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Search results, herbarium specimens
Results 401 to 440 of 15925
infoAlisma plantago-aquaticaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Wicken LodeRichard Henry Yapp8/1906ABS
infoAlisma plantago-aquaticaGB, VC38 Warwickshire, RowingtonD A Perks5/9/1959ABS
infoAlisma plantago-aquaticaGB, VC41 Glamorganshire, CardiffJ E Rees14/9/1959ABS
infoAlisma plantago-aquaticaGB, VC41 Glamorganshire, Tongwynlais3/7/1957ABS
infoAlisma plantago-aquaticaGB, VC41 Glamorganshire, TrebanosPatricia Hudson18/7/1961ABS
infoAlisma plantago-aquaticaGB, VC41 Glamorganshire, Ty'n-y-caeauHoward Thomas12/8/1967ABS
infoAlisma plantago-aquaticaGB, VC46 Cardiganshire, Clarach ValleyWilliam Hunt Painter7/1908ABS
infoAlisma plantago-aquaticaGB, VC46 Cardiganshire, Cors Fochno7/9/1935ABS
infoAlisma plantago-aquaticaGB, VC63 South-west Yorkshire, Doncaster8/1875ABS
infoAlisma plantago-aquaticaGB, VC61,VC62,VC64, YorkDenis John CarrUniversity of Manchester7/1947ABS
infoAlisma plantago-aquaticaGB, East Yorkshire, YorkDenis John CarrUniversity of Manchester7/1947ABS
infoAlisma plantago-aquaticaGB, VC69 Westmorland, ConistonPhilip Scarborough King6/8/1884ABS
infoAlliaria petiolataGB, VC10 Isle of Wight, Arreton DownA J CooperA J Cooper8/4/1961ABS
infoAlliaria petiolataGB, VC14 East Sussex, Tarring NevilleHenry Haselfoot Haines4/1887ABS
infoAlliaria petiolataGB, VC17 Surrey, WisleyD A J Little11/5/1947ABS
infoAlliaria petiolataGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, CambridgeRichard Henry Yapp6/5/1898ABS
infoAlliaria petiolataGB, VC39 Staffordshire, Wetton,Wetton Mill5/1937ABS
infoAlliaria petiolataGB, VC41 Glamorganshire, Glyn-neathDavid A StaceyDavid A Stacey8/5/1961ABS
infoAlliaria petiolataGB, VC46 Cardiganshire, AberystwythR F UglowABS
infoAlliaria petiolataGB, VC46 Cardiganshire, LLanfarian, Nant LolwynM Hildred Bigwood4/1978ABS
infoAlliaria petiolataGB, VC55 LeicestershireA Beckett28/7/1961ABS
infoAlliaria petiolataGB, VC69 Westmorland, BarbonWilliam Hunt Painter5/1863ABS
infoAllium ampeloprasumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Eastern GreenD A J Little28/7/1949ABS
infoAllium carinatumGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, Bangor CultivatedJohn Edwards Griffith8/1886ABS
infoAllium oleraceumGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, HildershamAnthony Wallis
Richard Henry Yapp
infoAllium oleraceumGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, HildershamAnthony Wallis8/1901ABS
infoAllium oleraceumGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Clifton DownHenry Haselfoot Haines8/8/1930ABS
infoAllium oleraceumGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Settle3/9/1853ABS
infoAllium oleraceumGB, VC69 Westmorland, WindermereSophia Armitt7/1905ABS
infoAllium oleraceumGB, VC69 Westmorland, WindermereSophia Armitt7/1905ABS
infoAllium roseumGB, VC25 East Suffolk, SproughtonBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Edward Francis Linton
infoAllium schoenoprasumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, LizardWilliam Booth Waterfall6/1874ABS
infoAllium schoenoprasumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Lizard HeadJames Walter White23/6/1891ABS
infoAllium schoenoprasumGB, VC42 Breconshire, ErwoodSpencer Henry BickhamBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Chambre Corker Vigurs
Spencer Henry Bickham
infoAllium schoenoprasumGB, VC42 Breconshire, ErwoodWilliam Hunt Painter12/7/1899ABS
infoAllium schoenoprasumGB, VC42 Breconshire, ErwoodWilliam Hunt Painter12/7/1899ABS
infoAllium schoenoprasumGB, VC42,VC43, BoughroodM Hildred Bigwood5/7/1975ABS
infoAllium scorodoprasumGB, VC65 North-west Yorkshire, ThoralbyJames WardJohn Tatham7/1840ABS
infoAllium triquetrumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, TrescoD A J Little6/1963ABS
infoAllium triquetrumGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Guernsey2/6/1877ABS

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