surrey, Mitcham CommonDavid Guthrie Catcheside
John L O'Loughlin
Watson Botanical Exchange Club
Isaac A Helsby
infoDamasonium alismaGB, VC17 Surrey, Mitcham CommonDavid Guthrie Catcheside
John L O'Loughlin
Watson Botanical Exchange Club
David Guthrie Catcheside
infoEranthis hyemalisGB, VC17 Surrey, MitchamDavid Guthrie Catcheside
Edward Charles Wallace
Watson Botanical Exchange Club
David Guthrie Catcheside
2/1925 to 4/1925BIRM
infoEranthis hyemalisGB, VC17 Surrey, MitchamDavid Guthrie CatchesideWatson Botanical Exchange Club
Isaac A Helsby
infoErodium lebeliiGB, VC15 East Kent, LittlestoneSt John MarriottDavid Guthrie Catcheside6/1925SLBI
infoEuphorbia cyparissiasGB, VC17 Surrey, Walton DownsEdward Charles WallaceWatson Botanical Exchange Club
David Guthrie Catcheside
infoEuphrasia brevipilaGB, VC4 North Devon, IlfracombeDavid Guthrie CatchesideDavid Guthrie Catcheside11/8/1924SLBI
infoEuphrasia curtaGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, Moel yr OgofDavid Guthrie CatchesideWatson Botanical Exchange Club
David Guthrie Catcheside
infoFumaria muralis subsp. boraeiGB, VC4 North Devon, IlfracombeDavid Guthrie CatchesideWatson Botanical Exchange Club
David Guthrie Catcheside
infoGaleopsis angustifoliaGB, VC17 Surrey, AshteadEdward Charles WallaceWatson Botanical Exchange Club
David Guthrie Catcheside
infoGalium palustreGB, VC17 Surrey, Mitcham CommonDavid Guthrie CatchesideWatson Botanical Exchange Club
David Guthrie Catcheside
infoGalium uliginosumGB, VC17 Surrey, Arbrook CommonDavid Guthrie CatchesideDavid Guthrie Catcheside
Job Edward Lousley
infoGalium verum subsp. maritimumGB, VC5 South Somerset, Minehead WarrenDavid Guthrie CatchesideWatson Botanical Exchange Club
David Guthrie Catcheside
infoGentianella anglicaGB, VC17 Surrey, Banstead DownsEdward Charles WallaceWatson Botanical Exchange Club
David Guthrie Catcheside
infoGentianella anglicaGB, VC17 Surrey, Banstead DownsEdward Charles WallaceWatson Botanical Exchange Club
David Guthrie Catcheside
Harold Stuart Thompson
infoGeranium versicolorGB, VC5 South Somerset, SelworthyDavid Guthrie Catcheside1/9/1925SLBI
infoGlaux maritimaGB, VC16 West Kent, HighamDavid Guthrie CatchesideJob Edward Lousley16/6/1923SLBI
infoHieracium exotericum agg.GB, VC17 Surrey, ColdharbourDavid Guthrie CatchesideWatson Botanical Exchange Club
David Guthrie Catcheside
infoHieracium umbellatumGB, VC4 North Devon, IlfracombeWatson Botanical Exchange Club
David Guthrie Catcheside
Isaac A Helsby
infoHieracium umbellatum var. curtumGB, VC4 North Devon, IlfracombeDavid Guthrie CatchesideWatson Botanical Exchange Club
David Guthrie Catcheside
infoJuncus bufoniusGB, VC17 Surrey, Mitcham CommonDavid Guthrie CatchesideDavid Guthrie Catcheside
Job Edward Lousley
infoLamium hybridumGB, VC20 Hertfordshire, HitchinJoseph Edward LittleDavid Guthrie Catcheside
Job Edward Lousley
infoLeycesteria formosaGB, VC5 South Somerset, MineheadDavid Guthrie CatchesideDavid Guthrie Catcheside26/8/1925SLBI
infoLimonium binervosumGB, VC15 East Kent, KingsdownDavid Guthrie CatchesideWatson Botanical Exchange Club
David Guthrie Catcheside
Job Edward Lousley
infoLimonium binervosumGB, VC15 East Kent, Saint Margaret's BayDavid Guthrie CatchesideDavid Guthrie Catcheside9/8/1925SLBI
+Lobaria pulmonariaGB, VC97 West Inverness-shire, Glen RoyDavid Guthrie Catcheside5/8/1959NMW

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