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Search results, herbarium specimens
Results 841 to 880 of 15925
infoApera spica-ventiGB, VC26 West Suffolk, CavenhamLeslie John AudusLeslie John Audus7/1936ABS
infoApera spica-ventiGB, VC26 West Suffolk, CavenhamLeslie John Audus2/8/1935ABS
infoApera spica-ventiGB, VC28 West Norfolk, Breckland1936ABS
infoApera spica-ventiGB, VC52 AngleseyJ E Archer10/7/1963ABS
infoApera spica-ventiGB, VC63 South-west Yorkshire, DoncasterWilliam WestWilliam West
William Hunt Painter
infoAphanes arvensisGB, VC1 West Cornwall, MarazionABS
infoAphanes arvensisGB, VC1 West Cornwall, MarazionD A J Little26/5/1942ABS
infoAphanes arvensisGB, VC6 North Somerset, Brean DownRowena Mabel Ferguson6/5/1939ABS
infoAphanes arvensisGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Dernford FenRichard Henry Yapp26/5/1900ABS
infoAphanes arvensisGB, VC42 Breconshire, LlanwrtydWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter6/1901ABS
infoAphanes arvensisGB, VC46 Cardiganshire, BorthJohn P Savidge4/8/1964ABS
infoAphanes arvensisGB, VC47 Montgomeryshire, LlangurigJohn P Savidge5/8/1964ABS
infoAphanes arvensisGB, VC69 Westmorland, BarbonWilliam Hunt Painter9/1863ABS
infoApium graveolensWilliam Hunt PainterABS
infoApium graveolensWilliam Hunt PainterABS
infoApium graveolensWilliam Hunt PainterABS
infoApium graveolensGB, VC9 Dorset, RadipoleR8/1884ABS
infoApium graveolensGB, VC9 Dorset, Weymouth11/7/1865
infoApium graveolensGB, VC13 West Sussex, Heene, WorthingHenry Haselfoot Haines6/1886ABS
infoApium graveolensGB, VC26 West Suffolk, MildenhallRichard Henry Yapp16/7/1903ABS
infoApium graveolensGB, VC41 Glamorganshire, Rhossili29/6/1937ABS
infoApium graveolensGB, VC41 Glamorganshire, RhossiliLeslie John AudusLeslie John Audus29/6/1937ABS
infoApium graveolensGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, LlandudnoWilliam Hunt Painter7/1867ABS
infoApium graveolensGB, VC54 North Lincolnshire, WrangleM Hildred Bigwood9/1971ABS
infoApium graveolensGB, VC61 South-east Yorkshire, Hull1839ABS
infoApium graveolensGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, WhitbyJohn HaggerWilliam Hunt Painter8/1879ABS
infoApium inundatumGB, VC17 Surrey, Headley HeathD A J Little7/7/1947ABS
infoApium inundatumGB, Essex, EppingD A J Little15/6/1947ABS
infoApium inundatumGB, VC22,VC24, Great MarlowWilliam Hunt Painter7/1865ABS
infoApium inundatumGB, VC38 Warwickshire, MoseleyWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter10/1867ABS
infoApium inundatumGB, VC40 Shropshire, Gravenhunger MossJohn William Daltry1840ABS
infoApium inundatumGB, VC41 Glamorganshire, KenfigLeslie John Audus6/1937ABS
infoApium inundatumGB, VC41 Glamorganshire, Kenfig BurrowsLeslie John Audus17/6/1937ABS
infoApium inundatumGB, VC41 Glamorganshire, Mynydd y GlewLeslie John Audus5/1948ABS
infoApium inundatumGB, VC44 Carmarthenshire, Bishops PalaceM Hildred Bigwood10/1968ABS
infoApium inundatumGB, VC44 Carmarthenshire, CarmarthenM Hildred Bigwood10/1968ABS
infoApium inundatumGB, VC44 Carmarthenshire, CarmarthenM Hildred Bigwood10/1968ABS
infoApium inundatumGB, VC69 Westmorland, GrasmereSophia ArmittSophia Armitt7/1905ABS
infoApium inundatumGB, VC69 Westmorland, Grasmere LakeF7/1869ABS
infoApium inundatumGB, VC69 Westmorland, WindermereSophia ArmittSophia Armitt7/1905ABS

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Herbaria specimen data is the property of its contributing organisation. Please contact that organisation directly for information concerning conditions of use, copyright or any other enquiry.

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Searched in 2.769s