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Peter Charles Holland (13/4/1927 - 19/2/2012)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Peter Charles Holland from Great Britain and Ireland
Results 321 to 360 of 439
infoLepidium ruderaleGB, VC17 Surrey, Henley ParkPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland7/7/1962SLBI
infoSolanum laciniatumGB, VC17 Surrey, King's AvenuePeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland20/8/2002SLBI
infoSisymbrium orientaleGB, VC17 Surrey, LambethPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland26/6/1986SLBI
infoErigeron acrisGB, VC17 Surrey, LeatherheadPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland27/8/1961SLBI
infoGeranium rotundifoliumGB, VC17 Surrey, LeatherheadPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland27/8/1961SLBI
infoSisymbrium orientaleGB, VC17 Surrey, LondonPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland26/6/1986SLBI
infoCarex acutaGB, VC17 Surrey, Newark MillEdward Charles WallaceEdward Charles Wallace
Richard Barker Ullman
Peter Charles Holland
infoGeranium endressiiGB, VC17 Surrey, NormandyPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland7/7/1962SLBI
infoVicia tetraspermaGB, VC17 Surrey, NormandyPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland7/7/1962SLBI
infoChenopodium hybridumGB, VC17 Surrey, NorwoodPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland19/9/1977SLBI
infoRhynchospora albaGB, VC17 Surrey, OckleyPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland19/7/1959SLBI
infoRhynchospora fuscaGB, VC17 Surrey, OckleyPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland19/7/1959SLBI
infoCarex echinataGB, VC17 Surrey, OxshottPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland17/6/1961SLBI
infoArabidopsis thalianaGB, VC17 Surrey, OxtedPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland6/5/1962SLBI
infoCardamine hirsutaGB, VC17 Surrey, OxtedPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland6/5/1962SLBI
infoCarex contiguaGB, VC17 Surrey, RanmorePeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland20/7/1963SLBI
infoCarex contiguaGB, VC17 Surrey, Ranmore CommonPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland20/7/1963SLBI
infoCoronopus didymusGB, VC17 Surrey, Ranmore CommonPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland20/7/1963SLBI
infoTrifolium micranthumGB, VC17 Surrey, Ranmore CommonPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland20/7/1963SLBI
infoFallopia convolvulusGB, VC17 Surrey, SandersteadPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland29/7/1962SLBI
infoGaleopsis angustifoliaGB, VC17 Surrey, SandersteadPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland29/7/1962SLBI
infoPoterium sanguisorba subsp. balearicumGB, VC17 Surrey, SealePeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland27/5/1962SLBI
infoThlaspi arvenseGB, VC17 Surrey, SealeBeatrice DayPeter Charles Holland27/5/1962SLBI
infoValerianella eriocarpaGB, VC17 Surrey, SealeBeatrice DayPeter Charles Holland27/5/1962SLBI
infoRanunculus auricomusGB, VC17 Surrey, TandridgePeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland6/5/1962SLBI
infoRanunculus auricomusGB, VC17 Surrey, TandridgePeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland6/5/1962SLBI
infoEleocharis multicaulisGB, VC17 Surrey, Thursley CommonPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland19/7/1959SLBI
infoGalinsoga parvifloraGB, VC17 Surrey, Tulse HillPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland15/9/2000SLBI
infoUrtica piluliferaGB, VC17 Surrey, Wandsworth CultivatedAnne Beatrice Mary BrewisPeter Charles Holland9/1962SLBI
infoUrtica piluliferaGB, VC17 Surrey, WandsworthPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland7/10/1963SLBI
infoUrtica piluliferaGB, VC17 Surrey, WandsworthPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland7/10/1963SLBI
infoUrtica piluliferaGB, VC17 Surrey, WandsworthPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland7/10/1963SLBI
infoAtriplex patulaGB, VC17 Surrey, West ByfleetPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland30/7/1961SLBI
infoChenopodium glaucumGB, VC17 Surrey, West ByfleetPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland3/7/1961SLBI
infoChenopodium polyspermumGB, VC17 Surrey, West ByfleetPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland30/7/1961SLBI
infoEleogiton fluitansGB, VC17 Surrey, Wimbledon CommonPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland19/7/1958SLBI
infoJuncus squarrosusGB, VC17 Surrey, Wimbledon CommonPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland19/7/1958SLBI
infoOrnithopus perpusillusGB, VC17 Surrey, Wimbledon CommonPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland14/5/1958SLBI
infoLepidium heterophyllumGB, VC17 Surrey, WreccleshamPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland10/5/1964SLBI
infoCarex nigraGB, VC18 South Essex, BrentwoodPeter Charles HollandPeter Charles Holland11/7/1959SLBI

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