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Rev. Augustin Ley (3/4/1842 - 23/4/1911)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Rev. Augustin Ley
Results 1 to 40 of 17221
infoAcanthus mollisGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Treath, ManaccanRobert Nicholls
William Booth Waterfall
Augustin Ley11/7/1878 to 12/8/1878BIRM
infoAcer campestre var. leiocarpumGB, VC22 Berkshire, RadleyAugustin Ley
George Claridge Druce
infoAcer campestreGB, VC22,VC23, South StokeGeorge Claridge DruceBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
George Claridge Druce
infoAcer campestreGB, VC32 Northamptonshire, WadenhoeAugustin Ley26/7/1910BIRM
infoAcer campestre var. hebecarpumGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, English BicknorAugustin LeyAugustin Ley10/10/1900BIRM
infoAcer campestreGB, VC36 Herefordshire, EardisleyAugustin LeyAugustin Ley10/8/1896BIRM
infoAcer campestreGB, VC36 Herefordshire, Eastnor, Hayclose WoodAugustin LeyAugustin Ley30/8/1888BIRM
infoAcer campestre var. leiocarpumGB, VC36 Herefordshire, GoodrichAugustin LeyWatson Botanical Exchange Club
Augustin Ley
infoAcer campestreGB, VC36 Herefordshire, Great DowardAugustin LeyAugustin Ley17/7/1902BIRM
infoAcer campestre var. leiocarpumGB, VC36 Herefordshire, King's CapleAugustin LeyAugustin Ley7/7/1899BIRM
infoAcer campestreGB, VC36 Herefordshire, Lord's WoodAugustin Ley26/5/1896BIRM
infoAcer campestreGB, VC36 Herefordshire, Lower HopeAugustin LeyAugustin Ley6/9/1900BIRM
infoAcer campestre var. leiocarpumGB, VC36 Herefordshire, SellackAugustin Ley13/8/1896BIRM
infoAcer campestreGB, VC36 Herefordshire, SellackAugustin LeyAugustin Ley13/8/1896BIRM
infoAcer campestreGB, VC36 Herefordshire, Stoke PriorAugustin LeyAugustin Ley27/8/1900BIRM
infoAcer campestreGB, VC36 Herefordshire, WarhamAugustin LeyAugustin Ley16/9/1899BIRM
infoAcer campestreGB, VC54 North Lincolnshire, ApleyAugustin Ley16/8/1907BIRM
infoAcer campestre var. leiocarpumGB, VC55 Leicestershire, LeicesterWilliam BellWatson Botanical Exchange Club
Augustin Ley
William Bell
infoAcer campestreGB, VC71 Isle of Man, GooseneckAugustin Ley11/5/1899BIRM
infoAcer pseudoplatanusGB, VC22 Berkshire, Windsor Great ParkAugustin Ley17/5/1899BIRM
infoAcer pseudoplatanusGB, VC36 Herefordshire, HoarwithyAugustin LeyAugustin Ley3/5/1898BIRM
infoAcer pseudoplatanusGB, VC63 South-west Yorkshire, CarletonAugustin LeyAugustin Ley10/1899BIRM
infoAceras anthropophorumGB, VC17 Surrey, Box HillWilliam Turner Thiselton DyerAugustin Ley11/6/1862BIRM
infoAceras anthropophorumGB, VC17 Surrey, ComptonJames GrovesAugustin Ley
Henry & James Groves
infoAceras anthropophorumGB, VC17 Surrey, HeadleyHenry Elliott FoxAugustin Ley
Henry Elliott Fox
infoAchillea millefoliumGB, VC17 Surrey, Kew GardensJohn Gilbert BakerBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
infoAchillea millefoliumGB, VC17 Surrey, Walton on Thames CultivatedWilliam Hadden BeebyBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
infoAchillea millefoliumGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, KingswoodJames Walter WhiteBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
James Walter White
infoAchillea millefoliumGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, KingswoodJames Walter WhiteBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
James Walter White
infoAchillea millefoliumGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, KingswoodJames Walter WhiteBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
infoAchillea millefoliumGB, VC85 Fifeshire, PettycurWilliam Richardson LintonAugustin Ley18/7/1901BIRM
infoAchillea millefoliumGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Saint Peter'sAugustin LeyAugustin Ley27/6/1882BIRM
infoAchillea ptarmicaGB, VC43 Radnorshire, LlandrindodWilliam Henry PurchasBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
infoAchillea ptarmicaGB, VC57,VC58, Whaley BridgeAugustin LeyAugustin Ley30/8/1870BIRM
infoAconitum napellusGB, VC35 Monmouthshire, ShirenewtonAugustin LeyAugustin Ley30/6/1897BIRM
infoAconitum napellusGB, VC36 Herefordshire, AshpertonAugustin LeyAugustin Ley17/6/1886BIRM
infoAconitum napellusGB, VC36 Herefordshire, Eaton BishopAugustin LeyBotanical Exchange Club
Charles Bailey
infoAconitum napellusGB, VC36 Herefordshire, Eaton BishopAugustin LeyBotanical Exchange Club
Elizabeth Anne Lomax
infoAconitum napellusGB, VC36 Herefordshire, Eaton BishopAugustin LeyCharles Bailey5/6/1875MANCH
infoAconitum napellusGB, VC36 Herefordshire, Gosford BridgeAugustin Ley8/1856BIRM

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