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Search results, herbarium specimens from Great Britain and Ireland
Results 81 to 120 of 52366
infoPastinaca sativaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, BissoeFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume18/6/1900SLBI
infoPopulus tremulaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, BissoeFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume12/4/1901SLBI
infoRibes uva-crispaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, BissoeFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume15/4/1901SLBI
infoRubus rubritinctusGB, VC1 West Cornwall, BissoeFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume24/8/1906SLBI
infoSalix cinereaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, BissoeFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume11/1/1900SLBI
infoSalix viminalis x caprea = S. x smithianaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, BissoeFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume21/5/1902SLBI
infoSalix viminalis x caprea = S. x smithianaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, BissoeFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume21/5/1902SLBI
infoSalix viminalis x caprea = S. x smithianaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, BissoeFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume21/5/1902SLBI
infoUlex galliiGB, VC1 West Cornwall, BissoeFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume15/12/1899SLBI
infoCerastium diffusumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Black HeadRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman1/8/1930SLBI
infoInula crithmoidesGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Black HeadHugh Neville DixonHugh Neville Dixon
Leslie Beeching Hall
infoAllium triquetrumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithAllan Octavian HumeAllan Octavian Hume12/6/1899SLBI
infoAsparagus officinalisGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithJames CunnackWilliam Hadden BeebySLBI
infoBeta vulgaris subsp. maritimaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithAllan Octavian HumeAllan Octavian Hume31/5/1899SLBI
infoCentranthus ruberGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithWilliam Hadden BeebyWilliam Hadden Beeby22/6/1872SLBI
infoCentranthus ruberGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithAllan Octavian HumeAllan Octavian Hume29/5/1899SLBI
infoCerastium fontanum subsp. vulgareGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithAllan Octavian HumeAllan Octavian Hume29/5/1899SLBI
infoCerastium fontanum subsp. vulgareGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithAllan Octavian HumeAllan Octavian Hume29/5/1899SLBI
infoCrepis capillarisGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithAllan Octavian HumeAllan Octavian Hume28/5/1899SLBI
infoFumaria capreolataGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithJob Edward LousleyJob Edward Lousley28/5/1929SLBI
infoGeranium robertianumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithAllan Octavian HumeAllan Octavian Hume1/6/1899SLBI
infoHeracleum sphondyliumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithAllan Octavian HumeAllan Octavian Hume22/7/1899SLBI
infoHerniaria glabraGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithAllan Octavian Hume25/5/1899SLBI
infoJasione montanaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithAllan Octavian HumeAllan Octavian Hume28/5/1899SLBI
infoLinaria vulgarisGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithAllan Octavian HumeAllan Octavian Hume5/7/1899SLBI
infoMontia fontana subsp. amporitanaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithJob Edward LousleyJob Edward Lousley26/5/1929SLBI
infoOrobanche rubraGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithWilliam Hadden BeebyWilliam Hadden Beeby22/6/1872SLBI
infoPolycarpon tetraphyllumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithJob Edward LousleyJob Edward Lousley19/6/1934SLBI
infoPotentilla reptansGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithAllan Octavian HumeAllan Octavian Hume28/5/1899SLBI
infoRanunculus parviflorusGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithSLBI
infoTrifolium bocconeiGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithRichard Barker UllmanRichard Barker Ullman2/6/1930SLBI
infoTrifolium incarnatum subsp. molineriiGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithJames CunnackWilliam Hadden Beeby6/1877SLBI
infoTrifolium incarnatum subsp. molineriiGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithJames Cunnack6/1871SLBI
infoTrifolium incarnatum subsp. molineriiGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithRandolph William RobbinsLondon Natural History Society12/6/1937SLBI
infoTrifolium incarnatum subsp. molineriiGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithHenry Elliott FoxWilliam Robert Sherrin7/1910SLBI
infoTrifolium subterraneumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithJob Edward LousleyJob Edward Lousley30/5/1929SLBI
infoVeronica serpyllifoliaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithAllan Octavian HumeAllan Octavian Hume29/8/1899SLBI
infoViola arvensisGB, VC1 West Cornwall, CadgwithAllan Octavian HumeAllan Octavian Hume31/5/1899SLBI
infoSilene unifloraGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Cadgwith, Devil's Frying PanAllan Octavian HumeAllan Octavian Hume18/6/1899SLBI
infoVicia luteaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Cadgwith, Devil's Frying PanAllan Octavian HumeAllan Octavian Hume6/6/1899SLBI

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