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Part of an ecological scheme devised by H C Watson to delineate climatic zones by altitude.

From North Yorkshire: studies of its botany, geology, climate and physical geography by John Gilbert Baker:

Zones of altitude In Watson's Cybele Britannica the surface of Britain is considered as divided into two what are called "Regions" of temperature and each of these regions is subdivided into three what are called "Zones". These two regions are divided from one another by the line of possible cultivation which may be placed at about 600 yards in the North of England and declines to from 500 to 400 yards above the sea level in the North of Scotland. That portion of the surface which is above this line is called the Arctic Region and what is below it is called the Agrarian Region, the three zones of each being respectively named Super, Mid and Infer-arctic, Super, Mid and Inferagrarian. Divisions such as these may be employed with great advantage when we wish to indicate the broad general features of that important department of climate which is included under the head of temperature and they are exceedingly useful to help the mind to connect together those districts which under a comparatively southern degree of latitude have their temperature lowered by elevation with those tracts which have a similar temperature under a more northern position.

see also http://www.archive.org/stream/cybelebritannica01wats#page/n3/mode/2up and http://herbariaunited.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4862

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