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Rev William Hunt Painter (16/7/1835 - 12/10/1910)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Rev William Hunt Painter
Results 1 to 40 of 4751
infoAcer campestreGB, VC6 North Somerset, BrislingtonWilliam Hunt Painter6/1881ABS
infoAcer campestreGB, VC22,VC23, South StokeGeorge Claridge DruceWilliam Hunt Painter7/1888ABS
infoAcer campestreGB, VC24 Buckinghamshire, High WycombeWilliam Hunt Painter5/1865ABS
infoAcer pseudoplatanusGB, VC69 Westmorland, BarbonWilliam Hunt Painter5/1864ABS
infoAchillea millefoliumGB, VC40 Shropshire, BridgnorthJoseph Hesselgrave ThompsonWilliam Hunt Painter7/1878ABS
infoAchillea millefoliumGB, VC69 Westmorland, BarbonWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter8/1862ABS
infoAchillea millefoliumGB, VC85 Fifeshire, East WemyssW Horton-SmithWilliam Hunt Painter23/6/1877MANCH
infoAchillea millefoliumGB, Ambiguous locality (GB), HolbrookWilliam Hunt Painter9/1878MANCH
infoAchillea nobilisGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, KingswoodJames Walter WhiteBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
James Walter White
William Hunt Painter
infoAchillea ptarmicaGB, VC57 Derbyshire, ReptonHafferWilliam Hunt Painter7/1879MANCH
infoAchillea ptarmicaGB, VC65 North-west Yorkshire, SedberghWilliam Hunt Painter7/1863ABS
infoAconitum napellusGB, VC40 Shropshire, Caynham CampJoseph Hesselgrave ThompsonWilliam Hunt Painter7/1878ABS
infoAconitum napellusGB, VC40 Shropshire, LudlowWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter14/7/1897SHYB
infoActaea spicataGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Thorp ArchMoiserWilliam Hunt Painter5/1876ABS
infoAdonis autumnalisGB, VC9 Dorset, Isle of PortlandJames Walter WhiteWilliam Hunt Painter8/1882ABS
infoAdonis autumnalisGB, VC9 Dorset, Portland IsleJames Walter WhiteWilliam Hunt Painter7/1889SHYB
infoAdonis autumnalisGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, WetherbyJ JacksonWilliam Hunt Painter
Alban Edward Lomax
infoAdoxa moschatellinaGB, VC57 Derbyshire, Monsal DaleManchester Museum (Owens College)
William Hunt Painter
infoAdoxa moschatellinaGB, VC69 Westmorland, BarbonWilliam Hunt Painter4/1864ABS
infoAegopodium podagrariaGB, VC6 North Somerset, BishportWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter7/1881ABS
infoAegopodium podagrariaGB, VC38 Warwickshire, ElmdonWilliam Hunt Painter7/1866ABS
infoAethusa cynapiumGB, VC69 Westmorland, CastertonWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter8/1860ABS
infoAgrimonia eupatoriaGBWilliam Hunt PainterABS
infoAgrimonia proceraGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Downderry
GB, VC2 East Cornwall, Polbathic
James Walter WhiteWilliam Hunt Painter30/7/1884ABS
infoAgrimonia proceraGB, VC14 East SussexFreeman Clarke Samuel RoperHenry (Harry) Searle
William Hunt Painter
infoAgrimonia proceraGB, VC69 Westmorland, CastertonWilliam Hunt Painter8/1864ABS
infoAgrimonia proceraGB, VC113 Channel Islands, GuernseyMargaret DawberWilliam Hunt Painter10/8/1894ABS
infoAgrostemma githagoGB, VC24 Buckinghamshire, High WycombeWilliam Hunt Painter7/1865ABS
+Agrostemma githagoGB, VC39 Staffordshire, West Wickenstone Rocks [Stafford]William Hunt Painter8/1888BM
infoAgrostis caninaGB, VC3 South Devon, Newton AbbotWilliam Hunt Painter15/8/1882ABS
infoAgrostis caninaGB, VC6 North Somerset, Leigh WoodsWilliam Hunt Painter7/1880ABS
infoAgrostis caninaGB, VC38 Warwickshire, Balsall CommonHenry BromwichWilliam Hunt Painter
William Richardson Linton
infoAgrostis caninaGB, VC38 Warwickshire, Birmingham,SuttonJames Eustace BagnallWilliam Hunt PainterABS
infoAgrostis capillarisGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Bristol, Saint Philip's MarshWilliam Hunt Painter6/1880ABS
infoAgrostis capillarisGB, VC42 Breconshire, Llanwrtyd WellsWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter24/6/1900ABS
infoAgrostis capillarisGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, AberWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter8/1886ABS
infoAgrostis capillarisGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, BangorWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter7/1881ABS
infoAgrostis capillarisGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, LlandudnoWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter7/1868
infoAgrostis capillarisGB, VC69 Westmorland, BarbonWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter7/1902ABS
infoAgrostis giganteaGB, VC3 South Devon, Newton AbbotWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter11/8/1882ABS

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Searched in 1.762s